A Sovereign being
is the consummation
of the purity of All that is you
held within the chalice of your heart
as all the aspects of your GodSelf
A Sovereign being
is not a patchwork of
repeating other people’s words
following other people’s beliefs
or mimicking other people’s actions
A sovereign being
courageously steps away
from all they’ve been taught
no longer searching outside themselves
for what they know is within
A sovereign being
is in constant expansion
fully conscious with heart open wide
soft and yielding, flowing organically with life
without the need for boundaries
A Sovereign being
is bright in their radiance
content in their countenance
and at peace with
Who they Are.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
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gratitude to the unknown artist