Sovereign Being

A Sovereign being
is the consummation
of the purity of All that is you
held within the chalice of your heart
as all the aspects of your GodSelf

A Sovereign being
is not a patchwork of
repeating other people’s words
following other people’s beliefs
or mimicking other people’s actions

A sovereign being
courageously steps away
from all they’ve been taught
no longer searching outside themselves
for what they know is within

A sovereign being
is in constant expansion
fully conscious with heart open wide
soft and yielding, flowing organically with life
without the need for boundaries

A Sovereign being
is bright in their radiance
content in their countenance
and at peace with
Who they Are.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Precious Human

My beloved human
do you not realize
how precious you are?

You think your self

You think your self
a sinner

You think your self
weak and ailing

You think your self

You think your self

All these things
you think
with your mind

When you go
beyond the mind
beyond thinking

What you will find
is the perfection of
a cherished human.

A precious human
that embodies all the divinity
of love, joy and compassion.

There is nothing
more precious than
being human.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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True to Who I Am

Who am I?

The one acting out
a persona projected upon me
by those around me.

The one playing the part
to maintain the status quo
to make others comfortable.

The one creating stories
to validate who I think
I should be.

The one fabricating excuses
when a simple “no thank you”
will do.

or . . .

Am I courageous enough
to step back from the drama
as the observer.

Am I courageous enough
to sit in the silence
no longer compelled to fill it.

Am I courageous enough
to surrender
all that others think I am.

Am I courageous enough
to simply be
true to Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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For many years
we’ve been speaking
spiritual words
spiritual concepts
spiritual teachings.

For many years
we’ve been seeking
we’ve been the students
we’ve been the teachers
we’ve become the gurus.

Oh my Beloveds,those years are past . . .

Mental jargon
only continues to
spin more tales
and add to the many tomes
of enlightenment.

A shift in consciousness
can only occur
when you dive deeply
into the frailties
of your humanness.

It requires you
to fully embody
the words
the concepts
the teachings.

What you will discover
is that the human
has never been frail
it is only the mind
that is frail.

What you will discover
by diving deeply
into the human experience
is the true knowing
of Who You Are.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall


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Fully Available

So many pieces of myself
I have given away
in hopes that others may feel loved
in hopes others may find happiness
in hopes others may feel safe and secure.

In the end, I was left bereft and empty
with nothing of myself remaining,
and yet it has helped them not
for in depending upon me
they too have lost themselves.

And now that I have reclaimed
all of who I Am
as a whole and sovereign being
I am fully available to others
as the example
of a unique expression of the Divine
living life to the fullest
that they too may find it in themselves.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratiitude to the Artist Kris Kamikakushi

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The Call for Love

Do you hear the call
the call of your human self
calling out for more Love?

You hear it
in the pain or illness of your body.

You heart it
in your fear of not being loved by another.

You hear it
in your angst about the world events.

You hear it
in the anger at not being heard.

You hear it
in the sadness of loss.

Sometimes the call
is a soft whisper barely noticeable.

Other times it’s roaring like a lion
rampant thoughts repeating in your head
a stab in the stomach
tears streaming down your face.

These are the calls asking for self Love
easily remedied when you gently
wrap your arms around your human self
whisper I Love You
and remember the truth of Who You Are
as the embodiment of Divine Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I awoke
smitten with the Love affair
that’s blossoming with my Self.

Enamored by the Love
that’s always present
ever flowing
never judging.

Infatuated with the Joy
that bubbles up from within
for no reason
other than I exist.

Enchanted by the Magic
that playfully
continues to awaken
new aspects of me.

Besotted with the flow
of everyday life
as I allow it
to have its way with me.

No longer caught up in the old adages
of a human style love affair
addled with requirements
and unrequited expectations.

Back in the arms of the Divine
sweet gentle embraced and content
crazy mad in Love with my Self
smitten in the knowing of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I Am Love

Human love with all its limitations
requires an exchange of love
I give you love
and consequently
I expect your love in return.

Divine Love is an energy
radiating from within my heart
ever present, ever expanding
without any need for
measurement, exchange, nor possession.

I AM Divine Love
therefore. . .
I have no need to give love
I have no need to receive love
I AM already Love.

You are Divine Love
therefore. . .
there is no need to give love
there is no need to receive love
You are already Love.

When I know myself as Love
You know yourself as Love,
We are free to Love fully
as Sovereign Beings
in Love with All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Shadows in Search of Love

Our lurking shadows are our wounded parts
“acting out” in search of Love.

Those shadows are a sacred part of us
isn’t it time to invite them into our heart space
to be nurtured with love and compassion
just like an innocent wounded child.

When we do, they revel in our love
and blossom into full radiant color
rather than continuing to “act out”
as the shadows of black and white.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Beyond the Human Perspective

It is never up to you to change another person

Consider how you feel
when someone wants to change you

However, we can change the relationship itself
by going beyond our limited human perspective

A sincere conversation
between our Higher Self
and the Higher Self of another
has the potential to expand
the consciousness of both
to create a new enlightened relationship
that bleeds over into all our relationships

BE the change you desire in another
and watch your whole world evolve
in ways you could never have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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