Dance of Lord Jupiter and Lady Venus

Look upon the night sky
as the sun dips below the horizon
and the hues of darkness set the stage
the cosmic orchestra retunes it’s instruments
and the dancers await with bated breath.
There amidst the inky darkness
two illustrious BEings of Light
bow in reverence to us, and to each other
Jupiter the Lord of Expansion and Great Fortune
Venus the Lady of Love, Beauty and Harmony.
The beating of the Sacred Heart sets the rhythm
glissandos from Angel’s harps raise the frequency
the strings of violas initiate a newly patterned waltz
the woodwinds whisper new words of Love
as the music swells, may the dance begin.
Lord Jupiter steps forward with his Heart of gold
offering his hand to his Beloved Lady Venus
to be her sacred consort and equal partner in life
he leads with his strength as her protector
in adoration for the goddess she is.
Lady Venus stands tall draped in Beauty and Love
accepting his gracious hand with her smile of radiance
placing her other hand upon his heart
she weaves the rainbow threads of Love
and enlivens his zest for life.
Together they radiate their crystalline Light
as the New Star of Bethlehem dances across the sky
shining their countenance upon us all
reminding us of Who We Are
as newly birthed Christed BEings.
On this day…
the Celestial convergence of Jupiter and Venus
celebrate the Holy chalice of Sacred relationship
joining the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine
who have stepped fully into Love and Light.
Now it is up to each of us
to bow in honor of Lord Jupiter and Lady Venus
to celebrate our own Holy Convergence within
to birth a new family of Christed Beings
to dance amidst the many Mansions of our New Earth.
~message from my inner wisdom~

Sharing is always appreciated
art by Emily Balivet

Ready to Move On

Closure. . .
Can you feel it?

Our old stories continue
spiraling back around
each time bringing us
into more perfect alignment
with our GodSelf.

Don’t belabor the stories
there is no need to judge them
no need to rewrite them
there is only the soul’s desire
to Love yourself more.

It is Love that pulls back the veils
revealing the expanded picture
of how every experience
brought us to where we are today
knowing more of who we are.

Thus in our Loving
and our allowing
there is closure
and we are ready to move on.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
artwork by Rassouli


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Innately Multi-dimensional

We are innately Multi-dimensional
eternally becoming
more and more
more and more
multi-dimensionally dominant.

Your Heart
is the only anchor point,
grounding to anything else
will hold you static
in a world that’s chafing
at the ropes that bind it.

We are Multi-dimensional
and THIS
is our natural way of BEing,
roll with it
flow with it
play with it,
as Master Creators
it’s what we came here to do.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Time to Move On

It’s time to move on
from transition to realization
recognizing of Who We Are
and what we are capable

It’s time to move on
from distraction to focus
on the clarity of our heart’s desires
and our infinite energy

It’s time to move on
from working hard to playing
in the fullness of joy allowing what we do
to be fueled by lighthearted fun

It’s time to move on
free to create with the essence
of the primordial Creator
as the illustrious beings
we came here to be.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Rejuvenation is your Divine Birthright

This is a time of extraordinary evolution
our consciousness is expanding so quickly
our mind’s usual default mechanism
is no longer dependable.

Our physical body’s
customary processes are breaking down
as we expand beyond the old frequencies.

Your newly acquired LightBody
functions in this now moment
self-generating its own energy
automatically realigning with
expanding multidimensional vibrations
no longer requiring energy to be broken down
and stored in reserve.

The antiquated program
for physical degeneration
is no longer a necessary component of life.

All that’s necessary
to thrive with your LightBody
are a few moments a day
to consciously align with the vibration
of the newly expanded version of you
as a multidimensional Divine Being
rather than defaulting to the limited version
that has been handed down through the ages.

Rejuvenation is your Divine birthright
tune into your heart-space
breathe deeply
sync up with your GodSelf
and allow the LightBody
to do what it knows how to do.

Then remember to
walk with a skip in your step
for ‘tis Joy that fuels the life you are here to live.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Joy is Who I Am

Joy is my natural state of being,
happiness and contentment
barometers of well-being
indicators that I’m aligned
with my true Self.

When my Joy is disrupted,
‘tis a calling forth of expansion
an expansion of my heart
to re-align
with my GodSelf.

I can change
the people, places, or activities
but to no avail
until I open my heart
to more Love.

Joy is Who I Am
in alignment
with my GodSelf
when I’m living my Joy
the world is a glorious place to live.
‘Tis that simple.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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It’s all Child’s Play

It’s all child’s PLAY!!!
Doing what I love
keeps me spinning like a top

When aligned with my center
flowing with innate changes
I’m in balance and
continue to effortlessly spin
with infinite new potentials

When attempting to grab tight
my balance is lost
I wobble and wobble
until I topple over
. . . . to begin anew

There is no right
there is no wrong
there’s always
a new spin available
with new potentials

It’s all just child’s PLAY!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Need for Space

As the world explodes
with a cacophony
of mental chatter,
emotional turmoil
and external stimulus,
I need space,

Space between
my thoughts,
Space between
my actions,
Space between
my desires.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
to soothe,
to gentle,
to caress.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
to rejuvenate,
to revitalize,
to enliven.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
bringing me
back to life
as my Soul
knows itself
to be.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Gentling of my Heart

‘Tis the gentling of my heart
that allows life
to flow
with ripples of Love.

’Tis the gentling of my heart
that shows me the way
of Wisdom
beyond that which I’ve known.

‘Tis the gentling of my heart
that plants the seeds
of Joy
that burst forth from within.

‘Tis the gentling of my heart
that opens the gates
to wonders
of Magic wherever I go.

’Tis the gentling of my heart
that aligns me with
the Divinity
within me.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Perfect Well-Being

The time for healing is passe’.
You are not broken.
You do not need to be fixed.
This is a time to celebrate Well~BEing.

And in doing so,
your body will respond
by returning to
the perfection of your Divine Self.

That’s how Yeshua performed miracles.
He didn’t cure anyone.
He recognized their perfect Well~BEing.
Therein lie the Miracles!!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Greg Olsen

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.