Compassion of the Soul

The deeper we go
within our selves
the more of our unconsciousness
is brought to the surface
playing out in full view.

As the dross is stirred,
the more raw
the more tender
the more vulnerable
we allow ourselves to be
in the face of what feels threatening,
the more easily it’s dissolved
by the light of day.

What is revealed
is the love and compassion
our soul has for us
with its all-knowing wisdom
ever guiding us
with the most gentle
ease and grace
if we allow.

Breathe deeply, Beloved
invite the revelations
of your soul
to introduce you
to the totality of
the Divine Love that you are
with its gentle ease and grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Nikolaos Gyzis


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Welcome to the Renaissance

Welcome to the Renaissance
the evolution of humanity
the transcendence of duality
the reemergence of the Divine.

In order to transcend duality
we realize everything that presents itself
serves a divine purpose
for our awakening.

old wounds are surfacing
for compassionate healing

ingrained habits questioned
to break out of old molds

antiquated beliefs examined
to create new systems

all stirring up life
as we’ve known it

all for our observation
free of right or wrong

no need to defend
no need to fix anything

This Renaissance is calling forth
loving compassionate hearts 
for all who are in turmoil

the renewal of faith and trust
in the goodness of one another

open minds to the genesis
of new potentials

the honoring of each other’s
sacred individual soul journeys

and most of all. . .
the reawakening
of the Divine in each of us.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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gratitude to the artist: Birth of Venus by Botticelli

Kaleidoscope Pieces

Re-collecting all of my self
all the kaleidoscope pieces
that have separated off
to experience every possible
nuance of life

Buried deep within
needing to be resurrected
held, nurtured, and loved
after being shattered and bruised
by the throngs of life thrown at it
through duality’s door

Each precious piece
with its vast experience
is being gathered back home
embodied in the womb of the heart
enlivened by the spark of creation
to embrace its divine birthright
held in escrow by our soul

Once again whole and sovereign
sparkling brightly in harmony
with each creative expansion
to birth new realities
with our newfound
joy and freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Dying to the Old

Stripped down
illusions revealed
self-denial rising to the surface
pealing away all that is not Love.

Dying to the old
all that remains
is the core essence
of Who I AM.

Death can be painful
death can also happen
with pure serenity
and sublime grace.

Why fear it
why resist it?
What lies on the other side
is the ultimate freedom and joy.

A new life awaits
do you have the courage
to strip down
die to the old
to birth anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Listen to poem:

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Perceived Separation

Feeling lost?
Feeling alone?
Feeling bereft?

How can you be lost
How can you be alone
How can you be bereft
when your God Self is always present
when Source is unremittingly flowing through you . . .

You feel these things
because you feel separate
from your God Self
separate from your Source.

There is no such thing as separation
the only thing that holds you separate
are the stories your mind tells you
from stories of the past
that no longer hold any relevance
in this moment.

This moment
is always brand new
flowing with Source energy
flowing with Love for you
flowing with everything you will ever need.

Living fully present
in this moment
provides the only healing you will ever need
from your perceived separation
to live in wholeness
as the God Self
you know your self to be.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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New Sparkle to Life

This is an exciting time for you!!!
Do not plunder it away
caught up in old desires
entranced by old dreams
that no longer serve you.

You have lived fully
in the world of duality
appreciate those experiences
for what they have been
free of your analysis.

Recognize your experiences
for the gems that they are
placing them in new golden settings
rather than attempting
to buff up the old.

There is a new sparkle to life
that shines through you
when you allow your experiences
to be the radiant stepping stones
to a new reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I AM the Chalice

I sat with Mother Mary
and Love flowed through my being
I sat with Yeshua
and forgiveness flooded my heart
I sat with Buddha
and peace was found in the stillness
I sat with Quan Yin
and compassion enveloped me
I sat with the Ancestors
and clarity ensued
I sat with Merlin
and magic sparkled within me
I sat with the Fae
and joy danced around me.

the Love of Mary
forgiveness of Yeshua
peace of Buddha
compassion of Quan Yin
clarity of my Ancestors
magic of Merlin
and the joy of the Fae.

There is no need
for me to seek for anything
outside of myself
when I remember
I AM the chalice of All-That-Is
and it is in the sharing of Who I AM
that I become a role model for others.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Self you’ve yet to Know

There’s more of You
knocking at the door
of your heart
but you can’t hear it
if you’re constantly
dialing in to the old stations
with the speakers of your mind
turned up full blast.

Switch it all off
get still and listen
to the gentle beating of your heart
the rhythm of your breath
the essence of your inner being
and your soul’s calling
all of you Home
to the Self you’ve yet to know.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Drink Deeply of the Elixirs of Life

You are a Star Being with infinite gifts to share
the Universe does not serve a single course meal
for which you have no choice
the Universe serves up feasts of infinite delicacies
and pours sparkling wine from which to imbibe.

You are the Universe
You are the guest of honor
take your place
unwrap your gifts
and drink deeply
of the elixirs of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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You are already EnLightened

When you gaze inside your heart
you can see it beating
with the Love of the Divine

Your body radiates
the light of a master
where there is a place of peace
in the core of your being

You are already Enlightened
‘tis only your mind that doubts
what your soul already knows

‘Tis only your mind that resists
turning over the reins
but ‘tis your heart
that knows the truth

You are already Enlightened.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.