Soul’s Innate Knowing

As I awaken on the morn of a new moon
I ask myself….
What is the basis of this new cycle of life?

Instead of feeling excited
about something new
I am coming up blank

My mind
is saddened by this
for it wants a purpose
it wants a new mission in life

Whereas my Soul says. . .
Ah, we are finally free of our persona
no longer needing to define
or present ourself in any particular way

We can finally live
with the natural flow of life
allowing our energy to draw everything to us

We can simply rest in the Knowing that
everything is working out
in ways our mind can not begin to fathom

We can rest in peace
the peace that passeth understanding
the peace that will eventually infiltrate every heart

And thus “we” initiate a new cycle
with the marriage of human and soul

Co-creating a new foundation
from which all things
effortlessly come into being
with our innate Knowing
steering this human vessel
this vessel of the Divine Human.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the artist Carolann Creations

Beyond the Human Mind

The New Earth is not a thinking earth
it does not think its way into creation
it has been here in your midst all along
constantly expanding and creating
with Divine intelligence
inspired by your heart’s desires.

Many speak of being vs doing
however, doing is not the issue
the earth is active with doing
present with all that is
constantly evolving
without the need to think.

The earth is not clouded over
by a mind intent on understanding
for it has an innate knowing,
it is the New Human, the Divine Human
willing to go beyond the mind
that is experiencing what has always been.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Creating Anew

In ancient times,
knowing the planet was descending
as part of our soul’s development
the Wise Ones anchored many a ritual
passed down through generations
mother to daughter
father to son
often taken underground
safeguarded from those
who coveted power

At long last,
we have begun awakening
remembering our ancient wisdom
drawing together in circles
openly reenacting the rituals
in sacred honor of our earth
in sacred honor of our selves
honoring all we’ve gone through
as the Christ Consciousness
being reborn in each of us

And now BeLoveds,
as our consciousness expands
we are shifting into a new reality
where the old rituals
no longer hold precedence
they have done their work
holding us true to who we are
as we evolve beyond our origins
to a new way of being

We offer gratitude
of acknowledgment
as we put these rituals to rest
allowing these energies to return
to the ancient ones
from which it originated
blessing them for bringing
us to this pinnacle of emergence
to remember who we are
as creators of a new reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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The Life “I” Choose to Live

My life is one of Ease and Grace
no one is bestowing that upon me
it is thusly so because
I choose it to be.

The angst of the past
has always been because
I was analyzing, resisting,
or attempting to change it.

For me,
the fight is over
with nothing to fight against
nothing to fight for.

I am the one creating this life
no longer resisting things
simply flowing with life
as it presents itself.

Any inclination to interfere
is based on the past, not the present,
I know everything and every person
is evolving in this moment.

I can look at others
and bless them,
truly bless them on their journey
without the need to interfere.

My life flows with ease and grace
and I attract the sweetness of life
this is the life I choose to live.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Michael Parkes


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Flowing with Ease and Grace

The natural flow of life
is ease and grace.

It’s our attempt to maintain
the static physicality of things
that disrupts
the flow of the Divine.

It’s our Divinity that attracts
everything we desire to us
paves the way for miracles
and enlivens our brilliance.

By stepping away from
the distractions of life
we allow the natural
flow of ease and grace.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Birthing from your Heart’s Passion

Everything is born
from within
the darkness of the womb

Seeded by your divinity
awaiting your realization

Until you are willing
to step away from
life as you’ve known it

Until you surrender
your antiquated
human desires

Until you allow yourself
to drift in the darkness
of the unknown

Otherwise. . . .
you are simply
rearranging the old life
from different perspectives

Rather than birthing
your heart’s passion
to create anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Garnering the Wisdom

The deeper you go
following your roots
through the soil
of many generations
many lifetimes

Garnering all the wisdom
from civilizations
that existed
long before
your remembrance

Returning to your origins
where you left behind
indigenous seeds
of the Divine
to push through
layers of soil
over eons of time

Strengthening your resolve
to gently unfurl
each precious petal
of the blossom
of your magnificence

When you knew yourself
as the Holy of Holies
and the Master
Creator of life

You, Beloved One
have now grown into all your glory
with the sweet fragrance
of Divine Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥
gratitude to the unknown artist

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Allowing Ease and Grace

When you stop scurrying around
depleting your energy
by attempting to control your environment
attempting to change other people
attempting to make things happen
attempting to fix the world
something magical happens.

Your own Inner Divine flame
shines more brightly
as a result you’re able to see
all that’s available to you
all that’s in service to you
all that Source is offering
solutions to questions you’ve yet to ask.

Thus. . .
Life flows with Ease and Grace
if you allow it to BE.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥
gratitude to the artist Bari J. Designs

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You are a Grand Being

You are a Grand BEing
caught in the limitations of your mind
with its own puffed up agenda
of becoming its own grand being.

But just a like a balloon,
when the illusive air oozes out
nothing remains
but an empty shell.

As a Grand BEing
you have the ability
to breath new life into your mind,
with the breath of the Divine.

And together you create anew
as a Masterful Divine Human
creating with the Ease and Grace
of a true Grand BEing.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Relax into the Chaos

The mind sees change
as a boggle of chaos
a messy business
an inconvenient interruption
of a life we hold dear.

Our expectations
with the dependability
to which we’ve grown
attached and accustomed
are no longer met.

But the Soul recognizes chaos
as pieces of a puzzle
finding their way
into a new creation
that supersedes the mind.

Consciousness is expanding
the more easily we flow
with the evolution of life
the more gracious and illustrious
our new creations become.

Our evolving world asks us to
relax into the chaos
allow the messiness
and celebrate the interruptions
as a gift of Creation.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the unknown artist

I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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