Parameters of Reality

As we expand our consciousness
everything begins to feel surreal
because there is no grasp
of where one reality begins or ends

There is no delineation between realities
nor any parameters of reality
because separation is
an illusion of the mind.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Quantum Energies

By releasing the limitations of duality
we’re creating in new exciting ways

Quantum energies don’t respond
to mental manipulation and control
they respond to the desires of the heart
and the ease of allowing

And now the surprise party begins
because the ensuing results will be
beyond our human’s expectations
or the ability to imagine

So keep your mind open
for the sublime magic of new realities.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Expanded Consciousness


The more my consciousness
expands with the desire
to know all of who I Am
the more sensitive I become

As ancient walls
of protection dissolve
I feel raw and exposed
vulnerable and unsafe

I feel hypersensitive
bombarded by so much
inconsequential energy
and excessive noise

My human self calls out
to shrink back behind
the walls of protection
that no longer exist

Meanwhile, my Soul is savoring
newly discovered delights
from my pallet of passion
which has felt void for far too long

Overwhelmed by it all
we have forgotten
that expanded consciousness
comes with it’s own innate gifts

Consciousness gifts us
with the ability to choose
to filter out the noise and distractions
of the discomforts and sensitivities

By simply choosing
my own point of consciousness
in every given moment
I Am free and secure

No longer living
in a world void of life
my consciousness offers
sensual delights

The old facades fade away
juicy centers are exposed
my passion runs deep
and my joy bubbles forth

’Tis the gift of expanded consciousness
that returns me to the fullness of life
exposes my juicy sensual passion
and the knowing of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork Dawn’s Delight by Willow Arleana

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For many eras
we have been living in
a world of linear timelines
a world of duality
a world of separation

And now the tides are shifting to
transcend linearity
transcend duality
transcend separation

opens our hearts and minds
expanding our consciousness
to the awareness of All That Is

is living multidimensionally
with its infinite possibilities
when there appear to be none

enlivens us
with the rhapsody of life
in all of its glorious forms.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Fertility of Life

I delight in making
castles in the sand
because with each
turning of the tide
they are swept away
creating a clear space
for the birthing of
brand new creations

Just like quantum reality
where we create anew
in each divine moment
leaving nothing of old
for the mind to attach

Herein lives
our total freedom
our sovereignty
and the ever expanding
fertility of life!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Open to your Inner Voice

The Inner Voice you hear is YOU
the totality of you.
All the guides and angels,
those who you think you channel,
they are all you.

They have always been within you
awaiting your recognition,
they have never been outside you.
They are not better than you
smarter than you
more holy than you.

How can they be,
for they are all aspects of You
the expanded you
who is able to see a bigger picture
from a more expanded consciousness.

It is you,
the one siting here reading this
who is able to “feel”
and “experience” this totality.
It is you,
the one sitting here,
that is initiating this expansion.

It is your heart’s desire
that brings it all into reality,
it is your illustrious physicality
that brings everything to life,
and it is your consciousness
that continues to expand
as guides, as angels, as faeries,
all cocreators
all bearing your name.

Once you become fully present
opening the door within your heart space
you will find them all
awaiting you as the Inner Voice
of your GodSelf.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Sovereign Bubble of Creation

In my sovereign bubble of creation
floating aloft on new earth
tending the ancient sacred seeds
brought with me into this lifetime
allowing them to absorb
the nutrients of Love and Joy
generating from within my heart
nurturing them daily
free of external stimulus
that has long attempted to stymie them.

I feel them stirring
preparing to crack the casings
that have held them safe
until their time has come
to push through the compost
bursting forth to the light
to unfold their precious leaves
don their glorious blossoms
in dancing multidimensional colors
and offer their bountiful fruits.

It takes a sovereign being
to carry these ancient seeds
to protect them from hungry eyes
to not lose them among the throngs
of excessive mental activity
amidst the crowds of overactive humans
doing senseless things
attempting to overpower one another
without a care for others
without a care for the planet.

The old earth had no place
for these exotic creations
for they would have been squelched
and tread upon by those
who thought themselves
in control of creation
but man has no control over nature
earth continues to evolve
no matter what humanity may think
She is in control.

In my sovereign bubble of creation
floating aloft on new earth
Gaia opens her ams to me
inviting me into her most secret places
yet unseen by human eyes
enfolding my seeds within her heart
purring with sweet love songs
no longer lullabies to keep them safe
rather new vibrations to awaken and thrive
with vibrant new colors, new scents, new joy
new creations never seen or experienced before.

It is time. . .
New Earth has awakened
in my sovereign bubble
no longer aloft . . . I AM Creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Expressing as You

All creation
originates beyond
your perceived
time and space.

Your inability
to see it
doesn’t make it
any less real.

You are a Divine
multidimensional being
living simultaneously
in multiple realms.

The expanded being
expressing as You
is joyfully creating
within those realms.

Your strokes of color
and splashes of song
are brought to life
in festive new playgrounds.

If you expand your vision
you will see
the expression of you
in illustrious grand creations.

Because, You are
and always have been
a Master Creator.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Courageous Exploration

Exploring new playgrounds
in a parallel world
floating in and out
of cohesive consciousness

The old world
and its teachings
which have graciously
brought us to this point
no longer register

Per my mind
I am living in the unknown

Per my GodSelf
all is fully Known

There is no going back
there is only a
courageous exploration
of the expanded
Presence of Now

Although my mind
is challenged
it has a deep desire to play
in a whole new way
it has yet to comprehend

Therefore, you will find me
exploring the expansion
of this present moment
with a song in my heart
and bells on my toes.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Expanded Realization

Experiencing expanded realization
seeing things not seen before
hearing in ways not heard before
understanding things not understood before
realizing things not realized before

Our truth is not revealed
until we have been prepared
and made ready for it
providing us peace of mind
to allow these transitions
to flow with ease and grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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