Appreciate What Is

That which you are experiencing
is perfect and innate in its beauty
for that is how your GodSelf sees it.

Appreciate what you are experiencing
without the need to define it, judge it
or assess it to improve upon it.

Every choice you make
stems from your desire
to expand your consciousness.

Thus, there is no need to vilify it
nor deem it wrong
in order to make a new choice.

Appreciate what it has instilled
a more expanded you,
a more loving you, a more joyful you.

Every experience
is an unwrapped gift that reveals
more of Who You Are.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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Perfect in the Eyes of God

With the dawn of this moment
I see with new eyes
I see
the Wholeness of who I am
I see the Beauty of who I am
the Perfection of who I am
the Holiness of who I am.

With the dawn of this moment
I see with new eyes
I see
the Wholeness of who you are
the Beauty of who you are
the Perfection of who you are
the Holiness of who you are.

With the dawn of this moment
I see with new eyes
I see
the Wholeness of humanity
the Beauty of humanity
the Perfection of humanity
the Holiness of humanity.

In this moment
there is nothing to heal
for we are Perfect in the eyes of God
and it is with the eyes of God that I see
in this moment
and every moment.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Dance of Lord Jupiter and Lady Venus

Look upon the night sky
as the sun dips below the horizon
and the hues of darkness set the stage
the cosmic orchestra retunes it’s instruments
and the dancers await with bated breath.
There amidst the inky darkness
two illustrious BEings of Light
bow in reverence to us, and to each other
Jupiter the Lord of Expansion and Great Fortune
Venus the Lady of Love, Beauty and Harmony.
The beating of the Sacred Heart sets the rhythm
glissandos from Angel’s harps raise the frequency
the strings of violas initiate a newly patterned waltz
the woodwinds whisper new words of Love
as the music swells, may the dance begin.
Lord Jupiter steps forward with his Heart of gold
offering his hand to his Beloved Lady Venus
to be her sacred consort and equal partner in life
he leads with his strength as her protector
in adoration for the goddess she is.
Lady Venus stands tall draped in Beauty and Love
accepting his gracious hand with her smile of radiance
placing her other hand upon his heart
she weaves the rainbow threads of Love
and enlivens his zest for life.
Together they radiate their crystalline Light
as the New Star of Bethlehem dances across the sky
shining their countenance upon us all
reminding us of Who We Are
as newly birthed Christed BEings.
On this day…
the Celestial convergence of Jupiter and Venus
celebrate the Holy chalice of Sacred relationship
joining the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine
who have stepped fully into Love and Light.
Now it is up to each of us
to bow in honor of Lord Jupiter and Lady Venus
to celebrate our own Holy Convergence within
to birth a new family of Christed Beings
to dance amidst the many Mansions of our New Earth.
~message from my inner wisdom~

Sharing is always appreciated
art by Emily Balivet

I Receive

I receive the first rays of sunlight
dancing upon my face
with its sweet delicious awakening.

I receive the gentle caress
of the breeze upon my skin
as it wanders its way from the sea.

I receive the swell of birdsong
as they welcome the day
enlivening nature’s harmonies.

I receive the serenity
and peace of mind
that lingers from a long restful slumber.

I receive the infinite love
that overflows
from the chalice of my heart.

I receive the joy
that bubbles from within each of my cells
happy to be in physical form.

I receive the playfulness of the faeries
as they scamper about the forest
in childish delight.

I am full
I am overflowing
I am enlivened,
there is no want
there is no need,
there is only gratitude
for the eternal flow
of All That Is.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
Sharing is always appreciated

Ode to the Winged Ones

There’s a whir in the air
as hummingbirds whiz by
sprinkling their blessings of Joy
from flower to flower
they pass the day
sipping the delicious nectar
of the Goddess.

Then to my surprise
they divert their path
flying straight for my nose,
then hover aloft eye to eye
with Love and Appreciation
for kindred spirits and beings of Joy
we share this planet with Glee.

On a breeze from the sea
an illustrious dragonfly
sashays into this dance,
with it’s translucent wings
reflecting colors galore
my eyes all glitter
in joyous childlike delight.

The essence of nature
picks up the hummm and adds
her harmonious etudes
from the base of her roots
to the tips of her leaves
she lifts the veils
that no longer elude us.

Ahoy, the dance has fully begun
the hummer, the dragonfly, nature and me
with glissandos floating
from the strings of my harp
in this majestic dance of Love
in eternal Gratitude for this Planet so grande
and her offerings of Beauty and Joy.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Nature is my Teacher

Nature is my master teacher,
she shows me
how to live in the moment,
how to be in the flow of what IS,
how to appreciate what’s being offered anew,
rather than hanging onto what was.

For when you cling onto what was,
you strangle the life out of what is
and a slow death is sure to follow,
rather than a glorious unfolding
of thriving exquisite beauty.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing is always appreciated

Photo by The Etheric Eye ~ Narrative Nature Photography.

Open to the Raw Beauty

Open to the raw beauty of Love,
soak it in,
savor it,
expand in its grace.

Open to the raw beauty of Life,
allow it to flow through you,
nurture you,
rejuvenate you.

Open to the raw beauty of Creation,
to excite you
and impassion you
to foster new worlds.

Open to the raw beauty of YOU,
the Divine essence of
Love, Life and Creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

The Soul’s Stepping Stones

Humanity is in the midst of
a magnificent Renaissance.

Transitioning from an old reality
to a more expanded one
is a sacred and precious
part of our soul’s journey.

Do not push through it
with a compelling focus
to get to the other side of it.

Savor each and every moment,
each and every experience,
each and every footfall.

Enjoy the sensual beauty
and sweet places
to rest along the way.

For your Soul has laid out
every stepping stone
with love and admiration
for your presence
in this physical body
as a Divine Human.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing is always appreciated
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.


A rose is a rose.
it doesn’t wish to be a lily,
it doesn’t try to change
its color or its scent,
it doesn’t attempt
to smooth its thorns.

It simply
unfolds it’s glorious petals
with the ease and grace of nature,
allowing its delicious scent
to permeate the air
for the enjoyment of all.

And it knows
if you get caught
on one of its thorns,
you’ll be more
present and careful
the next time
you attempt to handle it.

A rose is a rose
just as
I Am Me
You are YOU
each of us
shining our Light.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the photo by Louise Klein  The Etheric Eye ~ Narrative Nature Photography

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.


Trusting the Body’s Intelligence

I’ve learned to trust my body,
rather than inter~fear with it.
I don’t fear that it will get ill.
I don’t fear that it will get fat.
Nor do I fear that it will grow old and decrepit.
Yes, my body will age,
but my body has no desire to suffer.

My body lives in grace
because I love my body
respond to its simple requests
and trust my body’s intelligence
to do what it knows best
to continually thrive
without my inter~fear~ance.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.