Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast
is not a faerie tale
it is the tale
of the healing of duality.

Beauty and the beast live side by side
the beast enticing her to love him
by bestowing upon her all the “things”
most women would desire.

But things do not entice her
it is the beauty of life
that makes her heart sing
as she lives side by side with the beast.

In the end,
it is the magic of her Love
that breaks the spell
and the beast is transformed.

This is the duality
that WE are living right now
beauty living side by side
with the beast of darkness.

Do not judge the beast
for the beast has been bewitched
by the enchantment
of our material world.

In the end,
it is the simplicity of our Love
that will break the spell
and the beast of darkness
shall be transformed.

Be the Love that does not judge
Be the Love that transforms
Be the Love that is creating
the New Earth.

Be Love

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Magick is Afoot

On All Hallow’s Eve
Magick is afoot
the veils are thin . . .

Go beyond
time and space
to realize your

Connect with
your loved ones
your star family
the angelic realms
who are closer than ever
share the love
and connection of oneness.

Connect with
your super powers
in alignment with Source
your inner knowing
sacred prayer
divine spell casting
with the power of your word.

Connect with
the sentience
of our Earth Mother
the Elementals
animal medicine
tall standing rooted ones
ancient crystalline rock beings.

Connect with
the Fae in their mystical realms
awaiting your acknowledgment
to teach you how to thrive
with the magic of nature
the flow of life
in its magnificent joy.

Connect with
all the energies
that are at your fingertips
awaiting your command
as co-creators
for you are one
with All That Is.

Now that you have made these connections
remain fully conscious
with the magic of life itself
and never wander astray.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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I awoke
smitten with the Love affair
that’s blossoming with my Self.

Enamored by the Love
that’s always present
ever flowing
never judging.

Infatuated with the Joy
that bubbles up from within
for no reason
other than I exist.

Enchanted by the Magic
that playfully
continues to awaken
new aspects of me.

Besotted with the flow
of everyday life
as I allow it
to have its way with me.

No longer caught up in the old adages
of a human style love affair
addled with requirements
and unrequited expectations.

Back in the arms of the Divine
sweet gentle embraced and content
crazy mad in Love with my Self
smitten in the knowing of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I AM the Chalice

I sat with Mother Mary
and Love flowed through my being
I sat with Yeshua
and forgiveness flooded my heart
I sat with Buddha
and peace was found in the stillness
I sat with Quan Yin
and compassion enveloped me
I sat with the Ancestors
and clarity ensued
I sat with Merlin
and magic sparkled within me
I sat with the Fae
and joy danced around me.

the Love of Mary
forgiveness of Yeshua
peace of Buddha
compassion of Quan Yin
clarity of my Ancestors
magic of Merlin
and the joy of the Fae.

There is no need
for me to seek for anything
outside of myself
when I remember
I AM the chalice of All-That-Is
and it is in the sharing of Who I AM
that I become a role model for others.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Savor the Sweetness of Life

Bubble bubble, toil and trouble
that’s what’s bubbling to the surface
the old templates
the old way of doing things.

Allow the bubbles to rise to the surface
allow the old templates to dissolve
via the alchemical fires
effortlessly, easily, without engaging.

What remains is the compote
the harvest of the heart
the fruit that has been preserved
in the sweet juiciness of your Love.

’Tis time to enjoy life
by creating anew with our innate knowing
while savoring the sweetness of life
and spooning it up with glee.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the unknown artist

I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Spiral of Life


Life is a spiral
of magical proportions
and we have a choice. . .

to follow the masses
in their linear path
of working hard
to achieve success

or to engage with
the magic of creation
which has no need
to measure success

For the spiral of life
is enlivened by
every magical
moment of creation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Laura Zollar

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Life is Always Working Out for You

Life is always working out for you
for the highest and best good.
It can be no other way
for the Divine only knows benevolence.

Knowing that,
there is every reason
to expect a fully magical
and delightful outcome.
Why waste your attention on anything less?

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Josephine Wall

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Awakening the Human Mind

The human mind
can be a useful tool
it just needs a bit of instruction
after it’s been off on its own
protecting your back
while you were busy sleepwalking.

Now that you’ve awakened
its role needs to change
for it too can be enlightened
beyond ensuring
your physical survival
as it has been want to do.

Perhaps you’d be so kind
as to offer new instruction
to throw all caution to the wind
and trust your Inner Wisdom
before scampering off on tasks
that no longer need doing.

And then I’d give it
my favored instruction
to sniff out all the Magic
and find the long awaited Joy
to ensure a vibrant thriving life.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork by The Official Josephine Wall

Joy of Life

The current renaissance
is in full swing
initiated by those
whose hearts are bursting
with the innate knowledge
that earth was created
for the Joy of Life.

We have become
the Divine artisans
of that original intention
by expanding consciousness
and dreaming in
a new way of being
in physicality.

Thus, as the old world
is busy sorting itself out
we have risen
to new heights
flying beyond
the old ways
without the need for wings.

Our dreams
are being lifted
by the Power of Love
sustained by
the Power of Love
and created
with the Power of Love.
We know that
Love is all there is….
and therein lies the Joy of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.


Engaging in New Magic

In days gone past
spells were cast
passed down from age to age
attempting to shape
and manipulate the world
by bending energy
to one’s will

Those days are gone
for we have realized
that energy can not be bound
‘tis a mind of it’s own
energy has
by maintaining balance
and always seeking resolution

The magic of old
with it’s attempted control
is dissolved by the Elementals
as we flow with the energies
straight from our hearts
we’re engaging in new magic

‘Tis with the magic of Love
the magic of Joy
the magic of the Divine
there’s no need to manipulate
nor attempt to bind
for our energy
now flows freely.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Photo: Twig the Fairy