Essence of Creation

Although light is where
most focus their attention
I invite you to find the gifts
within the darkness

For are we not all birthed
from within the womb of darkness
that has nurtured the creation
of our physical bodies

As we are being re-born
during this epic transformation
can you allow the darkness
to nurture and support you

For within the silence of darkness
new life abounds
and although it is the light
that illuminates life anew
both carry the essence of Creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
Essence of Creation
excerpt from “Masters of Creation: Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Vol VIII”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Mirela A

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Fertility of Life

I delight in making
castles in the sand
because with each
turning of the tide
they are swept away
creating a clear space
for the birthing of
brand new creations

Just like quantum reality
where we create anew
in each divine moment
leaving nothing of old
for the mind to attach

Herein lives
our total freedom
our sovereignty
and the ever expanding
fertility of life!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Stepping into Service

The tides have shifted
humanity is waking up
and we who have been prepared
as the forerunners
are ready to be in service.

In the old paradigm
service was a giving away of the self
until we were thoroughly depleted.
No wonder humanity appears selfish
and unwilling to step into service.

In the new paradigm
we are stepping into service
as Sovereign Beings of Love
with the eternal flow of Source
flowing through us, as us.

Now that we “realize” Who We Are
it becomes a Joy and an Honor
to step into Holy Service
as the infinite flow of Source
for the well-being and thriving of all
with the excitement of birthing anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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Dancing in the Light

’Tis winter solstice
when the earth takes a pause
the nights grow long
and the days grow short

A time of rest
and a time of silence
a time to take a deep
and precious breath

A time to linger
within the sacred womb
of primordial creation
preparing to birth anew

Then with an ardent exhale
the light bursts forth
with an invitation to dance in
new exciting potentials

So dance Beloveds dance
inviting all to join us
the wee ones, the critters
and of nature’s spirits

For behold
we have all been
birthed Anew.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Duality is Passe’

Your world of duality is now passe’
the reflection you see is your pure Divinity
free of illusions created by man
no longer held captive by your mind

Instead, you envision
your Soul’s infinite dreams
bathed in the embryonic fluid
of the Primordial Womb of Creation

Do not rush the birthing
do not push and prod
Allow the gestation
free of time and space
hand in hand with
the Divine wisdom
that is YOU.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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artwork: Reflections of a Queen by A. Smith


New Star Seeds of Love

As star seeds we arrived
from all over the galaxy
transfixed into human bodies
populating this planet

We arrived onto the earth
into the arms of mother Gaia
to be nurtured and evolve
within her Garden of Eden.

We came to create
with the many aspects of our selves
through the process of duality
with the gift of astute minds

We learned from darkness
we learned from the light
but most importantly
we came here to Love

For eons of time
we perpetrated separation
to intimately know ourselves
as the multiplicity of the Divine

Now the tides have turned
and we’re regathering ourselves
with our expanded consciousness
woven together with the gift of Love.

For Love
is what we came here to learn
to cultivate a new race of beings
beings who have experienced it all
and evolved beyond the mind

Through duality’s
experiences of pain and joy
we have opened our hearts
and expanded our minds

We are finally remembering
All That We Are
as the integration of star seeds
and humans divine
to stand as sovereign beings
whole and complete
as a new race of Divine beings

Be proud dear human
and commend yourself
for a mission well done
as new star seeds of Love
birthed within the womb
of your human heart
are being sprinkled
across the infinite Omniverse

New planets await this sacred gift
which only you can offer
in service to the I AM
who knows more of itself
because of your courage and honor
for you are the mother gods
you are the father gods
the birthers of infinite Love.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Life Choices

Many of your life choices
were orchestrated by your Soul
before you incarnated
per the wisdom amassed
throughout all your lifetimes

Thus, you may consider
some aspects of your life
as preordained
but you live in a world of free will
therefore you always have choice

Your Soul is constantly
distilling and enfolding
all your wisdom
lovingly guiding you
via this accumulated inner wisdom

Your passion for life
is entwined with
your inner wisdom
and your joy expands
with your ability to flow with it

So, why would you not
choose to Trust your Soul.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Sourcing Anew

As we realize
the integration of our GodSelf
our creative process
shifts and changes

We step across
the chasm of separation
into our sovereignty
as conscious creators
within our creation

No longer attempting to fix
or rearrange what was
per the matrix of the mind
nor calling upon anything
outside ourselves

As conscious creators
we are birthing from within
and sourcing anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Contrast of Polarity

I have reached
a point in my life
where I realize
the contrast of polarity
is no longer my teacher

The pendulum
no longer swings
between duality’s
judgment of
right or wrong
good or bad
dark or light
male or female

I AM the amalgamation
of All-That-Is
my life is an experience
of infinite potentials

I get to choose
which potentials
I desire to play with
as I create new realities
for a world
we are birthing anew
in each and every moment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Creating A New World

I was born to create a new world
I am not here to
heal another
change another
or remedy the world

For nothing is truly amiss
all is simply forging itself anew
in each and every moment

The perfection of this moment
carries us into the perfection
of the next moment
and thus life births anew
in its eternal perfection

The world is not mine to remedy
I was born to birth anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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