The Celebrated Gift

Although you may feel
as if you have been shattered
into a gazillion pieces
that is not the case.

The space~in~between
has simply expanded
all that is no longer you.

Be at peace
and trust the process
for you were the one
who orchestrated it
before you incarnated.

Sit back and relax
with an elegant glass
of aged champagne
allowing the bubbles
to rise to the surface
with Joy in your Heart
for this celebrated gift of
Divine transformation.
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Open to the Divine

we feel pain
out of control
thrust into the unknown
or expanded beyond our comfort levels
our reactive tendency is to contract
into protective mode.

With contraction
we suppress and internalize our feelings
strangling them from love and acceptance
exacerbating the pain.

Whereas opening to the Divine
gives our feelings space to breath
freeing them to
rebalance and resolve.

Change is a natural part of life
accompanied by
continual growth and expansion.

Your Soul is yearning to experience
a more expanded consciousness
Your Soul is asking to
be free and open to
more Love
more Joy
and more Life.

When you trust your Soul
there is nothing to fear.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom” 

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Stepping into the Unknown

When everything has been jarred loose
and life no longer makes sense
‘tis because the life
to which you have been clinging
no longer serves you

You feel adrift as your mind flounders
going from one piece to the other
trying to put the old pieces together
a new whole new way
but they no longer fit

the mind finally surrenders to the fatigue
allowing the old pieces to drift away
on the current that jarred them loose

When your mind finally stirs
the landscape it once knew
has been transformed
into a barren wasteland

And yet…
your Soul knows something better awaits . . .

In this moment a new doorway appears
the light from within beckons you
a doorway you were unable to see
while obscured by the old landscape

Your Soul gently takes your hand
and begins walking
toward the unknown
one step at a time

Your mind wants to back track
but your Soul gently urges you forward

With a deep breath
of trepidation
you step through the doorway
into the unknown

With your next breath
everything your heart has always known
everything you’ve been yearning for
is instantaneously revealed

Once you step through
the doorway of the Soul
you realize….
there is nothing but Love.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I have Already Chosen

I have stepped through a portal
into a new reality
Although nothing looks familiar
it feels like home.

Infinite potentials linger
on the periphery
and yet I know not
what to choose

How does one know what to choose
when ‘tis uncharted territory?

‘Tis the Soul that holds the key
‘Tis the Heart that feels its way
‘Tis the unencumbered child
that is excited to proceed

I turn everything over
to my Soul
my Heart
and the exuberance of the child within
that has been awaiting
this very moment
since the first day
of this incarnation

It is only now that I realize
there is no need to choose
for I have already chosen.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Whispers of the Soul

Before I open my eyes in the morn,
my Soul whispers. . .
breathe with me Beloved
savor this moment
where you and I
are intimate partners.

Do not allow your mind
to pull you away from me
with its illusive grip
of insignificant distractions.

Savor this moment
and the next
and the next
stringing them together
like a strand of elegant pearls.

Take me into your day
allowing the dance between us
to continue and expand
with each and every breath.

Savor the moment
savor the conscious breath of life
savor the music of your heart
saver each and every step
as we dance our way
through the day
hand in hand
with the Divine flow of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Nadezhda Sokolova

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Sacred Relationship with Self

The most important thing
you can ever do for yourself
is to initiate
a Sacred relationship with your self
including all the parts
you’ve judged, put asunder or
hidden from yourself
for they too desire your love.

Once you embrace
all of Who You Are
judgment fades away
because you realize
there is nothing to judge
for everything in life
is a self created
Soul experience.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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The Soul’s Stepping Stones

Humanity is in the midst of
a magnificent Renaissance.

Transitioning from an old reality
to a more expanded one
is a sacred and precious
part of our soul’s journey.

Do not push through it
with a compelling focus
to get to the other side of it.

Savor each and every moment,
each and every experience,
each and every footfall.

Enjoy the sensual beauty
and sweet places
to rest along the way.

For your Soul has laid out
every stepping stone
with love and admiration
for your presence
in this physical body
as a Divine Human.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I Am the River of Love

I am the River of Love
drawing you deeper
deeper into your body
deeper into your heart.

I am the River of Love
bubbling over
the protective rocks
you’ve so carefully placed.

I am the River of Love
dissolving your old beliefs
wearing them away
as easily as sand.

I am the River of Love
flowing through you
transforming every cell in your body
to your Divinity.

I am the River of Love
the guiding current
through the twists and turns of life
with infinite grace.

I Am the River of Love,
allow me to flow through you
returning you to your Divinity.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Expression of the Divine

I Am…
no longer shaped by the external world,
no longer shaped by what others think,
no longer shaped by the need to please,
no longer shaped by my response to you.

I Am…
shaped by the Love that flows from me,
shaped by my Inner Wisdom,
shaped by the desires of my Soul
shaped by the feelings within Me.

I Am…
shaped by my Inner Being,
that knows how precious life is
with symphonies of eternal expansion
as a human expression of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Soul’s Guidance System

Passion is our
soul’s guidance system

By trusting our Soul
we have the ability to
live in the flow of life
expanding our consciousness
without struggle
without suffering
always in the right place
at the right time

When aligned
with our passion
life flows with
ease and grace.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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