Immeasurable Joy

You can’t measure Joy

As soon as you attempt to do so
you dilute it
by measuring it
against someone
or something else.

Joy has many variations
it can be experienced
as a soft warm glow in your heart
a waltz through a field of fragrant wildflowers
or a passionate explosion of life.

But no matter the experience
Joy is Joy
whole and complete unto itself.

You will not find joy
outside of yourself
you will only find it within you
because. . .

Joy is who you are
as a sacred aspect of your Divinity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“


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Seed of Passion

If you pull up a plant
by the roots,
the plant dies.

But if you very gently
push the soil away
until you discover the roots . . .

what you will find
is the seed of passion
that birthed the plant
the ardor for life
the vigor to thrive
the joy to blossom
the zeal to bear fruit.

lies in the seed
of the plant
and in the heart
of the child within.

Be gentle
with the seed
for therein lies your
ardor for life
vigor to thrive
joy to blossom
and zeal to bear fruit.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Gift of Emptiness

What I once perceived
as loneliness
is the gift of emptiness.

For here, in the emptiness
the mind has gone quiet
free of its machinations.

It is within this emptiness
there are no boundaries
no need for protection.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
intimate with my human self.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
fully present with my GodSelf.

Here in this emptiness
I finally know and realize
All of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Sovereign Being

A Sovereign being
is the consummation
of the purity of All that is you
held within the chalice of your heart
as all the aspects of your GodSelf

A Sovereign being
is not a patchwork of
repeating other people’s words
following other people’s beliefs
or mimicking other people’s actions

A sovereign being
courageously steps away
from all they’ve been taught
no longer searching outside themselves
for what they know is within

A sovereign being
is in constant expansion
fully conscious with heart open wide
soft and yielding, flowing organically with life
without the need for boundaries

A Sovereign being
is bright in their radiance
content in their countenance
and at peace with
Who they Are.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Soul Speaks without Words

The Soul speaks without words . . .

why does spirituality
feel the need to explain itself
with so much mental jargon
so many verbal teachings
so many affirmations
so many incantations
so many words
so much noise

that it drowns out the Soul.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Freeing the Shadows

My beautiful human
who has finally discovered
the light within
that has always been.

Why do you continue
to search out your shadows
to expose them
to heal the wounds?

Do you not realize
there are only shadows
when you live by the light
that shines from outside you?

There are no shadows
from the Light within
there are no shadows
within the Divine.

Now that you have
unveiled the Light within
isn’t it time to live again
to live fully again?

The Divine is excited
to be shining its Light
through your humanness
dispelling all shadows.

The Divine is excited
to enliven your life
to live, to love
and to play as a human.

The Divine is excited
to live the joy of life!

It’s time human
it’s time to fully live!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Calling Forth the Soul

When you call forth your Soul
you have also called forth
the eternal Wisdom of the Divine.

The Soul will not be content
to allow you to tuck it away
because it does not fit the persona
you have created for yourself
or the world that surrounds you.

The Wisdom of the Soul
will unerringly filter into your life
smoothing your path with ease and grace
or it will create havoc with your persona
who is unwilling to let go.

Your Soul will disrupt you
’til you embrace it’s divine wisdom
or haunt you until your death.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Nancy Noel

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Guidance of the Heart

The more expanded
our consciousness becomes
the more sensitive we become
to our physical environment
to other people
to our emotional reactions
to everything!

Go deep within
where truth and peace abide
here you will find
feelings differ from emotions
feelings are our heart messengers
whereas emotions are
the mental interpretation of them.

So before you engage
with the external world
I ask you,
Do your feelings really need
an intellectual interpretation?
Or can you simply
follow the guidance of your heart
beyond intellect
beyond explanation
and beyond words.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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My Reality

I love that we can be
anywhere we choose
and sensually enjoy
every morsel of life
from right here
in this moment.

There are worlds
upon worlds
to be explored
from within
our own imagination.

One is no more real
then the other.
All are as real
and sensual
as we choose
to make them.

These realities
are our new creations
just as we choose them to be!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.