The inability to “let go”
is a deep core abundance issue
a fear there isn’t enough
enough love
if I let go of this person
no one else will love me
enough caring
if I’m ill or in pain
no one will take care of me
enough happiness
with the world in chaos
everyone is downhearted
enough money
I have to work hard
for everything I have
enough things
if I let go of what I have
I won’t be able to afford better
enough energy
energy is limited
and I become depleted
It’s time to re-focus from
what we’re letting go of
to give gratitude for
the abundance here now
When we finally release
these antiquated ingrained beliefs
our hearts fully open and
everything effortlessly flows to us
Love, Joy, Happiness, Money
are all our God-given birthrights
It’s time to open to the divine
allowing our natural abundance
because the world needs your Abundant Self!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
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