A New Version of Creation

You are living upon a very ancient earth
spinning in its orbit over eons of time

After playing the games of limitation
that humans have played for ages
so enamored by your humanness
you’ve forgotten Who You Are

Finally bored with stirring
the antiquated pot of drama
you are yearning to engage
with your divine creative energy

Breathe deeply as your GodSelf
for you are now on a sacred passage
of remembrance with your soul
eagerly awaiting to engage
in a new version of Creation.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the Artwork by The Official Josephine Wall

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Engaging in New Magic

In days gone past
spells were cast
passed down from age to age
attempting to shape
and manipulate the world
by bending energy
to one’s will

Those days are gone
for we have realized
that energy can not be bound
‘tis a mind of it’s own
energy has
by maintaining balance
and always seeking resolution

The magic of old
with it’s attempted control
is dissolved by the Elementals
as we flow with the energies
straight from our hearts
we’re engaging in new magic

‘Tis with the magic of Love
the magic of Joy
the magic of the Divine
there’s no need to manipulate
nor attempt to bind
for our energy
now flows freely.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Photo: Twig the Fairy

The Old bows down to the New

When the world is in chaos
transformation is at its peak
for it is the chaos of destruction
that breaks down the walls
and clears the way
to create anew.

Amidst the chaos,
your heart is calling
go deeper into the silence
see with new eyes,
hear with new ears
and love without bounds.

‘Tis a new world we’re creating
where the old needs bow to the new
with deep reverence and honor
for what has come before
and open hearts
for what lies ahead.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by Helena Nelson-Reed

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Your Sacred Dream

Your sacred dream comes to life
with the beating of your heart,
a dream so ancient
you thought it was forever lost.

But alas, your sacred dream
has only been suspended
free of time and space
awaiting your full attention.

Your sacred dream
demands your consciousness
pure and simple,
in the absence
of the mind’s chatter.

Your sacred dream
will only present itself when
you step away from your dalliance with life
and commit to its full splendor.

Your sacred dream
is coming to life
in each and every
moment of now
‘tis your heart’s yearning,
your soul’s delight and
your sacred dance
with the Divine.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Creating Your Own Universe

You are the creator
of your own Universe
do not look to others
to draw up the blueprints
or lay the foundation

This is your reality
do not look to others
to make you happy
or provide for you

Once you lay the foundation
via your personal desires
your sovereign energy
will automatically engage
in joyous service to you

You are the creator within your creation!
Rejoice and enjoy your Creations!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Create with Wild Abandon

Your life will always be a continual “letting go”
because life is in ever-flowing metamorphosis.
The rose does not hold onto the old petals
attempting to push forth a new bud amidst them.
The rose drops its petals with grace
one petal at a time
allowing them to drift back to the earth
from whence it came
constantly creating new growth
with a flourish of new blossoms.

Are you not as intelligent as that of a rose?
Have you not learned from the pain that develops
when attempting to hold on
to that which has already passed?

Oh Beloveds,
‘tis time to create with wild abandon
allowing the old petals to effortlessly
drift away on the wind
without the need to control
the innate design of life.

‘Tis time to know the freedom
of thriving with the flow
of your constant evolution
to enjoy the delightful abundance
of your perpetual blossoming.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
Sharing is always appreciated
Photo by The Etheric Eye ~ Narrative Nature Photography.

Open to the Raw Beauty

Open to the raw beauty of Love,
soak it in,
savor it,
expand in its grace.

Open to the raw beauty of Life,
allow it to flow through you,
nurture you,
rejuvenate you.

Open to the raw beauty of Creation,
to excite you
and impassion you
to foster new worlds.

Open to the raw beauty of YOU,
the Divine essence of
Love, Life and Creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Dreaming the World Awake

The human mind
doesn’t have the capacity
to create a new world.

It only knows
how to rearrange
the old world.

Ah. . .but the Soul
the Soul knows how
to create entire universes.

It is with your Soul
that you are
dreaming the world Awake.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by Artist Shiloh Sophia

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Beyond the Bounds of Duality

is a sacred tool
originally Self created
as a reflection
to see the sacredness
of Who We Are.

Humanity has
turned that tool
against ourselves
by deeming it as judgment,
limited by two elements
of extremism
right or wrong
dark or light
black or white.

But in reality
I Am
all the colors of the rainbow
in beautiful
wondrous streams
of dark and light.

Once we go beyond
the bounds of duality
and begin painting life with
all the colors of the rainbow,
we see our Self
as All-That-Is
recognizing the darkness
as the powerful
Sacred Womb of Creation
where all of life gestates.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

artwork by Dorine Costras

Allowing the Spaciousness

Spaciousness is …
the space between each breath,
each thought, each experience.

Spaciousness is …
the womb of creation,
where you plant your seeds.

Spaciousness is …
the answer to the questions
that have yet to be asked.

Spaciousness is …
your innate
guidance system.

Spaciousness is …
the support and nurturance
of your desires.

Spaciousness is…
the core of your

Spaciousness is …
the potency of

expands in
response to you.

The more space
you allow in your life,
the more potent it becomes.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

artwork “Dreams” by Jozef Israëls

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