Dance with the Soul

Our physical body
is the vehicle
through which
the Soul
experiences life

For the Soul
every experience
is a sacred gift
free of judgment
free of bounds
for the simple joy of life

The human self
often sees itself
as unworthy
whereas the Soul
honors the human
as its sacred partner

Can you see your self
through the eyes
of the soul
whole and perfect
in every way?

Can you free your self
of the human bounds
to dance
with the Soul
in carefree abandon?


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Lost in Passion

Lost in an afternoon
of the passion
of listening to
Spanish guitar music

When I opened my eyes
it was dark outside
and I took that passion
into my dreamtime .  . . .
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Expanded Consciousness


The more my consciousness
expands with the desire
to know all of who I Am
the more sensitive I become

As ancient walls
of protection dissolve
I feel raw and exposed
vulnerable and unsafe

I feel hypersensitive
bombarded by so much
inconsequential energy
and excessive noise

My human self calls out
to shrink back behind
the walls of protection
that no longer exist

Meanwhile, my Soul is savoring
newly discovered delights
from my pallet of passion
which has felt void for far too long

Overwhelmed by it all
we have forgotten
that expanded consciousness
comes with it’s own innate gifts

Consciousness gifts us
with the ability to choose
to filter out the noise and distractions
of the discomforts and sensitivities

By simply choosing
my own point of consciousness
in every given moment
I Am free and secure

No longer living
in a world void of life
my consciousness offers
sensual delights

The old facades fade away
juicy centers are exposed
my passion runs deep
and my joy bubbles forth

’Tis the gift of expanded consciousness
that returns me to the fullness of life
exposes my juicy sensual passion
and the knowing of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork Dawn’s Delight by Willow Arleana

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Seeds of Creation

You harbor the seeds of creation
within you, awaiting your soul’s passion
to stimulate their blossoming

They can not be manipulated
to bloom before their time
nor controlled by external forces

For these seeds have a life of their own
with energy in service to their innate design
from within your already created reality

’Tis the passion of your soul that whispers
Now. . . now is the time to burst forth
from your brilliant ineffable glory.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Consummating our Sovereignty



Introducing Volume V of “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
Consummating our Sovereignty

Just as lovers merge to consummate their relationship, our Soul is calling forth the consummation of all our fragmented human aspects into sovereignty as our GodSelf. Through eons of life experiences, these aspects, both dark and light, have expanded our conscious ability to experience and embody our Divinity. This unique lifetime on earth is initiating our freedom from the former bonds of duality by revealing, healing, and integrating all our fragments into wholeness. It is the integration of all these aspects that consummate our sovereignty within the pure vibration of Love.

Chapter Titles:
Recognizing our aspects
Being Present

With the self realization of our sovereignty as our GodSelf, we return peace and balance to our present-day world from within the depths of our hearts, free to create anew.

“Consummating our Sovereignty”
available in paperback and ebook

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When I Go Within

When I go within
I experience
a glittering ballroom
with enchanting music
inviting me to create
a whole new
series of dance steps
to express more of
Who I Am Becoming
with each and every moment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Always Here

It is here
my joy and
my passion

It is always here

Even when
it feels like
the world
around me
has gone

Even when
it is buried
old memories
that threaten
to diminish it

Even when
attempt to
pull me
into their
personal dramas

It is always here

With one deep breath
one gentle exhalation
I sync into
the depth of me
where my
Joy and Passion
continue to
bubble forth
with the simple
of Who I AM.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Life Choices

Many of your life choices
were orchestrated by your Soul
before you incarnated
per the wisdom amassed
throughout all your lifetimes

Thus, you may consider
some aspects of your life
as preordained
but you live in a world of free will
therefore you always have choice

Your Soul is constantly
distilling and enfolding
all your wisdom
lovingly guiding you
via this accumulated inner wisdom

Your passion for life
is entwined with
your inner wisdom
and your joy expands
with your ability to flow with it

So, why would you not
choose to Trust your Soul.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Poetry for Embodied Enlightenment


Introducing the poetry series

Wisdom of the Inner Voice
Poetry for Enlightened Embodiment

“Wisdom of the Inner Voice” poetry takes you on a Soul journey deep into your heart. These poetic words are supportive of expanding consciousness and opening minds to discover your innate passion as we awaken to the realization of the totality of who we are as multidimensional beings creating a whole new paradigm in which to live and thrive.

The “Wisdom of the Inner Voice” is present within each of us. It whispers to us as the soul distills each of our experiences into pure wisdom, free of judgment, timelines, and our human conceived stories. It has become my practice to listen to the Wisdom of the Inner Voice and record these words in the form of poetry. I share these words as a sacred gift of ease and grace during this unprecedented passage of transition as we realize ourselves as Divine Humans. I invite you to allow these words to sink into your heart to awaken and initiate your own soul song as the Wisdom of your Inner Voice.


Etudes of Love
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume I

Realizing our Divinity
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume II

Labyrinth of Enlightenment
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume III

Embodied Transformation
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume IV

Consummating our Sovereignty
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume V

Living the Passion of your Soul
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VI

Emergence of the Dream
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VII

Masters of Creation
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VIII

Lighting the Way
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume IX

These poetry books are best experienced in sequence to enhance your inner journey of Self realization and discover your own unique Inner Voice. Although each book stands alone, reading them sequentially will expand your consciousness by building upon your personal experiences of the prior volumes.


Wisdom of the Inner Voice poetry series

available for purchase in ebook and paperback


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Dance of Life

Life is a dance
with the rhythm and flow
of the song of your Soul

Every lift of the foot
a pause
a mini death

Every new step
spurring you into
expanded awareness

Guiding you ever forward
to live life more grandly
than you ever have before.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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