Soul’s Passion

Courage is the Soul’s passion
to be fully present
with the unknown

For it is in the unknown
that all potentials await
rather than continuing
to repeat that which
has already been lived.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Free as a Child

A child is content
to build castles in the sand
knowing they will be washed away
with the next tide,
then returns the following day
to build another
ever more glorious castle.

The wisdom of our own inner child
knows that what it builds today
need not be grasped onto
need not be protected
need not be entombed,
simply lived to the fullest
in this joyous moment.

Ah, to be the child
with our dreams and creations
enjoying them to the fullest
with playful delight
in this present moment
then allowing them to return
to the infinite sea of creation.

Ah, to be the child again
living life
joyously, freely, openly
knowing we are infinite beings.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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You Are Here

As your old stories come to closure
the path behind you becomes insignificant
making space for new unanticipated outcomes

It doesn’t matter how you got here
you are here and your radiance shines brightly
knowing all is well in all of creation.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Takaki

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Being Fully Present

Memory loss
can be a two edged sword.

One edge cutting away
all that’s no longer desired
all that no longer resonates with
my new expanded consciousness

The other edge is cutting away
daily routines and mindless habits
along with lifetime friends and family
in support of the old memories

One we judge as advantageous
the other disruptive
and yet. . .
are they not both of value?

For both force us to be
fully present in the now moment
where antiquated
memory, habits, and beliefs
are no longer running our lives.

So next time my mind blanks out
forgetting what I was doing
I have to ask:
Was it even important?

If not, it will simply
disappear from my life
allowing space for
something new and more vital

And if it’s important
it will cycle back around
and be fully present with me
at the exact appropriate moment. 

Therefore I can be at peace
with the perfect flow of life
knowing this moment
is the only one that matters.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist – Jan Betts, ‘Sacredness’

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Beyond Intent

By setting an intention
the mind is immediately
drawn into action
scanning against all that has been
rather than drawing
upon infinite potentials.

Therefore. . .
Instead of setting an intent
and engaging the mind
I take a deep breath
and sink deeply
into my GodSelf
asking . . .

Show me
more of who I am
show me the magic
show me all
I have yet to discover

to BE
free of
the mind’s limitations
the old programs
and society’s constructs

to go beyond
that which
I have ever known
into the depth of myself
to excite my passion.

I do not know
what this looks like
for how could I
when it is beyond
the mind’s imagination.

However, I do know
what it feels like to create
via the purity of my GodSelf
it feels like Home.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Each Moment, it’s own Unique Experience

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the mind lets go of the past
and opens to infinite potentials.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the old stories dissolve
and the heart opens more fully.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the beauty of life reveals itself
in new and vibrant ways.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
you are in the flow of grace
with all that Source has to offer.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
you realize yourself as Divine
at one with All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Revealing our Gifts

Everyone is Gifted
each with our own uniqueness.

Many gifts await our opening
spontaneously unwrapped
when we step away from
the daily distractions
and the ties that bind them.

When we pause in the moment
to search our hearts
gifts present themselves
changing our lives in ways
we could not have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Life’s Unseen Gifts

Speak not what others think
rather know the truth of Self

Think not of events of the past
rather be in the present moment

Worry not of things to come
rather trust that all is well

Not only trust in that which is seen
rather contemplate the mystery

For life holds gifts
beyond your awareness
and you can only receive them
with an open heart and mind.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Anchoring New Foundations

Now that we have shed
our old human skins of protection
Mama Gaia is moving us
through new expansive gateways.

All that’s required
is that we be fully present
in the Here and Now
allowing our Divine Intelligence
to lead the way
as we anchor
the new foundations
of Heaven on Earth.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Creating without Limitation

Are you willing to
go beyond all limitations
the limitations
of your own creation
as the character
from stories long gone
from a life that no longer exists

As a conscious creator
you are free of all limitations
allowing you to walk
out of the old stories
closing the chapters of the old book
to script new stories
in every new moment

The master creator knows
this moment is the only reality
with infinite energy available
to fulfill our every desire.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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