Step Away

By removing your human distractions
veils are spontaneously retracted
and you are able to see things
as they really are.

These veils have not been placed
by some unseen force
they are your own creation
by your self proclaimed beliefs.

Step away from the old beliefs
step away from the distractions
step away from other people’s judgement
step away from your own judgments.

Step away….
What you will find is the clarity
of your innate Self Knowing
the clarity that has always been here
obscured by your own false perceptions.

Step away. . .
Step away and Know your Self.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I AM the Chalice

I sat with Mother Mary
and Love flowed through my being
I sat with Yeshua
and forgiveness flooded my heart
I sat with Buddha
and peace was found in the stillness
I sat with Quan Yin
and compassion enveloped me
I sat with the Ancestors
and clarity ensued
I sat with Merlin
and magic sparkled within me
I sat with the Fae
and joy danced around me.

the Love of Mary
forgiveness of Yeshua
peace of Buddha
compassion of Quan Yin
clarity of my Ancestors
magic of Merlin
and the joy of the Fae.

There is no need
for me to seek for anything
outside of myself
when I remember
I AM the chalice of All-That-Is
and it is in the sharing of Who I AM
that I become a role model for others.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Sweet Gentle Cleansing

Sweet gentle cleansing
as the heart opens more fully
crystalline tear drops
flow down our faces
allowing us
to see Love
in all its forms
to hear Love
whisper in the breeze
to feel Love
in the depth of our being

Allow the tears
for they are
the sweet elixirs of Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Stand Firm

The collective unconscious
is bubbling to the surface
through the murky waters of the past
playing out through archetypical roles
and the bane of karmic characters
the curtain’s pulled back on the global stage
revealing our interconnections
in relationship with others
relationship with self
and relationship with the Divine.

Remain present in the now
with your golden gilded heart
as you observe the antiquated stage
refrain from engaging
in the timeworn past
as the murky bubbles
surface and pop
effortlessly dissolving
returning into the illusion
from once they came.

It is your Love of self
and your Love for humanity
that has stirred these mirky waters
no longer willing to live captive
to a past that continues to recycle
the density of the accumulating silt
from the fear of the unknown.
’Tis time to Love yourself
and to Love humanity
through the chaos and confusion.

You are the Love
You are the Clarity
You are the Divine catalyst
that stands firm in the midst of transition.
Be gentle with yourself
be kind to one another
knowing that . . .
within your heart space
a New Earth is shimmering
in the wake of the still waters that ensue.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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We are the “Dreamers”

In ancient times we sat in circle
warmed by the fire of our hearts
and our passion for a better world
for our children and our children’s children
weaving a web with Grandmother spider
through our circles of conscious dreaming.

Today the “Dreamers” still exist
maintaining those sacred circles
although we’re spread around the world
we’re consciously weaving
with the strands of the unseen
in glorious visions to behold.

We are the “Dreamers”
the elders, the ancients,
with many new born souls
joined by the fire in our hearts
weaving a new web of reality
based in Love and Enlightenment.

To those who are “Dreamers”
dreaming a new world into reality
I see You, I feel You
I believe in You, and I honor you
I thank you for your commitment
to be in Sacred Service for all of humanity
with the birthing of our New Earth.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the artist Simone McLeod

The Self you’ve yet to Know

There’s more of You
knocking at the door
of your heart
but you can’t hear it
if you’re constantly
dialing in to the old stations
with the speakers of your mind
turned up full blast.

Switch it all off
get still and listen
to the gentle beating of your heart
the rhythm of your breath
the essence of your inner being
and your soul’s calling
all of you Home
to the Self you’ve yet to know.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Drink Deeply of the Elixirs of Life

You are a Star Being with infinite gifts to share
the Universe does not serve a single course meal
for which you have no choice
the Universe serves up feasts of infinite delicacies
and pours sparkling wine from which to imbibe.

You are the Universe
You are the guest of honor
take your place
unwrap your gifts
and drink deeply
of the elixirs of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Expanding Realities

As our conscious awareness
of the totality
of Who We Are expands
our conscious awareness
of reality expands

Those who have eyes, let them see
those who have ears, let them hear

With an open heart and mind
expanding realities
are no longer earth bound
by the limitations
of the human mind

The awareness of our true GodSelf
expands with the realization
of experiencing simultaneous
multi dimensional realities.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Eternal Peace

Those who have eyes
let them see,
let them see
with the eyes the Divine

Those who have ears
let them hear,
let them hear
with the ears the Divine

The Divine sees everything
hears everything
with the purity
of Love

There is no judgment
there is only a Knowing
that All Is Well
in All of Creation

Be the eyes of the Divine
Be the ears of the Divine
and live in the Knowing
that All Is Well

Therein lies your Peace
the eternal Peace
with All That Is . . .

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Beyond the Human Perspective

It is never up to you to change another person

Consider how you feel
when someone wants to change you

However, we can change the relationship itself
by going beyond our limited human perspective

A sincere conversation
between our Higher Self
and the Higher Self of another
has the potential to expand
the consciousness of both
to create a new enlightened relationship
that bleeds over into all our relationships

BE the change you desire in another
and watch your whole world evolve
in ways you could never have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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