Realization of my GodSelf

Deep in the silence
within my being
a spark of light hovers
radiant and bright
elusive yet real
hidden beyond
the veils of my mind.

Deep in the silence
rests a beingness
free of time and space
free of earthly desires
patiently awaiting
the realization
of who I AM.

Deep in the silence
I find you
every time
I surrender
to the silence
of the omnipotence
of all-that-is.

It is here that I find you
deep in the silence
as the GodSelf
that is me.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Allowing the Soul to Lead

Tears of joy flow
with the passion and realization
of living as I have always
intended for this lifetime

It matters not if it is understood by others
it matters not if it is judged by others
it matters not if others are unaware
of who I Am or what I Am doing

For I AM beyond the mind’s capacity
to explain or understand
and it is my Soul
that validates my way of being

It is my Soul that leads the way
enlivened with the joy and contentment
of experiencing life
while in this physical body.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Self Realized Sovereignty

Welcome to your Sovereignty
the hard work of
processing and clearing
to collect all your human aspects
is finally complete.

Time to lay back and relax
acclimate to the new altitudes
nap in the sun, enjoy the views
sip the nectar of the Goddess
and allow everything to flow
with divine timing.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“


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New Revelations

Physical discomfort
bursts of muddled emotion
or mental confusion
often precede
new revelations
of expanded consciousness.

As uncomfortable
as these moments may be
the realization of new disclosures
bubbling up from within
disrupting that which
I’ve always thought to be true
allows me to rejoice in these moments
amidst all the discomfort.

For what emerges
on the other side of this vexation
is an increased ease and grace
never before experienced
and a joy that ushers in
new venues of reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Transformation of Anger

Someone pulled the pin on a grenade of visceral anger
that’s been unconsciously buried deep within me
from a long time ago.

My first reaction was toward the one who incited this anger
the one who tread upon my heart, then turned the other cheek
a story from my past.

As I sat with this anger,
allowing it to bubble and churn
allowing it to effortlessly flow out of me
without allowing it to fester, without the need to process,
I realized I am the one I have been angry with all these years
for taking it all on, for shrinking into unworthiness
for playing the victim, for groveling for acceptance
allowing someone else to control my life
for a few tidbits of superficial love.

In that moment of realization
my raging anger was spontaneously transformed
by a flood of loving compassion
for the part of me who never felt accepted
for she who never felt seen for who she truly is
for the one that was afraid to stand up for herself
for fear of being rejected
for the one who did not recognize herself
as the precious being that she is.

In that moment of consciousness
the grenade of anger exploded into a burst of love
in which I now stand strong as a sovereign being
with my head held high with an open radiant heart.

To the one who unknowingly pulled the pin on my grenade
I surround you in love and compassion
for I know you were lashing out in response
unaware of the pain and anger buried deep within you.

I pray that each one of us is able to consciously awaken
to the love that is always nestled side by side
in compassion for the anger that’s been buried within us
and may we all stand tall with open radiant hearts.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Gift of Emptiness

What I once perceived
as loneliness
is the gift of emptiness.

For here, in the emptiness
the mind has gone quiet
free of its machinations.

It is within this emptiness
there are no boundaries
no need for protection.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
intimate with my human self.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
fully present with my GodSelf.

Here in this emptiness
I finally know and realize
All of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Meet the new You

The current energies
are spinning our cells
like little mini centrifuges
spinning off the density
purging the dross
activating our latent DNA
and illuminating the core
of Who We Are

Breathe deeply
allowing the body’s
innate wisdom
to find a new balance
from which to expand

Therein you will meet a new You
the YOU who has been hidden within
awaiting this divine moment
the YOU who is now emerging
from a deep sleep
the YOU who is the embodiment
of the Divine

Take a deep breath
and meet
the New YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Revealing our Gifts

Everyone is Gifted
each with our own uniqueness.

Many gifts await our opening
spontaneously unwrapped
when we step away from
the daily distractions
and the ties that bind them.

When we pause in the moment
to search our hearts
gifts present themselves
changing our lives in ways
we could not have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Realizing our Sovereignty

It is not the world that needs changing
it is the realization of our Sovereignty
that will organically change the world.

As sovereign beings
we realize ourselves as
the consummation of All That Is
we are fully conscious
as the creators of our own reality
victim to no one, victim to nothing
no need to control nor stand in our power

As sovereign beings
we come together
in conscious commUnity
no longer re-creating
that which has always been

As sovereign beings
we are the epitome
of infinite new potentials
eternally creating anew.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Womb of Darkness

The darkness
is the Womb of Creation
the void that hold all potentials
for a life of Well-Being.

The darkness was never meant
to be a place for hiding
fabricated fears of the mind
littered with mental megaliths.

It is a place of spaciousness
a dance floor large enough
for your eternally expanded
consciousness to create anew.

The Womb of Creation draws to it
all the divine notes to birth a new song
new steps to birth a new dance
and new realizations to birth a new You.

It’s time to stop fearing
and demonizing the darkness
by adhering to those who are using it
to control and manipulate.

It is time to embrace the darkness
for what it truly is
the Mother of Creation
as the Womb of All-That-Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Susan Seddon-Boulet

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