I AM the mother who holds you close.
I am the father who guides you.
I am the sister who giggles with you.
I am the brother who protects you.
I AM the child you rock in your arms.
I am the puppy that nips at your heels
I am the neighbor that lives next door.
I am the waitress in the restaurant
I AM the sun that warms you.
I am the dark of night.
I am the moon that phases through your life.
I am the stars that twinkle overhead.
I AM the trees that sway in the wind.
I am the flowers that bloom at your feet.
I am the stone you skip across the sea.
I am the rainbow traversing your sky.
I am the words you speak
I am the songs you sing
I am the pictures you paint
I am al of creation.
I AM All-That-Is
I am present in everything
I am present in everyone
I AM you
We are All-That-Is.
Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard
artwork by Josephine Wall
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