Living the Passion of Your Soul

Introducing Volume VI of Wisdom of the Inner Voice

Living the Passion of your Soul

Our deepest passion for this lifetime is Soul Embodiment. Your Soul has been patiently waiting for you to realize its existence and allow yourself to expand beyond the antiquated limitations of the human mind. Whereas the human is in constant survival mode in search of its life purpose, the passion of the Soul is simply to experience the fullness of life as the I AM.

Your Soul desires
to dive deeply
feel intensely
taste every nuance
experience your cherished treasures
plunge into joy
shiver with delight
giggle with glee
as the divine essence
of your true passion.

The Soul revels in our expansion and enlightenment. The Soul loves to play, sing, dance, express and create. These are the joyous etudes of the Song of the Soul as our natural and unique way of being. “Living the Passion of your Soul” invites you to embrace your Soul Passion to live the totality of your true Self by expressing the pure joy of life in your own unique way as the divine purpose of your existence.

“Living the Passion of your Soul”
available in paperback and ebook


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Music Within Us

Music lives within us
as the orchestration of
of our human experiences
with All That Is

Energy in motion
streaming through us
awakening our hidden
deeply embodied emotions
bringing them all into harmony

Music is the grace
that continues to enliven us
reminding us of our wholeness
and the magnificence of Who We Are.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Bring Me Home

All my life I’ve been searching
wandering here and there
forever reaching out
looking for true love

What I’ve found has been illusive
here and then gone
oh where is the love
I so desperately need?

Then one day in my search
I saw myself in you
and my heart opened wide
revealing the truth

Love’s never been illusive
it’s been here all along
I’ve been searching way to hard
for what’s always been within

So bring me home
where I’m loved
home for evermore
home to live
deep within my heart

Now love abounds in my heart
and nurtures my true self
No limits, no conditions
pure freedom to express

All my dreams rest here
in the window to my soul
Awaiting to be embraced
and brought into the world

Wisdom lies in my heart
simple and profound
It’s all here within me
everything I need

With my heart at the helm
love just clears the way
And life opens to the max
and floods me with joy

In my heart I wanna live
every moment of the day
If I stray, bring me home
Home, back to my heart.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
lyrics for the harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Lingering in the Void

Allowing yourself
to linger
in your inner void
and emptiness
opens the door
for your soul-passion to enter
as a constant undercurrent
of quiet joy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Soul’s Desire

The soul’s desire is to experience
just for the sake of experiencing

It has no need to validate itself
for it is already complete
in the knowing that it exists

The soul takes everything
the human experiences
distills it into its pure wisdom
drinks it all in and
falls more deeply in love with itself
again and again and again
with every new experience

The intrinsic passion of the Soul
is to experience the eternal fullness of life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Hands Together

When feeling unsure
or conflicted
bring both hands together
in front of your heart

Herein lies the melding
of heart and mind
the transcendence of duality
and the wisdom of the soul.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Gratitude for the Human Mind

I offer enormous gratitude
to my human mind
she, who has safely
brought me through the most
tumultuous times
that this planet
has ever experienced.

My beloved mind
I invite you into
the center of my heart
with love and gratitude
free of judgement
for your selfless service
through eons of time.

As we weave together
heart, mind, and soul
our wisdom expands
in ways we could
never have imagined
to co-create in new
and illustrious ways.

And so it is. . .
together, we become
the peace and grace
of All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Defining Oneself

The identity
the title
the label
with which you
define yourself
becomes a distraction from
the true grandness
of the totality
of your true Being

As your GodSelf
you are the embodiment
of the I AM
the Creator
of new and glorious realities
in which to live and play.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Blessings of the Human Mind

Our human mind
has served us well
as the ultimate protector
for our survival
and livelihood
based upon the collective
experiences from our past

At long last
we are awakening
to a new way of being
as the antiquated
of the human mind
has finally run its course

We are now blessed
with expanded consciousness
and the realization that
there is more to life
than the limitations of
re-cycling old stories
drawn from the past

We are now blessed
as the wisdom of the Soul
is playing in tandem
the cognition
of the human mind.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Fully Alive

When we are
fully present
in this moment
we are fully alive
we are fully present
with our Soul

It is this Presence
that activates
the wisdom
the energy
and the passion
of the Soul

It is this Presence
that enlivens
all areas of our life

It is not the highs
craved by the human self
for they are fleeting
always followed by
another craving
for another high

Being fully Present
in this moment
is being fully

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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