Gratitude for all we’ve been Given

The rivers of expansion
have been running
powerfully fast,
more quickly than
we’ve been able
to fully perceive
sometimes caught
in the turbulence of rip tides
sometimes surfing the waves
sometimes shouting
in jubilant delight.

There comes a time
when we need to
branch off and
find a gentle tributary
allowing our boat to drift
through the tendrils of nature
to soothe and caress
to breathe deeply of the fresh air
run our fingers through the quiet water
and sing sweet lullabies of gratitude
for all we have been given.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
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Joy of Life

The current renaissance
is in full swing
initiated by those
whose hearts are bursting
with the innate knowledge
that earth was created
for the Joy of Life.

We have become
the Divine artisans
of that original intention
by expanding consciousness
and dreaming in
a new way of being
in physicality.

Thus, as the old world
is busy sorting itself out
we have risen
to new heights
flying beyond
the old ways
without the need for wings.

Our dreams
are being lifted
by the Power of Love
sustained by
the Power of Love
and created
with the Power of Love.
We know that
Love is all there is….
and therein lies the Joy of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Untethered by the Mind

Drifting in the expansiveness
untethered by the mind
unsure of where to turn
or what to do
because this freedom
boggles the mind.

Trust the innate process
for there’s a knowing
in the depth of your cells
that understands life
in it’s purest
most divine form.

See the world
like a child
in joyful wonderment
living in the moment
free of expectations
with eyes wide open.

Allow that wonderment
to reveal itself
as new divine harmonies
orchestrate an expanded soul song
originating from
the depth of your heart.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Innate Knowing

‘Tis time to go
beyond thinking
to contemplate
with our feelings
free of the distortions
of the human mind

‘Tis time to go beyond
our unrestrained thinking
free of the distortions
of the human mind

To quietly contemplate
the experience of life
via the essence of
our innate knowing

Be assured, the mind
is happy to join you
on this new journey of life
without the need to fight or negate it

Simply invite the mind
to expand along with you
as your GodSelf
for it alone doesn’t know how

Allow your Divine innate knowing
to step into the lead role
as your new navigation system
to effortlessly guide you

And voila’
life becomes one of ease and grace
with ever expanding potentials
in the magic of creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Divine Sovereign Beings

We all originate from the One
birthed to experience and express
as multidimensional aspects of the One
eternally evolving as master creators
expanding our consciousness
our wisdom and our beingness
through our experiences
with our own unique aspects
as Divine Sovereign Beings.

There is no going back
to the origins of the One
there is no path of return
there is only forward momentum
as we continue to proliferate.

Thus. . .we are the Many
formed and yet unformed
eternally experiencing
eternally expanding
eternally creating
eternally expressing
more of who we are
as Divine Sovereign Beings.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Dream On

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for the life you desire
stems from your dreams
easily wielded and
brought into manifestation
by the Source
that lives within you.

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for you are one
who knows
that consciousness
is in constant expansion
with no beginning
and no end.

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for ‘tis your innate ability
to live
with an open heart
always in the flow
of giving
and receiving.

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for you are
a Master Creator
of multidimensional worlds
within worlds
in the here and now.

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for you
have taken life
to a whole new level
of existence
for yourself
and all of humanity.

Dream on beloved,
dream on
for you
are a sacred
abundant threads
of new realities.

Dream on beloved,
dream on . . .

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

artwork by Christiane Vleugels

The Flow of Giving and Receiving

The old ways of commerce
are fading away
free of the need
to control and protect
replaced by the flow
of giving and receiving
from the depth of our hearts
unimpeded by bounds.

‘Tis time to share
our sacred gifts
shaped and crafted
as illustrious expressions
of the omnipotent
omniscient Source
flowing through us all.

‘Tis with gratitude
that we share and receive
without regard to payment
for the Source
that flows
with All That Is
provides all
we need and desire.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~


༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Wings of the Divine

You reach the point
where your transformation is complete
and you sit upon your self-created throne,
with your gossamer wings poised to fly.

With a brief look around
you realize
the past makes no sense
and the future is unknown.

Where do you go from here?

The air glitters with invitation
and your Soul yearns to fly,
with a soft breath of trust
you spread your wings
and alight into the unknown.

The higher you soar
the more you see,
the deeper you dive
the more you feel,
the more open you are,
the more you hear.

a new world
presents itself
as you
see with new eyes,
hear with new ears,
feel with an open heart
and know that your wings
are the wings of the Divine.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥

Artwork The Official Josephine Wall

I Am a LightBody


The cells in my body
are transforming into
Crystalline Light
receiving and transmitting
multidimensional energies
faster than the speed
of my human mind.

Although I am
fully grounded
in my physical body
‘tis not the same body
I inhabited last week,
yesterday or even
a few moments ago.

I am now a LightBody
of expanded consciousness
enjoying the physicality
of this glorious planet
while continuing to create
through the expression
of my Divine Mind.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥


is what I’ve become
enchanted by the forest,
enchanted by the Fae,
enchanted by Life itself.

For too many years
I was enthralled
by things
that were frittered away
within a heartbeat.

And now,
I’m enchanted
by life itself
with its infinite
ways of being.

There is
no frittering
of my life anymore
there’s only
sweet enchantment.

For life itself
‘tis all
with intricate
celestial meaning.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥
Artwork The Official Josephine Wall