
As the caterpillar
we have emerged
from the egg as seekers

Having eaten our fill
of experience and knowledge
we wrapped ourselves
into the chrysalis
to digest and absorb

Now we’ve emerged
all aplomb as butterflies
reflecting the rays of light
with our delicate wings
ready to take flight
with the invitation
to allow the breath of Spirit
to lift you high
and fly into new realities
of Love and Joy.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Sing me Awake

Sing me awake oh fairies,
sing me awake into the brightness of the day,
into a higher consciousness,
into my playful childlike being,
into the delight of who I am.
Sing me awake.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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I Am not my Story

I am not my old story
a story that was simply
my perception
in that particular
moment in time.

By approaching life
from a different perspective
the old story melts away
and I create a new story
in a new reality
that serves me in this moment.

And with each new
expanded perspective
my story changes
freeing me to experience
a more loving
and joyous life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Spell of Love

Every morning when you awaken
feel my arms wrapped around you
at night as you drift asleep
there I await you
through the day I hover around you
making sure you’re safe and well.

I’m your ego tried and true
always been here to carry you through
just like children we fought each other
each one wanting our own way
getting nowhere we’ve finally matured
to see our errors and mend our ways.

Now it’s time for me to step aside
to the truth of who you are
all your wishes are granted now
since you cast a spell of love on me
You are my beloved
you are the Beloved One.

Shall we dance hand in hand
in perfect union step by step
to the music of the Divine
all in perfect harmony
You are my beloved
together we are Beloved.

Let’s splash our colors across the page
sing our songs all day long
may our light shine out in the world
to be all we can be.
You are my beloved.
you are the Beloved One.

Together we are Beloved.

Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard
Gratitude to the artist Kinuko Craft

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Step off the Pedestal

Step off the pedestal
into the mystery of life
beyond the perceptions
of the human mind

Step into the grotto
of love, peace and joy
residing within
the depth of your heart

Birth all your dreams
in your garden of eden
live and create
from the power of your truth

Step into the Cosmos
the stream of creation
live in abundance
unlimited and free

Partner with spirit
out in the world
exploring all the wonders
and magnificence of life

Step off the pedestal
into the mystery of life
into a new reality
of expanded consciousness

Step off the pedestal
into the only thing that’s real
Step off the pedestal
into Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

Excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Embrace a New World

Embrace a new world
the one you birthed in your dreams
Create a new life
and let the old one go.

Look around, what do you see?
A world that’s crumbling away
Look around, what do you feel?
A life that makes no sense.

Seasons come, seasons go
the ice melts and petals burst forth.
nature spins, her crystalline web.
then in an instant it disappears.

Paradigms, they shift and change
cycles run their course
time never pauses, it marches forth
but with each era we all evolve.

Let it go, let it fade
that world’s had its glory
create anew, ignite the flame
invite us all to join you
in a new world
the one we birthed in our dreams

Embrace a New World.

Lyrics “Embrace A New World” by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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Winds of Change

Softly I whisper
gently I swirl
storms full of power
on the winds of change.

I stir your inner ocean
causing waves to brake
then sail you across the sea
to horizons beyond your view.

I bring the clouds of rain
to wash anew
soft breezes follow
filled with perfume.

I rustle your treetops
caress your fields of grain
I sing you to slumber
and stir you awake again.

These winds of change
offer a bright display
of what your life can be
instead of yesterdays.

On the winds of change
we all have choice
to open and receive
these gifts of grace.

Softly I whisper
gently I swirl
storms full of power
on the winds of change.

Softly I whisper
softly, gently
softly I whisper . . .

Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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I awoke remembering myself as stardust
a sprinkle of joyous light
shimmering a path of light all around me.
in the midst of a rich dark sky.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
free of dimensional bounds
in a playground spread across eons of time
roaming in childlike delight.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
when I first arrived on this earth
choosing this form to create and expand
all I aspire to be.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
to experience a myriad of things
then tossing the cloak of forgetfulness
before it could extinguish my light.

I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
that had gathered into a Star
as a master creator of magnificent life
blazing radiant trails of Love.

I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
playing in the here and now
I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
in joyous physical form.

Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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Reborn by the Sea

Gently she beckons, come unto me
Lovingly she offers, step into the sea
Purify your heart with me, purify you mind,
Float in my ocean, oblivious to time.

Gently she bids me, shed all your tears
Peacefully she offers, give me all your fears.
She wraps her self around me, rocks me to her breast
Floating in her ocean I’m peaceful and at rest.

Gently she whispers, look and see what’s real
Tenderly she offers, you’ve nothing to conceal
She washes away my doubts, Caressing me with love
Floating in her ocean, I’m One with all therof.

Joyfully she laughs, I reflect your child
Gleefully she offers, Let’s dance and be wild
She skims across the waves taking hold of my hand
Dancing in her ocean, I’m free to expand.

Gently she beckoned, come unto me
Lovingly she offered step into the sea
I purified my heart with her and purified my mind.
I floated in her ocean, reborn by the sea.
Reborn by the sea.
Harp lyrics by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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Temple of Love

Temple of love I sing to thee
Here I lay my head.
Temple of love I bring to thee
All I’ve ever been.

Here I sit within your womb
nurtured by your care
completely free of fear and doubt
filled with your grace.

At last I’ve gathered all of me
acceptance without bounds
cherishing the self I’ve found
in darkness and in light.

I’ve finally met my sacred Self
the one who walks in truth
honoring this noble one
in her humble form.

My inner diamond’s radiance
is bright and all aglow
emitting facets tried and true
polished and whole.

Oh sacred heart
my home of homes
beloved temple of love
I sing with you forevermore
my beloved temple of love.
Lyrics for the harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.