Living in Dreamtime

‘tis no longer
confined to when
I lay my head
upon the pillow

continues to
abide with me
the entire day

is superseding
what I always
thought to be
my reality

is the new way
of BEing
beyond a world
in transition.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Active Dreamtime

Grateful I am free of
any immediate responsibilities
with nothing I need do in this moment
giving my mind leave to drift
while I gaze out into the forest
appreciating the play of sunshine
while I savor this serenity

Meanwhile, my body and mind
are being pulled into the quiet and stillness
while other aspects of my consciousness
are busy orchestrating and creating
beyond the comprehension of my mind

This is a gift I have given to myself
as an act of conscious creation
in potent active dreamtime.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Oh how powerful
our dreamtime has become
as we are dreaming-in
a whole new world
while dissolving
the antiquated timelines

Experiencing energetically
within our dreamtime
free of entangled thoughts
that hold us captive
to the matrix of
our day to day living

This we do
without having to
physically engage
simply energetically enliven

This is how we create
with Ease and Grace

Dream on, BeLoveds,
Dream on!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Surrender to Napping

When drawn deep into a nap
in the midst of the day
drifting off beyond time and space
into expanded consciousness
into higher realms

Do not judge a nap
as lapses of laziness
for naps are transports
to the Highest form of Creation
from within your physical body

These are the playgrounds
of New Earth scenarios
filled with infinite potentials
beyond the concept
of our human mind

Thus, surrender
to the pull of the nap
that is the call
of your Master Creator
at work!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Passage of the Sovereign Being

The Sovereign being
passes through the eye of the needle
naked, alone, in serenity and simplicity,
having left everything of the old behind
after surrendering it all to their GodSelf.

‘Tis a quiet passage lingering in the void
as one acclimates and orients
to the expansion of consciousness,
drifting in multidimensionality,
free of time and space.

And with divine timing,
although the landscape has changed,
all that you held dear and left behind
returns transformed by the power of your Love
and Alas!!! The magic begins….

Nothing was lost,
everything gained,
as you dream your new life into being
perfectly aligned with with All-That-Is
in a playground of joyous creation.

As a Sovereign being,
with a fully open heart,
you glance back at the eye of the needle
and bow in gratitude to your human self
for the courage to step on through.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Duality is Passe’

Your world of duality is now passe’
the reflection you see is your pure Divinity
free of illusions created by man
no longer held captive by your mind

Instead, you envision
your Soul’s infinite dreams
bathed in the embryonic fluid
of the Primordial Womb of Creation

Do not rush the birthing
do not push and prod
Allow the gestation
free of time and space
hand in hand with
the Divine wisdom
that is YOU.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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artwork: Reflections of a Queen by A. Smith



Passion, oh passion
where have you gone
kidnapping my dreams
and desires

Leaving me
in the void
in this place
of nothingness

Alone and bored
with nothing
to stir
my appetite for life

Oh human,
beloved human
this passion
that you seek

It is the paltry passion
of the human
who is unable to see
beyond this reality

Your true yearning
is for the passion
and the dreams
of your Soul

You will not find them
in your mind
you can only find them
in the void

The void
where the mind is still
and the divine is
ever present

So rest in the void
while the mind unravels
releasing your passion
and dreams of the past

Rest in the void
in the exquisite
of your Soul

Until the moment
your soul stirs
with new
exhilarating passion

Passion that breeds
dreams and desires
that transcend
your human mind

Dreams and desires
that make your heart sing
with infinite new
orchestrations of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Whispers of your Heart

Listen, Listen, Oh Listen
Listen to the whispers of your heart
telling you the story of your life
coming into form.

What stories it may tell
of love and joy
yet to be explored
in the gardens
of our long lost fairytales
residing in our hearts.

What songs they may sing
of longings
not to be ignored
along this journey
of heaven on earth
revealing all that’s ours.

Our heart knows
the way to fulfillment
of passions hidden deep
and maps the journey
of life’s greatest joys
with ever flowing ease.

Our hopes and dreams
await patiently
look inside you’ll find
the womb of creation within us
ready to give birth.

Wherever we are
our heart’s there too
so take a breath and see
solutions and answers
to all our woes
as worry fades away.

Our heart heals the wounds
from all the past
bathing us in love
to offer new vision
and clear the path
blessing us with grace.

So open your heart
let your love flow free
out into the world
with open hearts
we can all rejoice
and live our dreams together.

Listen, Listen, Oh Listen
Listen to the whispers of your heart.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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The Soul’s Reality

It does not matter
if you dream it
envisioned it
read it in a novel
or live it.

It all becomes
soul experience
when you allow yourself
to feel it deeply enough
to embody it.

The soul does not require
mental validation
nor judges
one experience
against another.

The soul distills
the essence
of each experience
into wisdom
as its reality.

Everything else
dissolves as illusion.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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