Healing Separation

Continuing to talk about
overcoming dark forces with light
good vs evil
black vs white
feminine vs masculine
spirituality vs religion

This is the prime fodder
that continues to feed polarity

Wake up Beloveds!!!
We can not heal duality
from within duality

Duality is an illusion
that has hypnotized us
into believing it

Take a deep breath
go within
sync into your heart
and discover the Truth
of your GodSelf
that knows no separation.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I awoke this morning
filled with glee
has enveloped me
with places to go
beings to see
no holding me back
I’ve got to be free.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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The Illustrious Moon

The illustrious moon
who waxes
and wanes
month after month
year after year
decade after decade
over eons
beyond time

She who speaks to me
in many guises
showing herself
as a mere sliver of light
or the fullness of
an eclipsed blood moon
reflecting in the eyes
of the owl who sees
the wisdom
of all-that-is
in the midst of
the deep dark night

’Tis only now
I realize
she is simply reflecting
the wisdom
of Who I AM
the wisdom
distilled from
all my human experiences
the wisdom
that speaks from my heart.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Create your own Magick

Create your own Magick!

You were never meant to
emulate or copy
anyone else’s magick

You were never meant to
repeat magick passed down
through the ages

True magick
is always fresh and new
in every moment

Your magick
your creation
your GodSelf expressing
as All-That-Is
in the here and now.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Now That I am Empty

Now that I am empty
of that which is not mine
having released all
ancestral ties
society’s rules
religious dogma
mental programing
the need to judge

Now that I am empty
how do I choose to be filled?

Do I choose to be filled?

Or do I choose
to allow All-That-Is
to continually
flow through me
enjoying each
and every moment


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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In the Depth of Your Being

You have always feared
that the deeper you go
the heavier and murkier
the energies become
so you continue to reach
for higher vibrations
above and beyond
outside of yourself

When you transcend duality
you discover that Love and Joy
are woven throughout
all vibrations
all dimensions
and all-that-is

It is not a higher vibration
it is the expansion
of consciousness
you are yearning for
where Love and Joy
reveal itself to you
in the very depth of your being
where Heaven on Earth
is nestled within
your human heart.*

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Time of Separation

Humanity incarnated
into physicality
into a multitude
of diverse aspects
to better know our Self
by experiencing life
to the fullest

After eons of time
we got lost
in the separation
of our profusion
of aspects and personas
with a need to defend
who we thought
ourselves to be

This time of separation
is now drawing to a close
the consciousness of life
via our experiences
has expanded
all of our aspects
refined into radiant facets
unifying into our Oneness

We arise
from the ashes
in our wholeness
in our sovereignty
with the wisdom
of the phoenix

We soar
with spread wings
able to see
the expanded view
beyond separation
reveling in our sovereignty
as our radiant GodSelf
congruent with All-That-Is.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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All That I Am

All That I Am
continues to expand
it is not a destination
with an end to the journey
there are no goals
nothing to learn
nothing to attain
for consciousness is infinite
constantly expanding
with each and every experience
in the here and now
where All That I Am resides.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Gift of Grace

Eons ago
we all separated from the One
into multiple aspects
to fully experience
the infinite facets of life.

Now the circle is complete
the spiral has reversed
opening our hearts
to Love ourselves
returning into wholeness
by unconditionally embracing
all of our personal aspects
simultaneously inviting us
into our own Oneness
with All-That-Is

Standing sovereign
as our unique God-Self
who has metamorphosed
into more of who
we’ve ever known ourselves to be
though our experiences
here on earth in human form.

This is a gift of Grace
freely given to every human
with an open heart
and the commitment
to stand in our Sovereignty
as a Divine Human.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Realization of my GodSelf

Deep in the silence
within my being
a spark of light hovers
radiant and bright
elusive yet real
hidden beyond
the veils of my mind.

Deep in the silence
rests a beingness
free of time and space
free of earthly desires
patiently awaiting
the realization
of who I AM.

Deep in the silence
I find you
every time
I surrender
to the silence
of the omnipotence
of all-that-is.

It is here that I find you
deep in the silence
as the GodSelf
that is me.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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