There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
every cell is in love with every other cell,
nurturing and supporting each other.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell appreciates each and every cell
for its contribution to the whole.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is regenerating with infinite intelligence
beyond the scope of the human mind.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is enlivened and thrives with the crystalline light
generated by your GodSelf.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is transforming from third dimensional matter
into multidimensional matter.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is aroused and dancing
into a love induced state of ecstasy.
There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
and you have been given an engraved invitation
to love and embrace your body
as the Grand Orgasm of the Divine.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
Gratitude to the artist Helen Nelson Reed
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