Your Wings Await You

Your wings have always been here
safely tucked behind your heart
along with all your dreams
and all your desires

patiently waiting
until you were ready
to go beyond
all that you have been taught

patiently waiting
until you felt safe enough
in the trusting
of your GodSelf

patiently waiting
until you loved and honored
all of who you are
as a sovereign being.

patiently waiting
until you were bold enough
to leave the old world behind
and take the leap.

Where you shall fly and where you shall land
I can not tell you . . .

For each flight
is new unto itself
just as each moment
is new unto itself
just as you
become new unto your self
in each and every moment
once you spread your wings
in All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Transformation of Anger

Someone pulled the pin on a grenade of visceral anger
that’s been unconsciously buried deep within me
from a long time ago.

My first reaction was toward the one who incited this anger
the one who tread upon my heart, then turned the other cheek
a story from my past.

As I sat with this anger,
allowing it to bubble and churn
allowing it to effortlessly flow out of me
without allowing it to fester, without the need to process,
I realized I am the one I have been angry with all these years
for taking it all on, for shrinking into unworthiness
for playing the victim, for groveling for acceptance
allowing someone else to control my life
for a few tidbits of superficial love.

In that moment of realization
my raging anger was spontaneously transformed
by a flood of loving compassion
for the part of me who never felt accepted
for she who never felt seen for who she truly is
for the one that was afraid to stand up for herself
for fear of being rejected
for the one who did not recognize herself
as the precious being that she is.

In that moment of consciousness
the grenade of anger exploded into a burst of love
in which I now stand strong as a sovereign being
with my head held high with an open radiant heart.

To the one who unknowingly pulled the pin on my grenade
I surround you in love and compassion
for I know you were lashing out in response
unaware of the pain and anger buried deep within you.

I pray that each one of us is able to consciously awaken
to the love that is always nestled side by side
in compassion for the anger that’s been buried within us
and may we all stand tall with open radiant hearts.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Confusion vs Clarity

I love CLARITY!!

And I also appreciate confusion
for confusion means
I’m sitting on the brink
of an expansion of consciousness.

With every new expansion,
my mind initially foibles around
in a temporary state of confusion
trying to make sense of the new.

But once everything is aligned
a new clarity ensues
a new way of being is revealed
and life becomes more exhilarating.

There is no need to hurry
or push through the confusion
because the more we honor it
the more tidbits of clarity we receive.

And what a JOY that is!!!

When I love the confusion
as much as I love clarity
I experience expansion
within expansion
within expansion.

Thus my consciousness
is in constant expansion
in constant bloom.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Gratitude for the Artwork: Forever’s Child by Ekaterina Burmak

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Meet the new You

The current energies
are spinning our cells
like little mini centrifuges
spinning off the density
purging the dross
activating our latent DNA
and illuminating the core
of Who We Are

Breathe deeply
allowing the body’s
innate wisdom
to find a new balance
from which to expand

Therein you will meet a new You
the YOU who has been hidden within
awaiting this divine moment
the YOU who is now emerging
from a deep sleep
the YOU who is the embodiment
of the Divine

Take a deep breath
and meet
the New YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Revealing our Gifts

Everyone is Gifted
each with our own uniqueness.

Many gifts await our opening
spontaneously unwrapped
when we step away from
the daily distractions
and the ties that bind them.

When we pause in the moment
to search our hearts
gifts present themselves
changing our lives in ways
we could not have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Book of the Soul

I closed the book of “Spirituality”
there is nothing more for me to read
nor anything more to learn.

I closed the book on the “New Age”
although it was new
I have moved beyond that now.

I closed the book of “Witchcraft”
there are no more spells for me to conjure
no more brews for me to stir.

I closed the book of “Healing”
for I know myself as whole and complete
as a pure expression of my GodSelf.

I closed the book of “Alchemy”
for I have already been transformed
from carbon into crystalline.

I honor these books now set aside
for they have guided me
to awaken to all of Who I Am.

I now delight in
the “Book of my Soul”
written by my own hand.

The “Book of my Soul”
filled with the Wisdom
distilled from all the experiences
I have lived as a human
and. . .
the essence of All of Who I Am
as a sovereign being who continues
to expand my consciousness.

It is with the “Book of my Soul”
tucked into the pocket of my heart
that I now live life with ease and grace
creating life anew with the joyfulness of a child.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Exploring New Dimensions

When feeling disjointed
or perhaps a bit “off”
’tis the human self
freeing itself of its mental constraints
simultaneously exploring
a wide array of
multiple dimensions.

This is an invitation to open
to a more expanded way of being
where you will find new footing
as a child in a new playground
filled with gleeful wonderment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Transcending our Thinking

There is no turning back
once we open ourselves
to living in the unknown

Sometimes my mind feels like
it’s courting chaos while attempting
to maintain the linear order of life

But my soul is soaring
because it’s always in the know
with moment to moment revelations

No wonder the mind feels threatened
with new potentials appearing
faster than the mind can keep up

It is in opening to all of life
the known and the unknown
that we transcend our human thinking.

Herein lies our Peace
our childlike wonderment
and our impetus to Thrive.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Art by Dorina Costras

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Calling Forth the Soul

When you call forth your Soul
you have also called forth
the eternal Wisdom of the Divine.

The Soul will not be content
to allow you to tuck it away
because it does not fit the persona
you have created for yourself
or the world that surrounds you.

The Wisdom of the Soul
will unerringly filter into your life
smoothing your path with ease and grace
or it will create havoc with your persona
who is unwilling to let go.

Your Soul will disrupt you
’til you embrace it’s divine wisdom
or haunt you until your death.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Nancy Noel

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Eternal Expansion

Ascension bears no crown of achievement
there is no goal, nothing to attain
ascension is an ongoing process

Every time I expand my consciousness
I realize more of my GodSelf
as a result God also expands

Thus, I Am experiencing
an eternal spiral of infinite expansion
and continual ascension.

I Am constantly expanding
I Am constantly ascending.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Ellen Vaman

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