Reality Blossoms

The day arrives
when we realize
what we thought was real
was only a mind simulation
of the collective consciousness

Then true Reality
blossoms from
deep within
our own hearts.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Sitting Companionably

The more often
I sit companionably
with my Inner Being
the more often
I realize the embodiment
of my GodSelf
as the integration of
my human
my soul
and my I AM

The more often
I sit companionably
as my GodSelf
the more conscious
I become of my
abundantly flowing
Wisdom and Well-BEing.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Unified Body of Consciousness

As the original
wound of separation
is rising to the surface
mass consciousness
continues to cycle
through its play-back
via extreme polarities

Attempting to mitigate
this rift in consciousness
amidst the flux of duality
only exacerbates it

But by seeking harmony
within ourselves
by allowing all our past experiences
to distill into wisdom
we find the true center within us
as our GodSelf
a unified body of consciousness
as the I AM, Soul, and human

Herein we find peace
with All-That-Is
and Love beyond
our human bounds

Love of self
with all its human foibles
Love and compassion
for all humanity
allows us to rise
sovereign and free
as conscious creators
of a new reality.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Flow of Life

The flow of life is
simple and easy
gracious and welcoming
effortless and without angst

It doesn’t require
any efforting
or energy manipulation
only a conscious choice
and a true desire
to live in this flow
rather than our old
habitual patterns

It feels so obvious
when a former pattern
slips back in
because it feels
SO out of alignment
with who we
now know
ourselves to be

A simple refocusing
is all it takes
to return to the
wondrous adventure
of consciously
navigating life
as the embodiment
of the I AM
in this physical body

Oh the joy
of living in the
open ended “YES”
in answer to
the eternal offerings
of the Universe!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Age of Becoming

We are entering
the Age of Becoming

Sovereign and free
from the bondage of
the collective consciousness

Fresh and new
no longer an imprint
of our ancestral linage

No longer repeating
the cycles of
what has been

Nor yearning for
human desires of
what could be

We are entering
the Age of Becoming
master creators

Consciously allowing
the flow of new
pristine energies
with infinite potentials
to become anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the Artist- Viola Sado

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Creating with the Divine

I am not a warrior
here to fight the battle
of good vs bad

I am a creator
birthing a new reality
rooted peace and harmony
without laying blame
or guilt upon another

I create with
the purity of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Beyond Right and Wrong

Think ye right
Think ye wrong

There is no difference
betwixt the two

For all of life
is beyond
right or wrong

Rightness or wrongness
is only a concept
of the human mind

Attempting to control
a world that is
beyond control

At our core
we are creators
not controllers

Awake dear ones
awaken to your
creative genius

Herein lies
a whole new reality
in which to play

To enjoy life
as it has always
meant to be.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Simply BE

BE . . . simply BE
allowing life to expand from within
for it is the Illustrious Universe
expressing as YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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When we feel overwhelmed
it is our natural tendency
to pull in and contract
in order to feel safe

But the overwhelm
is asking us to expand
to open more fully
to the totality of who we are

Take a few deep breaths
to clear all the limitations
of the mind clutter
giving it the space it needs

To realize the truth
and embody the totality
of who you are
of what you are capable

Herein lies the magic
of expanded consciousness
to create new realities.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist fallenleavesfairy @

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All is Well

I Am the creator
of my own reality

It is not up to me to create
anyone else’s reality

For how could I?
How can I know
what another’s
divine soul path is

How can I know
what experiences
they are calling in
for themselves

My attempts to
change their lives
only interferes with
their own soul path

It is not up to me
to interfere in what is not mine
rather to honor each person
and their own unique journey

By consciously
shining my innate light
via my love and compassion
I illuminate a new way of being

Thus everyone in the world
has the opportunity to vision
a more expanded reality
in the knowing that All Is Well.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Laura Koniver

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