New Avenues of Awareness

That which you are stepping into
is beyond the current capacity of your mind,
your need to understand is slowing down the energy
that is introducing new avenues of awareness.
Step back, relax in your nakedness
and trust that your Inner Being knows
exactly what it is doing as it guides the mind
into new and exciting adventures.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
gratitude for the artwork by Ines Honfi


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Well-being is your Birthright

You are a Master Creator and you
created your illustrious physical body
before you incarnated.
Do you really believe that you
created a body that would degenerate
get ill and die in pain?
Your Inner Being holds
the Divine template of Well-BEing
to rejuvenate and regenerate
each and every cell
with the Benevolence of the Universe
constantly flowing through you.
It is only your human programing
adopted from generations that precede you
and the media’s propaganda
that floods your mind with misconceptions
that interfere with the natural thriving
of your Well-BEing.
Isn’t it time to withdraw from
all the well meaning advice thrown at you
and make an unwavering commitment
to spend quality time with your beloved body,
to love it, nurture it, and allow it
to find it’s innate balance?
By sitting in meditation
consciously loving your physical body
and spending quiet time in nature’s embrace
your body will begin to reinitiate
your Divine template
for self healing and regeneration.
You are a Master Creator.
Honor that which you created
as a Holy Temple to house your GodSelf
sync into it’s Knowingness and innate guidance.
Well-BEing is your birthright.
It’s time to cash in!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Innate Knowing

‘Tis time to go
beyond thinking
to contemplate
with our feelings
free of the distortions
of the human mind

‘Tis time to go beyond
our unrestrained thinking
free of the distortions
of the human mind

To quietly contemplate
the experience of life
via the essence of
our innate knowing

Be assured, the mind
is happy to join you
on this new journey of life
without the need to fight or negate it

Simply invite the mind
to expand along with you
as your GodSelf
for it alone doesn’t know how

Allow your Divine innate knowing
to step into the lead role
as your new navigation system
to effortlessly guide you

And voila’
life becomes one of ease and grace
with ever expanding potentials
in the magic of creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Open to the Divine

we feel pain
out of control
thrust into the unknown
or expanded beyond our comfort levels
our reactive tendency is to contract
into protective mode.

With contraction
we suppress and internalize our feelings
strangling them from love and acceptance
exacerbating the pain.

Whereas opening to the Divine
gives our feelings space to breath
freeing them to
rebalance and resolve.

Change is a natural part of life
accompanied by
continual growth and expansion.

Your Soul is yearning to experience
a more expanded consciousness
Your Soul is asking to
be free and open to
more Love
more Joy
and more Life.

When you trust your Soul
there is nothing to fear.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom” 

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My Inner Being

My Inner Being
is always
in the here
and now.

My Inner Being
awaits my attention
waiting for me
to begin
the conversation.

My Inner Being
is fully conscious,
sees all,
hears all,
knows all,
IS all.

When I refocus
my attention
to the here and now,
I expand
into my
Inner Being.

Then I too can
see all
hear all
know all
I am
my Inner Being
All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Voice Within

The voice within me
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
louder than
that which is
outside me.

How is it
I’ve allowed
the outer world
to guide my path
for so many years
when it is my inner voice
that carries the essence
and the wisdom
of Who I AM.

How is it
we think
that which
is outside us
rules our lives
when the voice within
has endured
since the beginning of time
and the outer world
continues to collapse upon itself.

How grateful I am
to the voice within
that whispers
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
and I have
to listen.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Go Inward

Instead of
reaching out
for acknowledgment,
go inward.

Instead of
reaching out
for acceptance,
go inward.

Instead of
reaching out
for love,
go inward.
out there
is a mere
of what
you will find
when you,
go inward.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Allowing the Spaciousness

Spaciousness is …
the space between each breath,
each thought, each experience.

Spaciousness is …
the womb of creation,
where you plant your seeds.

Spaciousness is …
the answer to the questions
that have yet to be asked.

Spaciousness is …
your innate
guidance system.

Spaciousness is …
the support and nurturance
of your desires.

Spaciousness is…
the core of your

Spaciousness is …
the potency of

expands in
response to you.

The more space
you allow in your life,
the more potent it becomes.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

artwork “Dreams” by Jozef Israëls

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Safe Haven of your Heart

Once upon a time
there was a young girl
who was afraid
to live in her human body
on this earth plane.

She created
an island in the sky
and delighted in spending
most of her time there
with an enclave of friends.

Then one day,
the island disappeared
and her friends told her
it was time to live
in her physical body full time.

Oh how she hated that!!!
she hated how entrapped she felt,
she missed her friends,
she missed the magic of the island
she missed creating new adventures.

Because she didn’t feel safe
on the earth plane,
she burrowed deep
within herself,
going deeper and deeper.

Then one day, lo and behold,
there was her island
floating in the ocean of her heart
with all her friends
waving her welcome.

Today this girl is blessed
because she has
the best of both worlds,
she knows she’s safe in her body
and all her friends have joined her.

The moral of the story,
go deep within…
for this is the only safe haven
where you will find
everything you’ll ever desire.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The restlessness
you may be feeling
is because
your consciousness
has expanded
and your physicality
is adjusting to it.

Relax and smile
your Inner Being knows
what’s it’s doing.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom~”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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