Meet the new You

The current energies
are spinning our cells
like little mini centrifuges
spinning off the density
purging the dross
activating our latent DNA
and illuminating the core
of Who We Are

Breathe deeply
allowing the body’s
innate wisdom
to find a new balance
from which to expand

Therein you will meet a new You
the YOU who has been hidden within
awaiting this divine moment
the YOU who is now emerging
from a deep sleep
the YOU who is the embodiment
of the Divine

Take a deep breath
and meet
the New YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Trusting the Divine Plan

What a Divine Plan
we put in motion eons ago
as this cycle draws to a close
with new planetary alignments
increasing vibrational frequencies
dissolving veils and
expanding consciousness.

The physical body
is also part of this Divine plan
as we organically transform
into new energy bodies
activating our latent DNA
while spinning off
antiquated genetic templates.

Trust the Divine plan
trust your physical body
resting in the knowing
there is nothing more
for you to do
for Divine wisdom
supersedes the human mind.

This is your sacred gift
from your GodSelf
to your human self
offered with Love
and the honoring
of Who You Are.

Receive with Gratitude.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Blissfully Serene

I awoke feeling
the flow of Source
flowing through me
totally unimpeded
as the vibration
of my physical body
expands to match it
without resistance
simply flowing
my mind floating
blissfully serene.

In this moment I Am
free of the chatter of the mind
free of the needs of the human
free of the pull to be more
free of the desire of others
free of the the things
that provide temporary
artificial joy

I Am free to be my Self
as a blank canvas
in every moment
to create and express
without any attachment
to the outcome
for I know
the perfection
of Who I AM.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Relax into the Mother

What if . . .
instead of giving birth, we are the ones being birthed.

What if . . .
instead of going through the birthing pains,
we are in the womb floating in the embryonic fluid
being fed and nurtured by the Mother.

What if . . .
the birthing pains have subsided
because we have already given birth
to the new world into which we shall be emerging.

What if . . .
everything we have ever desired
is patiently awaiting our birth
in this new world of infinite miracles.

Would you induce your labor to hurry the process?

Or . . . would you relax into the Mother
allowing yourself to be fed and nurtured
as every cell thrives in this perfect environment
until fully vibrant as your crystalline LightBody?
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Collin Elder

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Cellular Transformation

Cellular transformation is happening at warp speed!!
We do not need to understand how
we are simply feeling it.

Release the old beliefs
allow your mind to catch up
with the evolution of your cells.

Breathe, relax
sink into ease and grace
Allow the process.

Listen as your cells are singing
dancing with excitement…
finally getting to live in JOY!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Attune to Well-being

Well-being is our birthright
our physical body is totally benevolent
the body does not harbor disease
the body does not create disease
the body does not inherit disease

Dis-ease is self created
when our body mind spirit
slip out of its natural innate balance . . . .

By taking on burdens
that are not ours to carry

By battling illusive forces
carried with us from the past

By engaging in old habits
that are no longer in service to us

By feeding on outside energies
rather than our own pure sovereign energy

By allowing the gravity of thought
to override our heart’s Knowing

It is up to us to consciously
remain attuned to our well-being
by allowing the balance of our body mind spirit
to evolve in harmony with our Divinity
as we continually expand and grow
to manifest our perfect health
and ability to thrive.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Grand Love Affair within Your Body

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
every cell is in love with every other cell,
nurturing and supporting each other.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell appreciates each and every cell
for its contribution to the whole.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is regenerating with infinite intelligence
beyond the scope of the human mind.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is enlivened and thrives with the crystalline light
generated by your GodSelf.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is transforming from third dimensional matter
into multidimensional matter.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is aroused and dancing
into a love induced state of ecstasy.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
and you have been given an engraved invitation
to love and embrace your body
as the Grand Orgasm of the Divine.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Helen Nelson Reed

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Sanctuary of your LightBody

When the road feels bumpy
when your emotions are overwhelming
when the energies are in flux
your old response was to leave the body
flying off into the astral planes
to escape that which felt unsafe.

But times have changed, Beloved human
Now that you have activated your LightBody
it has become your sacred haven.

When the world has gone crazy
and life becomes overwhelming
with emotions running rampant
take a long deep breath and
sync into the loving arms of your Divinity
deep into the sanctuary of your physical body.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard
~message from my inner wisdom~
Gratitude for the artwork by Victor Nizovtsev

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Rejuvenation is your Divine Birthright

This is a time of extraordinary evolution
our consciousness is expanding so quickly
our mind’s usual default mechanism
is no longer dependable.

Our physical body’s
customary processes are breaking down
as we expand beyond the old frequencies.

Your newly acquired LightBody
functions in this now moment
self-generating its own energy
automatically realigning with
expanding multidimensional vibrations
no longer requiring energy to be broken down
and stored in reserve.

The antiquated program
for physical degeneration
is no longer a necessary component of life.

All that’s necessary
to thrive with your LightBody
are a few moments a day
to consciously align with the vibration
of the newly expanded version of you
as a multidimensional Divine Being
rather than defaulting to the limited version
that has been handed down through the ages.

Rejuvenation is your Divine birthright
tune into your heart-space
breathe deeply
sync up with your GodSelf
and allow the LightBody
to do what it knows how to do.

Then remember to
walk with a skip in your step
for ‘tis Joy that fuels the life you are here to live.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Wellspring of Divine Love

An eternal wellspring of Love
flows through your body
constantly feeding
nurturing and
rejuvenating your cells.

There is no need to suffer
no need to diminish
no need for dis-ease
those are human concepts
created by the mind.

and evolving
are at the root
of our Divine blueprint

For we are all
Beings of the Universe.

Allow your mind to be filled
with the wellspring of Divine Love
overflowing to each and every cell
therein lies your healing
your thriving and your JOY.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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