Conscious Evolution

LightBody integration
expanding our Body of Consciousness
and Embodied Enlightenment
are not a race to the finish line.

It’s a conscious walk
through the Gardens of Eden
with an abundance of beautiful blossoms
to smell along the way.

You’ll never walk this path again.
Enjoy the deliciousness of it.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
artwork by Vladimir Volegov

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Freedom of a LightBody

The Intelligence of our body
is adept at creating its natural
organic state of Divine perfection.

Our Well~BEing
corresponds to our TRUST
in the perfection of our body,
instead of constantly trying
to correct its “perceived” maladies.

The more you revel in your physicality
and allow its innate expansion,
the more Light emerges from within.

THIS is a LightBody.
THIS is Freedom.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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