Your Heart always holds the Answer

When feeling the quivering of your body,
that soft rumble of anticipation.
I ask you…
Is it fear of the unknown?
Is it adventurous excitement?

Don’t allow the old
ingrained programing
to answer this question for you.
‘Tis your heart
that always
knows the answer.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Walking into the Unknown

You have walked
out of the old world
into the unknown.

You have walked
where others
fear to tread.

‘Tis your footsteps
that lead the way,
abolishing all fear.

‘Tis your footsteps
that leave trails of Love
inviting others to follow
to walk into the the unknown
with Joy in their hearts.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Natural Abundance

The inability to “let go”
is a deep core abundance issue
a fear there isn’t enough

enough love
if I let go of this person
no one else will love me

enough caring
if I’m ill or in pain
no one will take care of me

enough happiness
with the world in chaos
everyone is downhearted

enough money
I have to work hard
for everything I have

enough things
if I let go of what I have
I won’t be able to afford better
enough energy
energy is limited
and I become depleted

It’s time to re-focus from
what we’re letting go of
to give gratitude for
the abundance here now

When we finally release
these antiquated ingrained beliefs
our hearts fully open and
everything effortlessly flows to us

Love, Joy, Happiness, Money
are all our God-given birthrights
It’s time to open to the divine
allowing our natural abundance
because the world needs your Abundant Self!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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In the Arms of the Soul

When faced with the unknown
our physicality has been
programed for fight or flight
to ensure its safety and preservation

But if you allow yourself
to explore beyond the insecurities
rooted in the fear of the unknown
you will realize the Soul has no fear

The Soul is the epitome
of all the refined wisdom
gathered from all your experiences
always available to you

Your Soul is asking you
to trust your Self enough
to open your heart’s portal
from “trickle” to “wide open”

When you do,
all the pain and suffering
from holding back will disappear
cradled in the arms of your Soul.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Finding Balance

Extreme light
as well as
extreme darkness
can blind us.

It’s the way in which
they dance together
that brings the unseen
into form.

Why do you turn away
in fear of the darkness
to face only the light
when we are
the glorious dance
of dark and light
the miraculous
human form of Creation!!!

It’s in finding our balance
that we are in perfect union
with the Joyous symphony of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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oh those illusions

Fear in its many forms
threatens our safety
harbors our anger
and alters our minds

Doubt stops us in our tracks
blankets our brilliance
veils our beauty
and stifles creation

Guilt overtakes us
fills us with sorrow
suffers us wounds
and closes our hearts.

Worry bleeds us dry
limits our options
smolders our passion
and steals our joy.

Illusions, oh those illusions
Why do we believe them?
Suffering pain
Closing our hearts
Giving up joy

Where lies our freedom
from all these illusions?

By opening our hearts
to find our wisdom and joy
Only then can we see clearly
through the illusions.

Illusions, silly illusions
Illusions, they’re simply illusions.
~ Harp Lyrics by Sharon Lyn Shepard ~

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I Don’t Always Know

The evening sun sets along with all its light
taking us deeper into the dark unknown
what we may find there we’re often so afraid of
but there in the darkness our treasures all await.

So, what are mistakes but a way to learn
through trial and error it all comes clear
success or failure they’re both the same
it’s all experience, neither right nor wrong.

Sometimes I know exactly what I want
but what I don’t know is how to get from here to there
it seems impossible these dreams are truly mine
finally surfaced after all this time.

There’s a new opportunity with each and every sunrise
new awareness rests amongst the shadows
I may not know but my soul sure does
I don’t always know but my soul always does.

Dreams come full circle as I finally mature
putting what I think I know off to the side
inviting the woman that’s been here all along
to step in stride with my soul.

I may not know but my soul sure does.
I don’t always know, do you?
I don’t always know but my soul always does.
Harp and lyrics by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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