Time of Separation

Humanity incarnated
into physicality
into a multitude
of diverse aspects
to better know our Self
by experiencing life
to the fullest

After eons of time
we got lost
in the separation
of our profusion
of aspects and personas
with a need to defend
who we thought
ourselves to be

This time of separation
is now drawing to a close
the consciousness of life
via our experiences
has expanded
all of our aspects
refined into radiant facets
unifying into our Oneness

We arise
from the ashes
in our wholeness
in our sovereignty
with the wisdom
of the phoenix

We soar
with spread wings
able to see
the expanded view
beyond separation
reveling in our sovereignty
as our radiant GodSelf
congruent with All-That-Is.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Purity of the Soul

Our Soul is divinely
pure and pristine
it cannot be harmed
wounded, scared
nor put asunder
nor does it require healing.

There is no dark night
of the soul
there is only the dark night
of the human
when it feels abandoned
and separated from its soul.

Our Soul delights
in preserving the distilled wisdom
from all our experiences
and the remembrance
of our I Am Presence
patiently awaiting our awakening.

’Tis only our human mind
and relationships with others
that create stories of
separation, abandonment
pain and suffering
nary the Soul, nor the I AM.

when feeling abandoned
broken or consumed by illness
sync into
the purity of your Soul
the love of your Soul
the divinity of your Soul
and the presence of the I AM.

Herein you will experience
the innate ease and grace
of healing
via the dissolution
of the human stories and distortions
that have held your Soul at bay
and what a joyous reunion awaits.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Living the Passion of the Soul: Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Vol VI”
available in paperback and ebook @

gratitude to the artist art by Patricia Ariel

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Remaining Open is Enough

We go through our lives living blindly
parroting what others have taught us
until our innate Divinity flips the switch

To see with new eyes, hear with new ears
as a new reality effortlessly
replaces the old with ease and grace.

There’s no need to work so hard at Enlightenment
your willingness to remain fully Open is enough
the GodSelf within you will take care of the rest.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Labyrinth of Enlightenment

The Labyrinth of Enlightenment
is a sacred soul journey
of awakening, self-discovery
healing, and transformation
weaving its way from the edges
of our carefully crafted human persona
toward the heart of our Inner Being.

Just when we think we’ve attained
the bliss and goal of nirvana
the chaos of transformation spins us
back out to the edge of the circle
for a more expanded view.

It takes courage and trust to begin
edging our way back to the center again
with our newly acquired wisdom
only to be spun out to the edges
for yet another expanded view.

This divine design is the Soul’s
loving way of guiding us
through our many layers of healing
weaving all our broken or forgotten parts
into full and compete embodiment.

Thus there is no error on our part
all these experiences are essential
to the awakening and embodiment
of the multidimensionality
of our Divinity.

Transformation is not comfortable
for the human aspect of ourselves
but when we surrender
all our fears to our Godself
the path can be one of ease and grace.

Once you reach the center
allow yourself to rest awhile
to savor the distilled wisdom
from all your experiences
before journeying back outward.

Trust that the labyrinth of enlightenment
will always lead you to the center
of your sacred Inner Being
with a more expanded consciousness
and the newly attained divine wisdom
to engage in the world
as the Embodiment of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
gratitude to the Bainbridge Island Community Labyrinth


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Realization of my GodSelf

Deep in the silence
within my being
a spark of light hovers
radiant and bright
elusive yet real
hidden beyond
the veils of my mind.

Deep in the silence
rests a beingness
free of time and space
free of earthly desires
patiently awaiting
the realization
of who I AM.

Deep in the silence
I find you
every time
I surrender
to the silence
of the omnipotence
of all-that-is.

It is here that I find you
deep in the silence
as the GodSelf
that is me.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Game of Enlightenment

The human mind can play
the game of enlightenment
but it knows not of enlightenment
for it can only draw upon
the replays of the past.

But the purity of the soul
does not harbor
any shadows of the past
it is always experiencing life
fresh and new.

We can not study enlightenment
we can only experience it
for it is through the soul
we become enlightened
not through the mind.

Enlightenment is not a goal
it is a continual
expansion of consciousness
with infinite potentials
brought into the light.

When we surrender to the soul
we are naturally enlightened
living life fresh and new
in the light of eternal expansion
with effortless Ease and Grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Commitment to Self

Honor your Self
by spending time
free of all distractions
for a day, a week
or even a few hours.

Sense the invitation
from the wisdom of your Soul
to fully experience
the expanded consciousness
that awaits you.

Allow your consciousness
to follow your heart
breaking free of
the old illusions
to create anew.

Immerse yourself
in your Soul’s expression
writing, artwork, music,
time away in nature or
wherever your heart calls.

A commitment made
to spend sacred time
with your GodSelf
will yield gifts
beyond your imagination.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Holly Sierra

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Ennobling our Humanness

With every experience
of expanded consciousness
there is a releasing
of what our mind
thought was real.

Our mind was never wrong
it has simply been functioning
per the programing
that’s been taught
over eons of time.

The mind is now
in the throes of transitioning
beyond the old constricted beliefs
that have brought us to this point
in our evolution.

What we are experiencing now
is an ennobling
and an exultation
of both the mind
and our physical body.

Indeed we often feel threatened
when the mind has gone fuzzy
free of its old way of thinking
not yet comfortable
with the new.

Compassion is the great healer
compassion for the mind
compassion for the body
and an honoring of our courage
to take such a bold step.

Remember Beloveds
you have done nothing wrong
you are simply experiencing
the ennobling and exultation
of your humanness
with expanded consciousness.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Liberating the Mind

Our Divine Knowing surfaces
when we liberate
the mind’s need
to understand
and be fully cognizant.

The mind does not
the mind can not
begin to understand
nor explain
our expanding consciousness.

Attempting to dissect
and explain
what the mind considers surreal
only distracts us
with useless mind chatter.

Relax, beloved one
release the mind’s
obsession to understand
and trust your divinity
to lead the way.

For your GodSelf
always orchestrates
your expanded consciousness
and fulfills your life
with ease and grace.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻ Sharing and donations are always appreciated ༺
gratitude to the unknown artist
