Do you Love your own Company

Do you love your own company?
Can you embrace
all those rampant parts of yourself
those parts that are out
pushing the limits of your mind
creating havoc.

Do you love your own company?
Can you embrace
the deviant child within you
the one that grimaces back at you
stamps her foot
and yells no.

Do you love your own company?
Can you embrace
the chaos that stirs
when love
knocks at your heart
asking you to release your fears?

Do you love your own company?
All these magnificent
crazy quirky aspects
that make you sovereign
and unique unto your Self.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Overcome by Tears

So many emotions surfacing
too numerous to count how often
I have been overcome by tears

Tears of Sadness
for all that’s been lost
those who have moved on
parts of me that no longer exist

Tears of Compassion
for the pain and suffering
humanity is moving through
during these epic transformations

Tears of Gratitude
for all the experiences accumulated
over a multitude of lifetimes
and how far I have come

Tears of Love
for all the aspects of my Self
that create the whole and sovereign Being
that I now know my Self to BE

Tears of Peace
always present
in the core of of my existence
untouched by what is happening around me

Tears of Joy
as the pure essence of Who I AM
and the ability to be fully present
here in this physical body

Tears of Celebration
with the Knowing that
WE have created a New Reality
for humanity and planet Earth

All these tears
All these precious tears

The elixirs and flow
of the infinite Source
through and as us
the eternal BEings of Life itself.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Respect does not require me
to abide by your rules, opinions,
or defer to your teachings.

Respect honors who you are
on your own Soul path
as a Sovereign being.

Respect allows me
to hear with an open mind
and react with an open heart.

Respect is only possible
when I harbor no judgment
against myself or others.

It is only when I respect my self
that I am able to respect others
herein lie my Sovereignty and Divinity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Reality of Love

Just imagine
that everything
you have ever been told
is just an illusion
a myth

Stories created
by your mind
used to appease
your insatiable quest
to understand this world

However. . . .
the only understanding
that will ever satiate you
is to know
without a doubt

You are Love
You are Lovable

This, my BeLoved
is your truth
your only truth
it is your lifeblood
it has always been so

Accept this gift of Love
to give and receive
without bounds
allow yourself to love
allow yourself to be loved

For Love is the only reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Highest Order of Service

Putting your Self first
is NOT selfish
It is the “Highest Order of Service”
to humanity and the planet

How can you
be of assistance to others
when your own energy
is discordant?

By attending to your self first
you ensure the energy you radiate
from within you
is pure Love and Compassion

BEing the Master
of your own energy
is the Highest Order of Service
and thus the Highest Good for All.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Consummating our Sovereignty



Introducing Volume V of “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
Consummating our Sovereignty

Just as lovers merge to consummate their relationship, our Soul is calling forth the consummation of all our fragmented human aspects into sovereignty as our GodSelf. Through eons of life experiences, these aspects, both dark and light, have expanded our conscious ability to experience and embody our Divinity. This unique lifetime on earth is initiating our freedom from the former bonds of duality by revealing, healing, and integrating all our fragments into wholeness. It is the integration of all these aspects that consummate our sovereignty within the pure vibration of Love.

Chapter Titles:
Recognizing our aspects
Being Present

With the self realization of our sovereignty as our GodSelf, we return peace and balance to our present-day world from within the depths of our hearts, free to create anew.

“Consummating our Sovereignty”
available in paperback and ebook

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Consumed by Love

I am consumed by Love
Love of self
Love of life
Love of nature
Love of all that is

I surrender
all I thought
my self to be
all I thought
my self to know

Allowing my self
to be consumed
by Love
with Love
as Love

I AM Love.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Self Love

Self Love
is not selfish
it is the core
from which
we radiate
Divine Love
to every
sentient being
on the planet.

Without self Love
we are nothing
but parasites
a facsimile of love
from outside
that will never
satisfy or satiate us.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Realizing Our Divinity


Introducing  Volume II of “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
Realizing our Divinity

We are so much more than we realize. As humans beings, we have been functioning within society’s pre-programed human mind in a highly complicated world. Our human self has become preoccupied with the trials and tribulations of daily life in order to survive. There is little time to be still and quiet to reflect upon who we truly are.

We have forgotten that we are God embodied in physical form, each in our own unique way of experiencing and expressing life. We have forgotten our spiritual greatness and the embodiment of our wisdom as the Divine within us.

Religion has gone to great lengths to separate us from God by giving “him” a separate persona outside of ourselves as a masculine god. A judgmental god that lives far off in the heavens with angels as his messengers and leaders of the church as his go-between. As a result of being referred to as children of God, we have forsaken our sovereignty. We judge ourselves so harshly we feel totally unworthy of Love or that we could possibly be the embodiment of God.

And yet, this is the truth of who we are and have always been. There is no mystery, there are no teachings required, and it takes no effort. It is quite simple. When we approach life as heart-centered, our Self-knowing presents itself. With every action, God is revealing Itself to us, as us. It is in each of these moments, by remembering the totality of Who We Are as Divine Humans, that we find the love and peace that surpasses our human understanding.

Chapter Titles
Healing Separation
Divine Human
Beyond the Human Mind
Heart Centered
Inner Being
All That I AM
Self Knowing

I invite you to take a few moments each day to be still and quiet, allowing these words of poetry to illuminate the truth of who you are as a Divine Human and the realization of your GodSelf in physical form.

Realizing our Divinity
available for purchase in paperback and ebook

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Etudes of Love


Introducing Volume I of Wisdom of the Inner Voice

Etudes of Love

There is a sacred song that has continually drawn me deeper and deeper into my search for love. It is the ultimate love song, the song of my soul. “Etudes of Love” is a collection of poems written as Love songs between the soul and the human. They are the intimate songs of our soul calling us into the depths of our heart to commune with our true Beloved. They invite us into our sacred boudoir where the soul sings the wisdom of our inner voice beguiling the harmonic union of the human and the soul with the realization that we are the embodiment of Divine Love.

They are the revelations of the magnificence of Divine Love, a love pure and free of any judgment. A love that flows without the need to control or mitigate. A love that’s at the core of who we are as our GodSelf, as the amalgamation of God and human. This is the true relationship we have been seeking all of our lives.

Chapter Titles
Power of Love
Self Love
The Beloved

May these poems be a Love song to lure the opening of your heart. May they wrap themselves around you like a warm soothing blanket allowing you to feel safe enough to fully open your heart to the soul food and the divine nectar for which the heart hungers. May you experience Love in a way you have never experienced it before as the Love of the Divine.

“Etudes of Love”
available in ebook and paperback


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