By setting an intention
the mind is immediately
drawn into action
scanning against all that has been
rather than drawing
upon infinite potentials.
Therefore. . .
Instead of setting an intent
and engaging the mind
I take a deep breath
and sink deeply
into my GodSelf
asking . . .
Show me
more of who I am
show me the magic
show me all
I have yet to discover
to BE
free of
the mind’s limitations
the old programs
and society’s constructs
to go beyond
that which
I have ever known
into the depth of myself
to excite my passion.
I do not know
what this looks like
for how could I
when it is beyond
the mind’s imagination.
However, I do know
what it feels like to create
via the purity of my GodSelf
it feels like Home.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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