In Love with Life

The love of life
is a precious gift
available to all of us

All it requires is our being
fully present in the now moment
with heart and mind
wide open

Allowing us to realize
the fullness of life
rather than superficially
glazing over it without
appreciation for All That Is.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Flowing with Ease and Grace

The natural flow of life
is ease and grace.

It’s our attempt to maintain
the static physicality of things
that disrupts
the flow of the Divine.

It’s our Divinity that attracts
everything we desire to us
paves the way for miracles
and enlivens our brilliance.

By stepping away from
the distractions of life
we allow the natural
flow of ease and grace.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Celebrate with Wild Abandon

Change is always disruptive
transition is even more so
but at the root of every change
at the root of every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

For our expanding Consciousness
only knows benevolence
therefore every change
every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

Celebrate with wild abandon!
Celebrate that which you are abandoning
no matter how disruptive it may be
Celebrate that which you are welcoming anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Freedom to BE all of Who I AM

When we peel away
all the layers
of our personification
we reach the core
of Who we are
What we are.

At my core
this is Who I AM
this is What I AM.

It is not freedom
from external bindings
that we seek
it is our own
inner freedom
to BE
Who I AM
What I AM.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Carol Cavalaris.

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Attune to Well-being

Well-being is our birthright
our physical body is totally benevolent
the body does not harbor disease
the body does not create disease
the body does not inherit disease

Dis-ease is self created
when our body mind spirit
slip out of its natural innate balance . . . .

By taking on burdens
that are not ours to carry

By battling illusive forces
carried with us from the past

By engaging in old habits
that are no longer in service to us

By feeding on outside energies
rather than our own pure sovereign energy

By allowing the gravity of thought
to override our heart’s Knowing

It is up to us to consciously
remain attuned to our well-being
by allowing the balance of our body mind spirit
to evolve in harmony with our Divinity
as we continually expand and grow
to manifest our perfect health
and ability to thrive.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Grand Love Affair within Your Body

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
every cell is in love with every other cell,
nurturing and supporting each other.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell appreciates each and every cell
for its contribution to the whole.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is regenerating with infinite intelligence
beyond the scope of the human mind.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is enlivened and thrives with the crystalline light
generated by your GodSelf.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is transforming from third dimensional matter
into multidimensional matter.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is aroused and dancing
into a love induced state of ecstasy.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
and you have been given an engraved invitation
to love and embrace your body
as the Grand Orgasm of the Divine.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Helen Nelson Reed

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Sanctuary of your LightBody

When the road feels bumpy
when your emotions are overwhelming
when the energies are in flux
your old response was to leave the body
flying off into the astral planes
to escape that which felt unsafe.

But times have changed, Beloved human
Now that you have activated your LightBody
it has become your sacred haven.

When the world has gone crazy
and life becomes overwhelming
with emotions running rampant
take a long deep breath and
sync into the loving arms of your Divinity
deep into the sanctuary of your physical body.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard
~message from my inner wisdom~
Gratitude for the artwork by Victor Nizovtsev

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Trusting our Innate Divinity

Weary is the one who
has taken on the world as their own
rather than create their world anew.

Weary is the one who
is shouldering the pain and suffering of others
rather than seeing their wellbeing.

Weary is the one who
is fighting to maintain control
rather than allowing the organic flow of life.

Weary is the one who
is stuck in the past with worry about the future
rather than living in this moment of infinite possibilities.

When we trust our innate Divinity
weariness subsides
ease and grace flow
with invigorating vitality
to create and enjoy life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

Sharing is always appreciated
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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gratitude to the artist Pamela Wells

Well-being is your Birthright

You are a Master Creator and you
created your illustrious physical body
before you incarnated.
Do you really believe that you
created a body that would degenerate
get ill and die in pain?
Your Inner Being holds
the Divine template of Well-BEing
to rejuvenate and regenerate
each and every cell
with the Benevolence of the Universe
constantly flowing through you.
It is only your human programing
adopted from generations that precede you
and the media’s propaganda
that floods your mind with misconceptions
that interfere with the natural thriving
of your Well-BEing.
Isn’t it time to withdraw from
all the well meaning advice thrown at you
and make an unwavering commitment
to spend quality time with your beloved body,
to love it, nurture it, and allow it
to find it’s innate balance?
By sitting in meditation
consciously loving your physical body
and spending quiet time in nature’s embrace
your body will begin to reinitiate
your Divine template
for self healing and regeneration.
You are a Master Creator.
Honor that which you created
as a Holy Temple to house your GodSelf
sync into it’s Knowingness and innate guidance.
Well-BEing is your birthright.
It’s time to cash in!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Resting in the Grace of the Divine

The void swallows me in whole
no more fragmented pieces
disconnected from one another
walled off in fear of the pain of judgment.

The void swallows me in whole
as a Sovereign being
a Christed being
an integrated being.

The void swallows me in whole
allowing me to drift
in the fertile abyss
in gentle repose.

The void swallows me in whole
and my consciousness smiles
for the journey has been long
and I now rest
free of distractions
in the grace of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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