You are a Master Creator

You have spent lifetimes
creating your own Universe,
via your dreamtime,
your meditations,
your desires,
and your actions
a life that continues to evolve
per your innate instructions.

You innately know how to do this!
How could you not
for you are a Master Creator
who has created worlds
within worlds.

‘Tis time to enjoy
ALL you have created
with the directives
of your Sacred Heart.
‘Tis time to live in Joy!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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artwork by Kala del Sol

Joy of Life

The current renaissance
is in full swing
initiated by those
whose hearts are bursting
with the innate knowledge
that earth was created
for the Joy of Life.

We have become
the Divine artisans
of that original intention
by expanding consciousness
and dreaming in
a new way of being
in physicality.

Thus, as the old world
is busy sorting itself out
we have risen
to new heights
flying beyond
the old ways
without the need for wings.

Our dreams
are being lifted
by the Power of Love
sustained by
the Power of Love
and created
with the Power of Love.
We know that
Love is all there is….
and therein lies the Joy of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Untethered by the Mind

Drifting in the expansiveness
untethered by the mind
unsure of where to turn
or what to do
because this freedom
boggles the mind.

Trust the innate process
for there’s a knowing
in the depth of your cells
that understands life
in it’s purest
most divine form.

See the world
like a child
in joyful wonderment
living in the moment
free of expectations
with eyes wide open.

Allow that wonderment
to reveal itself
as new divine harmonies
orchestrate an expanded soul song
originating from
the depth of your heart.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Engaging in New Magic

In days gone past
spells were cast
passed down from age to age
attempting to shape
and manipulate the world
by bending energy
to one’s will

Those days are gone
for we have realized
that energy can not be bound
‘tis a mind of it’s own
energy has
by maintaining balance
and always seeking resolution

The magic of old
with it’s attempted control
is dissolved by the Elementals
as we flow with the energies
straight from our hearts
we’re engaging in new magic

‘Tis with the magic of Love
the magic of Joy
the magic of the Divine
there’s no need to manipulate
nor attempt to bind
for our energy
now flows freely.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Photo: Twig the Fairy

The Joy of the Fae

The faeries don’t use pen and ink
they write their messages in the air
then with a puff of breath
and a sprinkle of magic
send them sweetly soaring
to the likes of you and me.

So, if you want to communicate
with with the creatures of nature
a whisper is all you need
their hearing is vast
and response instantaneous
with an innate desire to please.

I wonder sometimes
of their ever joyous state
as they flitter to and fro
without regard of their minions
who refuse to honor their life
or even acknowledge their existence.

We’ve much to learn
from our faerie friends
and the number one thing is JOY
for to dance through life
sprinkling glitter and light
’tis very much in demand.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
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Artwork by Eve Livesey

Spinning Tales of Glee

How often I have heard
that fairytales aren’t true
often enough
that I believed it.

The young ones
know the truth
of what is real,
just go and ask them.

What you will find
is the Joy and DeLight
that has been surreptitiously
hidden from you.

I propose that
fairytales are true
and have been written
to reminder us of what’s real.

So who do you
choose to believe
those who spin tales of woe,
or those who spin tales of Glee.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
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Artwork by

Your Highest Calling

Stop asking yourself…..
what is my purpose in life,
what am I here to do,
for these are mental games
enacted by the egoic self to feel worthy.

You are already worthy
there is nothing you need do
to prove that
to yourself
or anyone else.

Instead, ask yourself
“what am I feeling”
for your feelings
are the language of your heart
guiding you every step of the way
moment by moment.

The heart doesn’t play games
the heart doesn’t have an agenda
the heart has nothing to prove
the heart knows who you are.

When you follow your feelings
you will know
ALL of Who You Are
how to best ENJOY life,
which is what you are here to do.

You may ask,
what of everyone else
what can I do for the world
what can I do for humanity?

BE the example of Love and Joy
fully lived, fully expressed
per the guidance of your heart
that is your Highest Calling.
BE the example.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I Am Here

I am not here to philosophize,
I’ve done more than enough of that.
My mind is overwrought
with insubstantial explanations.

I am here
to jump into the stream of life
to experience the rush of exhilaration
with the discovery of the unknown.

I am here
to taste, savor, sip, and sup
upon all the rich nuances
of each glorious delicacy that life presents.

I am here
to nourish my soul
fulfill the yearnings of my heart
to create something that’s never been before.

I am here
to experience
All That Is
in this very moment.

I am here
to add my Love and Light
to the world
without judgement or restriction.

I am here
to Create Life Anew.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Show me . . .

I have broken FREE…

Free from the collective mind,
free of what others think,
what others expect,
how others judge me.

Free from governance,
with its control,
its man-made rules,
impositions and regulations.

Free from my egoic mind
who thinks I am broken,
limited, inept
and in need of protection.

I am FREE… now what?

Show me how to Love without bounds,
Show me the Peace that passeth understanding,
Show me how to Create from my heart,
Show me how to Thrive physically financially emotionally,
Show me the infinite Joy and Abundance of life,

I most humbly ask….
Show me the perfection
of Who I AM
as a Divine Human.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Art by Dominik Matus

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

The Celebrated Gift

Although you may feel
as if you have been shattered
into a gazillion pieces
that is not the case.

The space~in~between
has simply expanded
all that is no longer you.

Be at peace
and trust the process
for you were the one
who orchestrated it
before you incarnated.

Sit back and relax
with an elegant glass
of aged champagne
allowing the bubbles
to rise to the surface
with Joy in your Heart
for this celebrated gift of
Divine transformation.
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.