Donning the Crown

There is a crowning moment
in everyone’s life when
we are able to look back and say
Job well done!

For some,
it’s because they have accomplished
something important to show for it
by owning magnificent things
or leaving a legacy behind

For others,
it’s the simplicity of feeling complete
with an aspect of their lives
excited and ready to move forward
for a whole new world awaits

A true crowning moment
has nothing to do with what others think

A true crowning moment
is when we feel at peace within our selves
for each decision we have made
that has led us to this moment

This crowning moment
when you put your past to rest
allowing your soul to sing
and your infinite heart to shine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Oh how powerful
our dreamtime has become
as we are dreaming-in
a whole new world
while dissolving
the antiquated timelines

Experiencing energetically
within our dreamtime
free of entangled thoughts
that hold us captive
to the matrix of
our day to day living

This we do
without having to
physically engage
simply energetically enliven

This is how we create
with Ease and Grace

Dream on, BeLoveds,
Dream on!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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