Walk Gently

Walk gently thru this lifetime
Walk gently but live full.
I speak to you softly
I speak to you firm.
Walk gently through this lifetime
Walk gently but live full.

No more feet of thunder
nor tongues of despair.
I speak to you softly
I speak to you firm.
No more feet of thunder
nor tongues of despair.

Put aside your judgment
find a middle path.
I speak to you softly
I speak to your firm.
Put aside your judgment
find a middle path.

As children of the rainbow
our hearts beat as one.
I speak to you softly.
I speak to your firm.
As children of the rainbow
our hearts beat as one.

Learn the ways of wisdom.
Trust the sacred way,
I speak to you softly.
I speak to you firm.
Learn the ways of wisdom
Trust the sacred way.
Lyrics for Harp by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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