Realizing our Sovereignty

It is not the world that needs changing
it is the realization of our Sovereignty
that will organically change the world.

As sovereign beings
we realize ourselves as
the consummation of All That Is
we are fully conscious
as the creators of our own reality
victim to no one, victim to nothing
no need to control nor stand in our power

As sovereign beings
we come together
in conscious commUnity
no longer re-creating
that which has always been

As sovereign beings
we are the epitome
of infinite new potentials
eternally creating anew.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Are You a True Creator

Are you a true creator
or are you hiding behind
other people’s words

Are you a true creator
or are you hiding behind
other people’s artwork

Are you a true creator
or are you hiding behind
other people’s ideas

Are you a true creator
or do you fear
shining your own light

A true creator
does not fear
speaking from their own heart
sharing their own unique creations
or shining their own light

A true creator
does not create
for the sake of others
nor requires
the approval of others

A true creator creates
because it is their passion
to be All That I AM
as an expression of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Claudia Lucia McKinney

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Creating your Own Reality

As a sovereign being
you create your own realty

Although your reality
is evolving in every moment
you may not recognize it
because you thought
it should appear the same for everyone

mass consciousness requires conformity
via our sovereign consciousness
we create our own unique reality
to enjoy our own heart’s desires
in our own space and time

Dream your new reality into being
with the wonderment of a child
finding new venues of joyous expression
with wild abandonment
free of any constraints

As you do so,
you will eventually sense
other synchronous creations
with the harmonic overlap of other’s visions
with a new found ease and grace

No longer bound to one another
rather dancing with one another
each unique unto one’s Self
while in harmony with the music
of the universe and each other.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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True to Who I Am

Who am I?

The one acting out
a persona projected upon me
by those around me.

The one playing the part
to maintain the status quo
to make others comfortable.

The one creating stories
to validate who I think
I should be.

The one fabricating excuses
when a simple “no thank you”
will do.

or . . .

Am I courageous enough
to step back from the drama
as the observer.

Am I courageous enough
to sit in the silence
no longer compelled to fill it.

Am I courageous enough
to surrender
all that others think I am.

Am I courageous enough
to simply be
true to Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Center of your Reality

Ripples in the pond always circle
from the center outward

Observing nature we notice
the circles do not create
nor support the center
the center always
creates the circles
that ripple outward

Your consciousness
is the zero point
creating your reality from
the center of your being
allowing the ripples
to circle out into the world

As your reality
ripples outward
it may overlap
with the realities of
family, friends, and community
but your reality always remains
unique and sovereign to you.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Fully Available

So many pieces of myself
I have given away
in hopes that others may feel loved
in hopes others may find happiness
in hopes others may feel safe and secure.

In the end, I was left bereft and empty
with nothing of myself remaining,
and yet it has helped them not
for in depending upon me
they too have lost themselves.

And now that I have reclaimed
all of who I Am
as a whole and sovereign being
I am fully available to others
as the example
of a unique expression of the Divine
living life to the fullest
that they too may find it in themselves.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratiitude to the Artist Kris Kamikakushi

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Kaleidoscope Pieces

Re-collecting all of my self
all the kaleidoscope pieces
that have separated off
to experience every possible
nuance of life

Buried deep within
needing to be resurrected
held, nurtured, and loved
after being shattered and bruised
by the throngs of life thrown at it
through duality’s door

Each precious piece
with its vast experience
is being gathered back home
embodied in the womb of the heart
enlivened by the spark of creation
to embrace its divine birthright
held in escrow by our soul

Once again whole and sovereign
sparkling brightly in harmony
with each creative expansion
to birth new realities
with our newfound
joy and freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Stepping into our Mastery
from being a simple human
born into a physical world of duality
requires us
to awaken to all that we are
to heal and integrate all our aspects
to become whole sovereign beings
to realize and embody All That I Am
as a Divine human
knowing I Am All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

I Am Love

Human love with all its limitations
requires an exchange of love
I give you love
and consequently
I expect your love in return.

Divine Love is an energy
radiating from within my heart
ever present, ever expanding
without any need for
measurement, exchange, nor possession.

I AM Divine Love
therefore. . .
I have no need to give love
I have no need to receive love
I AM already Love.

You are Divine Love
therefore. . .
there is no need to give love
there is no need to receive love
You are already Love.

When I know myself as Love
You know yourself as Love,
We are free to Love fully
as Sovereign Beings
in Love with All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Creating Anew

In ancient times,
knowing the planet was descending
as part of our soul’s development
the Wise Ones anchored many a ritual
passed down through generations
mother to daughter
father to son
often taken underground
safeguarded from those
who coveted power

At long last,
we have begun awakening
remembering our ancient wisdom
drawing together in circles
openly reenacting the rituals
in sacred honor of our earth
in sacred honor of our selves
honoring all we’ve gone through
as the Christ Consciousness
being reborn in each of us

And now BeLoveds,
as our consciousness expands
we are shifting into a new reality
where the old rituals
no longer hold precedence
they have done their work
holding us true to who we are
as we evolve beyond our origins
to a new way of being

We offer gratitude
of acknowledgment
as we put these rituals to rest
allowing these energies to return
to the ancient ones
from which it originated
blessing them for bringing
us to this pinnacle of emergence
to remember who we are
as creators of a new reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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