A rose is a rose.
it doesn’t wish to be a lily,
it doesn’t try to change
its color or its scent,
it doesn’t attempt
to smooth its thorns.

It simply
unfolds it’s glorious petals
with the ease and grace of nature,
allowing its delicious scent
to permeate the air
for the enjoyment of all.

And it knows
if you get caught
on one of its thorns,
you’ll be more
present and careful
the next time
you attempt to handle it.

A rose is a rose
just as
I Am Me
You are YOU
each of us
shining our Light.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the photo by Louise Klein  The Etheric Eye ~ Narrative Nature Photography

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Allowing the Spaciousness

Spaciousness is …
the space between each breath,
each thought, each experience.

Spaciousness is …
the womb of creation,
where you plant your seeds.

Spaciousness is …
the answer to the questions
that have yet to be asked.

Spaciousness is …
your innate
guidance system.

Spaciousness is …
the support and nurturance
of your desires.

Spaciousness is…
the core of your

Spaciousness is …
the potency of

expands in
response to you.

The more space
you allow in your life,
the more potent it becomes.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

artwork “Dreams” by Jozef Israëls

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Living Life More Fully

Every morning I awaken
with a precious gift
upon my pillow

In my dreamy state
I gently remove
the love-tied bow
carefully opening
the golden
gilded box

Glittering inside
is the pure essence of
more of Who-I-Am
She who has expanded
while my head was
resting upon the pillow

I breathe Her in
and as always
we perfectly unite
excited to step into the day
to live life to its fullest.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

artwork by Mary Gourley


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Resting in the Wisdom of your Heart

When right nor wrong
hold precedence in your life

When you no longer
feel the need to defend yourself

When you rest
in the wisdom of your own heart
you know peace.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Wings of Enlightenment

One Enlightened thought
is capable
of unraveling
lifetimes of
old programing.

its own

Watch with a smile
on your face
as it ripples
through your life
without any need
to intervene
in the process.

And then
step into
the newness
of life
with a
lighter heart
and wings to fly.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by Fae Melanie Melusine


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Your Heart always holds the Answer

When feeling the quivering of your body,
that soft rumble of anticipation.
I ask you…
Is it fear of the unknown?
Is it adventurous excitement?

Don’t allow the old
ingrained programing
to answer this question for you.
‘Tis your heart
that always
knows the answer.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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The restlessness
you may be feeling
is because
your consciousness
has expanded
and your physicality
is adjusting to it.

Relax and smile
your Inner Being knows
what’s it’s doing.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom~”

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Dive Deeply

Riding the surface waves
is not enough
for they are
only vernacular.

Your Soul wants
to dive deeply,
feel intensely,
taste every nuance.

You Soul wants
to dive beyond
that which you can see
with your physical eyes.

Your Soul wants
to experience
that which you have
hidden from yourself.

Your Soul wants
to plunge into the joy,
shiver with delight,
giggle with glee.

You thought
going deep
would be dark
and painful.

Oh my precious ones,
have you forgotten
that you’ve hidden
all your cherished treasures
deep within?

‘Tis time
to dive deeply
‘tis time
to reclaim
the divine essence
of Who You Are.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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It All Awaits

When the world goes amuck,
I hear the whisper,
“Go Inward”.
When the next step is unknown,
I hear the whisper,
“Go Inward”.
When the answer is unclear,
I hear the whisper,
“Go Inward”.

And when I respond,
by “Going Inward”,
it all awaits. . .
the answers,
the clarity,
and the Knowing.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The space Beyond the Mind

In the space beyond the mind
your Divine Knowing
is so instantaneous
there is never
a moment in which
it doesn’t exist.

In the space beyond the mind
there is no need to ponder
nor question
because each moment
is complete
unto itself.

In the space beyond the mind
your conscious presence
is all that’s required
to manifest the dreams
that are bubbling
within you.

The space beyond the mind
is not floating somewhere
out in the ethers
it is always present
in the here and now
within your heart.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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