Birthing a New World

We are birthing a new world!
We are not fighting the hypocrisy.

Allow the old to reveal itself for what it is
a broken system immeshed in the fear of loss.
Allow it to die peacefully
surrounded by our love.

For is that not also what is happening
within each of us?
The death of the old
and the birthing of the new.

Love humanity
Love your humanness
Love where we have come from
and love the new.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I Am Woman

I Am Woman
I Am the Divine Feminine
I do not do battle as a man does
but do not mistake that as complacency.

My spear
strikes at the heart
not to kill
nor to conquer
but to soften
and dissolve the barriers
that have attempted
to keep love at bay.

I do not carry a shield
for I have nothing to protect
my protection is the fire of love
which will transform
anything you may aim at me
my protection is compassion
which will disarm you
and melt your desire to fight.

I stand in my power
the power to give birth
to that which is born
of our coming together
in divine partnership
in love and harmony
for the co-creation
of eternal life itself.

I Am Woman
I Am the Divine Feminine
I stand strong and powerful
I stand in Love and Compassion.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Kaleidoscope Pieces

Re-collecting all of my self
all the kaleidoscope pieces
that have separated off
to experience every possible
nuance of life

Buried deep within
needing to be resurrected
held, nurtured, and loved
after being shattered and bruised
by the throngs of life thrown at it
through duality’s door

Each precious piece
with its vast experience
is being gathered back home
embodied in the womb of the heart
enlivened by the spark of creation
to embrace its divine birthright
held in escrow by our soul

Once again whole and sovereign
sparkling brightly in harmony
with each creative expansion
to birth new realities
with our newfound
joy and freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Dying to the Old

Stripped down
illusions revealed
self-denial rising to the surface
pealing away all that is not Love.

Dying to the old
all that remains
is the core essence
of Who I AM.

Death can be painful
death can also happen
with pure serenity
and sublime grace.

Why fear it
why resist it?
What lies on the other side
is the ultimate freedom and joy.

A new life awaits
do you have the courage
to strip down
die to the old
to birth anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Listen to poem:

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Fertile Womb of the Universe

The machinations of the present world
have nothing to offer you anymore
having reached its mammoth point
it’s in the process of dissolving of its own accord
because the present vibrational energies
are no longer supporting it

Meanwhile, your inner world
has become the fertile womb of creation
with infinite potentials available to you
offering evolutionary zygotes
via your ability to transcend duality
by integrating All That Is

If you want to change the world
shift your focus inward
to where all the action is taking place
in your own fertile womb of the universe
as humanity prepares to give birth
to a whole new domain of Well-being.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Womb of Darkness

The darkness
is the Womb of Creation
the void that hold all potentials
for a life of Well-Being.

The darkness was never meant
to be a place for hiding
fabricated fears of the mind
littered with mental megaliths.

It is a place of spaciousness
a dance floor large enough
for your eternally expanded
consciousness to create anew.

The Womb of Creation draws to it
all the divine notes to birth a new song
new steps to birth a new dance
and new realizations to birth a new You.

It’s time to stop fearing
and demonizing the darkness
by adhering to those who are using it
to control and manipulate.

It is time to embrace the darkness
for what it truly is
the Mother of Creation
as the Womb of All-That-Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Susan Seddon-Boulet

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Dissolving Emotional Discord

Emotions are running high
personally and collectively
exacerbated by the global dramas

This is a sacred time of clearing
as our Soul dissolves the emotional discord
held in our bodies from many lifetimes

If we simply allow our emotions
to surface without engaging
they will dissolve of their own accord
releasing their emotional gravity
without the need to repeat the suffering
and distortions from stories past

Because the only reality
is the here and now.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Birthing from your Heart’s Passion

Everything is born
from within
the darkness of the womb

Seeded by your divinity
awaiting your realization

Until you are willing
to step away from
life as you’ve known it

Until you surrender
your antiquated
human desires

Until you allow yourself
to drift in the darkness
of the unknown

Otherwise. . . .
you are simply
rearranging the old life
from different perspectives

Rather than birthing
your heart’s passion
to create anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Rooted in Grace


I have moved into a new abode
a place of peace and contentment
a place of grace and beauty
a place created by my Soul.

I have moved into a new abode
beyond the linear mind
a place free of confusion
a place where everything flows.

I have moved into a new abode
but my mind continues to grapple
for it has no roots in this new place
this place of Divine Knowing.

Hush sweet child, I whisper
I know you fear your death
but this my BeLoved one
this is your Sacred rebirth.

We have moved into a new abode
where we can live carefree
playing to our hearts content
as creators of a boundless life.

So sing with me a joyous new song
a song that celebrates life
a song of expanded consciousness
a song that’s rooted in Grace.

The Grace of new beginnings
the Grace of a peaceful past
the Grace of future creations
the Grace of All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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You Hold the Power

If it stirs your fear then leave it
and turn your attention to Love
before you become ensnared
in the illusion of fear.

Fear holds no power
it can only feed upon itself
and when no longer fed
it folds in upon itself and dies.

You are the one
that holds all the power
by proliferating Love
and expanding Consciousness.

You hold the power in your heart
by sharing your Love
with all of humanity
and birthing a reality rooted in Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Edward Foster

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