Flow with Life

Letting go is effortless
for it is the natural flow of life
that everything changes
from breath to breath
from moment to moment.

So why is it
that humans feel the need
to continually relive the past
to hold onto people so tightly
to grasp things that no longer serve.

It is the holding on
that requires effort
that usurps our energy
that causes us pain
when life needs to flow.

When we flow with life
when we allow the innate changes
when we trust our Divinity
the past holds no power over us
the pain and suffering cease.

For the Divine is always
in service to us
supporting our every need
orchestrating our deepest desires
beyond our human capacity
with ease and grace.

Do you Trust?
Can you Allow?
Can you flow with life?
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Dance with All That Is

Dance with earth
feet on the ground
Dance with the stars
leaping high
Dance with your heart
where the two entwine
Dance with
all that is.

It is with dance
that we pray
It is with dance
we insight energy
It is with dance
we create
It is with dance
we come into sacred unity.

Dance with your body
Dance with your soul
Dance with All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Clarion Call of the Elementals

We are the Elementals
of fire water earth and air
we come to you with this message:

We come to you now
with compassion for the human race
we come with open hearts
to teach, educate and remind you
of that which you have forgotten . . .
without us
life will cease.

As fire we are the sun
that provides light
keeps you warm
and stimulates growth.

As water
we are the blood
that flows through the veins
of your body and planet.

As earth
we are the ground
upon which you walk
that sprouts your food.

As air
we are the breath of life
delivering oxygen
to the cells of your body.

We are the elements of life
your life
never separate from you
never separate from each other
unless you deem us so
through your neglect and
attempts to over power nature.

WE are sending out a clarion call
calling you together as family
calling you together in love
for the survival of this planet
for the survival of humanity.

We share with you this one simple solution:

Look upon the sun with appreciation
for its infinite warmth and light
Bless your waters with gratitude
for its life giving flow
Walk upon the earth with respect
for providing nurturance for your body
Breath the air with reverence
for its eternal life force.

Your consciousness and participation
with all of life
is being called forth
come play with us
come dance with us
come create with us
to return life to its innate balance
and harmonious environment
to restore the health of this planet
to restore the health of your physical bodies
to restore and thrive.

Come play, Come dance, Come Create
for we await you with joyful open arms
to restore your Garden of Eden
and create a New Earth!!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Vin d’Amour

No one pours new wine into old wineskins
otherwise the wine will burst the skins
and both the wine and the skins will be destroyed

We are here to create new wineskins
as we harvest a new season of grapes
as they mature into their very finest essence

We are here to pour new Vin d’Amour
into the empty chalices of those who come
in askance of the Love we have to offer

WE are the grapes, the wineskins
and the Wine of Love
in service to all by the choices we make.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Center of your Reality

Ripples in the pond always circle
from the center outward

Observing nature we notice
the circles do not create
nor support the center
the center always
creates the circles
that ripple outward

Your consciousness
is the zero point
creating your reality from
the center of your being
allowing the ripples
to circle out into the world

As your reality
ripples outward
it may overlap
with the realities of
family, friends, and community
but your reality always remains
unique and sovereign to you.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Magick is Afoot

On All Hallow’s Eve
Magick is afoot
the veils are thin . . .

Go beyond
time and space
to realize your

Connect with
your loved ones
your star family
the angelic realms
who are closer than ever
share the love
and connection of oneness.

Connect with
your super powers
in alignment with Source
your inner knowing
sacred prayer
divine spell casting
with the power of your word.

Connect with
the sentience
of our Earth Mother
the Elementals
animal medicine
tall standing rooted ones
ancient crystalline rock beings.

Connect with
the Fae in their mystical realms
awaiting your acknowledgment
to teach you how to thrive
with the magic of nature
the flow of life
in its magnificent joy.

Connect with
all the energies
that are at your fingertips
awaiting your command
as co-creators
for you are one
with All That Is.

Now that you have made these connections
remain fully conscious
with the magic of life itself
and never wander astray.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Beyond the Human Mind

The New Earth is not a thinking earth
it does not think its way into creation
it has been here in your midst all along
constantly expanding and creating
with Divine intelligence
inspired by your heart’s desires.

Many speak of being vs doing
however, doing is not the issue
the earth is active with doing
present with all that is
constantly evolving
without the need to think.

The earth is not clouded over
by a mind intent on understanding
for it has an innate knowing,
it is the New Human, the Divine Human
willing to go beyond the mind
that is experiencing what has always been.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Innate Balance of Life

’Tis the day of the Equinox
when everything
is in perfect balance,
pure and simple.

’Tis the way of life
that everything
always returns
to its intrinsic balance.

’Tis only our egoic
need to control things
that interferes with
the innate balance of life.

’Tis the longing of our soul
to take a deep breath
set aside egoic needs
and flow with the universe.

’Tis time to realign
with our innate knowing
and allow life to evolve
in perfect harmony.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Laura Elliott

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Expanded Awareness

Awakening to a more Expanded Awareness
feeling and seeing
an abundance of multi-dimensional overlays in nature,
intermingled with a sense of serenity
with the knowing that all is in Divine Order.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥
gratitude to the unknown artist

I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Spiral of Life


Life is a spiral
of magical proportions
and we have a choice. . .

to follow the masses
in their linear path
of working hard
to achieve success

or to engage with
the magic of creation
which has no need
to measure success

For the spiral of life
is enlivened by
every magical
moment of creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Laura Zollar

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.