I Am Here

I am not here to philosophize,
I’ve done more than enough of that.
My mind is overwrought
with insubstantial explanations.

I am here
to jump into the stream of life
to experience the rush of exhilaration
with the discovery of the unknown.

I am here
to taste, savor, sip, and sup
upon all the rich nuances
of each glorious delicacy that life presents.

I am here
to nourish my soul
fulfill the yearnings of my heart
to create something that’s never been before.

I am here
to experience
All That Is
in this very moment.

I am here
to add my Love and Light
to the world
without judgement or restriction.

I am here
to Create Life Anew.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Show me . . .

I have broken FREE…

Free from the collective mind,
free of what others think,
what others expect,
how others judge me.

Free from governance,
with its control,
its man-made rules,
impositions and regulations.

Free from my egoic mind
who thinks I am broken,
limited, inept
and in need of protection.

I am FREE… now what?

Show me how to Love without bounds,
Show me the Peace that passeth understanding,
Show me how to Create from my heart,
Show me how to Thrive physically financially emotionally,
Show me the infinite Joy and Abundance of life,

I most humbly ask….
Show me the perfection
of Who I AM
as a Divine Human.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Art by Dominik Matus

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My Inner Being

My Inner Being
is always
in the here
and now.

My Inner Being
awaits my attention
waiting for me
to begin
the conversation.

My Inner Being
is fully conscious,
sees all,
hears all,
knows all,
IS all.

When I refocus
my attention
to the here and now,
I expand
into my
Inner Being.

Then I too can
see all
hear all
know all
I am
my Inner Being
All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Free to BE

Smiling sweetly
breathing deeply
resting luxuriously
divinely orchestrated
to fully sync
with my physicality
free of resistance
free of the mind
free of entanglements
free of bounds
free to BE
All That I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by by Nina Ulana

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Elixirs of Divine Love

As you close your eyes
at the end of the day
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to wash over you
through you
clearing your thoughts
easing your resistance
healing your body.

Before you open your eyes
in the morning
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to fill you
permeating every cell
of your body and mind
to initiate perfect well-being.

Whenever anything
or anyone triggers
your resistance
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to dissolve the discord and
expand your consciousness
to the perfection
of All That Is.

The essence of Life
has never eluded us
the essence of Life
is ever flowing as Divine Love
drink of it
with your breath
your heart and your mind.
Drink freely and live
the infinite fullness of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Musings of the Crone

My mind
of expansion
as reaching outward
into the extensive
of the cosmos.

my heart
expansion inward
deep into the nuances
the intricacies,
the essence.

As a child
I explored my surroundings
As an adolescent
I expanded beyond myself
As an adult
I began to look inward
As a crone
I muse upon it all.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork: Moon by Susan Seddon-Boulet

This Moment

This moment graces you
with all that you
will ever need or desire.

When you go deeply
into this moment
everything expands
free of linear
time and space.

When you go deeply
into this moment
silence ensues
mind chatter ceases
and resistance dissolves.

When you go deeply
into this moment
you realize
that which you seek
is seeking you.

When you go deeply
into this moment
you are embraced
by the grace

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork: Simple Pleasures By Rassouli

This Present Moment

This present moment
is your portal to conscious expansion
the zero point between
your human self and your Divinity
your window to the totality of All of That Is

Expanded consciousness brings with it
an expanded awareness and perception
of the past as well as the future
weaving it all together
in this present moment
free of linear time and space

The present moment
is your jumping off point
into multidimensionality
confusing and fearful for the human mind
who has the compulsion to understand
but ecstatic joy to the Soul
who already knows All of Who You Are.

Sitting in the silence
of the present moment of Now
is the sweet spot to soothe your human mind
into a new relationship with the Divine
to enjoy the multidimensionality
of All of Who You Are

The present moment of Now
is the portal to your
Mansion of Multidimensionality
the ballroom is aglow, the music is playing,
your infinite partners await your Divine Presence
to spiral with the illustrious dance of life.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Know thy Self

As our consciousness expands
there is a remembrance
and a melding of
our ancient knowledge,
the magick of multidimensional realms,
our unique humanness,
and our Divinity.

We are All-That-Is
all in the moment of now.

It’s time to
Know thy Self.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

art by Robin Quinlivan

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

You Are This Powerful

You are Omniscient,
your heart is all-knowing,
ready with the answers
to any question
your mind may conjure.

You are Omnipotent,
your power is innately Divine,
you were born with it
as the core of
your ability to create.

You are Omnipresent,
the more present you are
in the here and now,
the more present you become
with All-That-Is.

YES, dear human,
you are this powerful!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.