Creator of my Life

Early in the morn’
prior to opening my eyes
gently drifting out of dreamtime

I feel into the energies of my day
not anyone else’s day
not my family’s day
not my work day
not society’s day
my day

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make in this moment
before I begin the day

I choose to savor
this delicious moment
savoring all of Who I Am

I choose to snuggle
more deeply in love with
the presence of my soul
I choose peace
from the inside out
for myself and all of humanity

I choose to listen
to all the cells of my body
singing with joyous regeneration

I choose to experience
a playful day of
ease and grace

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make
in this moment
before I open my eyes
before I set foot on the ground
before the rest of the world
rushes in attempting to claim me

No one outside of me
has dominion over me
or how I live my day

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make
in this moment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Richard S. Johnson

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Whispers of the Soul

Before I open my eyes in the morn,
my Soul whispers. . .
breathe with me Beloved
savor this moment
where you and I
are intimate partners.

Do not allow your mind
to pull you away from me
with its illusive grip
of insignificant distractions.

Savor this moment
and the next
and the next
stringing them together
like a strand of elegant pearls.

Take me into your day
allowing the dance between us
to continue and expand
with each and every breath.

Savor the moment
savor the conscious breath of life
savor the music of your heart
saver each and every step
as we dance our way
through the day
hand in hand
with the Divine flow of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Nadezhda Sokolova

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
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The Soul’s Stepping Stones

Humanity is in the midst of
a magnificent Renaissance.

Transitioning from an old reality
to a more expanded one
is a sacred and precious
part of our soul’s journey.

Do not push through it
with a compelling focus
to get to the other side of it.

Savor each and every moment,
each and every experience,
each and every footfall.

Enjoy the sensual beauty
and sweet places
to rest along the way.

For your Soul has laid out
every stepping stone
with love and admiration
for your presence
in this physical body
as a Divine Human.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing is always appreciated
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Chalice of Love

I offer love to you
from the chalice of the heart
doesn’t matter who you are
man or woman, rich or poor
black or white, young or old
I offer this chalice of love to you.

My heart spills over
with the joy of life
and fills the chalice
with wine so rich
join me in sipping
from this cup
getting drunk
on the ecstasies of love.

It’s the great mystery
how love heals all
but it’s true
I tell you now
with a drop of love
wounds can mend
with understanding
wars can end.

Accept this gift
graciously given
there’s no payment
this cup is free
all that I ask of you
is to receive it
and when you’re ready
please pass it on.

Pass this cup of sweet, sweet wine
from your hand to another
as we all drink from this chalice of love
One people, One heart.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
lyrics “Chalice of Love”

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.