I Am a LightBody


The cells in my body
are transforming into
Crystalline Light
receiving and transmitting
multidimensional energies
faster than the speed
of my human mind.

Although I am
fully grounded
in my physical body
‘tis not the same body
I inhabited last week,
yesterday or even
a few moments ago.

I am now a LightBody
of expanded consciousness
enjoying the physicality
of this glorious planet
while continuing to create
through the expression
of my Divine Mind.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥

The Space-in-Between

The space-in-between is a glorious place
that holds seeds of infinite potentials
but when littered with errant emotions
the density swells and solidifies
filling all those waiting spaces
that continually yearn for Light.

When you open your heart
as the Divine temple of healing
to sooth those errant emotions
with love and compassion
they will simply melt
as the density slowly diminishes.

The Light rushes into
this space-in-between
humming with new vitality
expanding our consciousness
and transforming the LightBody
into Divinity in physical form.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥

Enjoy the Adventure

Once we expand
beyond the linearity
of third dimensional reality
the mind is unable to interpret
what our expanded
multidimensional self
is beginning to experience
but our LightBody is already attuned
to this new way of being.

Rather than attempting
to understand or reframe
these atypical experiences
of the physical body
from our old perceptive
we are being asked to
step aside and trust our self enough
to allow our expanded Self to emerge
giving it free reign to lead the way
as we awaken to
more of who we are.

Are you willing to surrender
to your innate divine wisdom
and enjoy the adventure?


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Conscious Evolution

LightBody integration
expanding our Body of Consciousness
and Embodied Enlightenment
are not a race to the finish line.

It’s a conscious walk
through the Gardens of Eden
with an abundance of beautiful blossoms
to smell along the way.

You’ll never walk this path again.
Enjoy the deliciousness of it.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
artwork by Vladimir Volegov

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Freedom of a LightBody

The Intelligence of our body
is adept at creating its natural
organic state of Divine perfection.

Our Well~BEing
corresponds to our TRUST
in the perfection of our body,
instead of constantly trying
to correct its “perceived” maladies.

The more you revel in your physicality
and allow its innate expansion,
the more Light emerges from within.

THIS is a LightBody.
THIS is Freedom.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻ Sharing is always appreciated ༺

Sovereignty of the LightBody

Our LightBody is sovereign
self-sufficient and self-balancing.

Every time we ply it
with unnecessary supplements
and rigid eating programs
we short circuit its Divine Matrix
and kick it out of alignment.

When we honor its intelligence
to “ask and listen”
especially during times of transition
it will always advise us
how to best support it
with ease and grace.

It will always tell you. . .
the best superfood has always been LOVE!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Self Generating

A Sovereign being is whole and complete
no longer dependent on anyone or anything
outside themselves for their well-being

A Sovereign being generates
their own source energy from within
no longer in need of anything external to feed upon

No longer in need of special diets or supplements
eating becomes a joy, a celebration of living
rather than the necessary sustenance of the physical body.

A Sovereign being reverses the aging process
because there’s no longer any diminishment
only fulfillment as a fully Christed being
with an infinite ever-expanding flow of energy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Biological Alchemy

When I am resting in stillness
I can hear the songs of my cells
with their biological alchemy
spinning and dancing
to the vibration of crystalline light.

It is through the love and trust
of our physical bodies
that we heal and expand.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Imaginal Cells

The transformation of our physical body
is likened to the caterpillar
initiating its transformation
with Imaginal cells
entirely new genetic cells
that contain the imagining
or blueprint of a whole new being.

When these cells first appear
they are attacked
and resisted by the caterpillar
but as more cells appear
they grow stronger and cluster together
to form the first organs of the new creature
whilst the old form literally dies
while a new being is born from within the old.

This is the process many of us
are currently experiencing
as our physical body
transforms into a new LightBody
thus the physical discomfort
the mind’s confusion
our desire to crawl into our cocoons
and nap until we’re ready to burst forth
as radiant new beings
birthed anew from within the old.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
artwork by Carol Cavalaris

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.



I awoke remembering myself as stardust
a sprinkle of joyous light
shimmering a path of light all around me.
in the midst of a rich dark sky.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
free of dimensional bounds
in a playground spread across eons of time
roaming in childlike delight.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
when I first arrived on this earth
choosing this form to create and expand
all I aspire to be.

I awoke remembering myself as stardust
to experience a myriad of things
then tossing the cloak of forgetfulness
before it could extinguish my light.

I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
that had gathered into a Star
as a master creator of magnificent life
blazing radiant trails of Love.

I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
playing in the here and now
I awoke Knowing my Self as stardust
in joyous physical form.

Lyrics for the Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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