Love is Who I Am

Beaming . . . Glowing. . . Loving. . .
This is what my heart is doing…. all the time

Although life’s circumstances may not always feel aglow
my Heart continues to Glow
beaming Love without any effort from me
I Glow because Love is Who I Am.

During those times when life feels asunder
I surrender to my heart
I trust that my heart will never lead me astray
I Love because Love is Who I Am.

Take a moment and breathe this in
Ahhhhhh yes. . . . there you are
fully aligned with your heart’s glow
fully aligned with your angelic family
fully aligned with the Love that You Are.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Welcome to the Renaissance

Welcome to the Renaissance
the evolution of humanity
the transcendence of duality
the reemergence of the Divine.

In order to transcend duality
we realize everything that presents itself
serves a divine purpose
for our awakening.

old wounds are surfacing
for compassionate healing

ingrained habits questioned
to break out of old molds

antiquated beliefs examined
to create new systems

all stirring up life
as we’ve known it

all for our observation
free of right or wrong

no need to defend
no need to fix anything

This Renaissance is calling forth
loving compassionate hearts 
for all who are in turmoil

the renewal of faith and trust
in the goodness of one another

open minds to the genesis
of new potentials

the honoring of each other’s
sacred individual soul journeys

and most of all. . .
the reawakening
of the Divine in each of us.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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gratitude to the artist: Birth of Venus by Botticelli

Tune into the Magick

There is Magick afoot !!!
Take a few moments and feel into the energy…
the Universe is swirling everything
you’ve ever dreamed to you

Are you open to receive it?
Or are you distracted by the incessant chaos
with your mind’s need to know all the answers
with its attempt to control the outcome?

Relax and tune into the Magick
where all the questions
have already been answered
from the eternal benevolence of the Universe.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Trust your Inner Being

You are being called to trust
in a way you have never had to before
to go deeply within
no matter what you think you see
no matter what your mind wants you to believe
put all doubt aside and anchor into your heart
where you are fully supported.

There will be times during these transitions
when you need to trust and surrender to your Inner Being
even if you do not know what that is in this moment
you are being asked
to be strong in your convictions
unwavering in your Love
and at Peace with who you know yourself to be.

Remember that your GodSelf will never take you asunder
everything is always evolving for a higher purpose
you are here in divine service
as an instrument of Love and Peace
rest assured all is well
because the Universe only knows the Joy of benevolence
and You are the beneficiary.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Trust the Soul

The soul knows Love
in a way the human does not
the soul is always full
whereas the human in never satiated
constantly hungry for more.

You are in a human body
to embody Divine Love
to realize the sultry intimacies
and savor all the flavors
that only the soul can provide.

There will always be
new playgrounds and
infinite opportunities to explore
as the human continues
to expand in divine Love.

The soul will never lead you astray
at times it will take you by the hand
and lead you into the fray
intent on teaching you to open your heart
and accept everything that presents itself
as an opportunity to Love.

Trust the soul
Trust Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Robby Donaghey

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Innate Balance of Life

’Tis the day of the Equinox
when everything
is in perfect balance,
pure and simple.

’Tis the way of life
that everything
always returns
to its intrinsic balance.

’Tis only our egoic
need to control things
that interferes with
the innate balance of life.

’Tis the longing of our soul
to take a deep breath
set aside egoic needs
and flow with the universe.

’Tis time to realign
with our innate knowing
and allow life to evolve
in perfect harmony.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Laura Elliott

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Trusting the Divine Plan

What a Divine Plan
we put in motion eons ago
as this cycle draws to a close
with new planetary alignments
increasing vibrational frequencies
dissolving veils and
expanding consciousness.

The physical body
is also part of this Divine plan
as we organically transform
into new energy bodies
activating our latent DNA
while spinning off
antiquated genetic templates.

Trust the Divine plan
trust your physical body
resting in the knowing
there is nothing more
for you to do
for Divine wisdom
supersedes the human mind.

This is your sacred gift
from your GodSelf
to your human self
offered with Love
and the honoring
of Who You Are.

Receive with Gratitude.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Celebrate with Wild Abandon

Change is always disruptive
transition is even more so
but at the root of every change
at the root of every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

For our expanding Consciousness
only knows benevolence
therefore every change
every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

Celebrate with wild abandon!
Celebrate that which you are abandoning
no matter how disruptive it may be
Celebrate that which you are welcoming anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Answering the Call

I hear my soul calling
calling me forward
to disengage from my old life
to become something more

She stands ready
with arms open wide
to envelope me
in her soft soothing arms
reassuring me it is safe
when my human self
fears change

In the arms of my soul
my vision becomes clear
remembering what’s real
and what it has made up
remembering Who I Am

Therein, I have the courage
to answer the call
with the excitement of a child
ready to discover new worlds.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

gratitude to the artist Arlene Graston

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I Am the Source of Love

I AM the Love
that my human self
has been searching for.

I AM the Source of the Love
that my human self
has been longing to trust.

It is only the judgment
perpetrated by my human mind
that stimulates my own lack of self Love
and stands in the way
of the remembrance of
the Divinity of who I AM.

I AM Divine
I AM the Source of Love
I AM Divine Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

I invite you to share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.