Resting in the Flow of Change

The days of needing
to know it all
or needing to be right
are long gone.

Life is in constant flux
therefore if what I know today
does not change tomorrow
there is no growth or expansion.

I rest in the flow of change
allowing what I knew yesterday
to fade away without judging it
as right or wrong.

And I welcome
that which was unknown yesterday
to be my new playground
each and every day anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Amanda Clark

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Your Wings Await You

Your wings have always been here
safely tucked behind your heart
along with all your dreams
and all your desires

patiently waiting
until you were ready
to go beyond
all that you have been taught

patiently waiting
until you felt safe enough
in the trusting
of your GodSelf

patiently waiting
until you loved and honored
all of who you are
as a sovereign being.

patiently waiting
until you were bold enough
to leave the old world behind
and take the leap.

Where you shall fly and where you shall land
I can not tell you . . .

For each flight
is new unto itself
just as each moment
is new unto itself
just as you
become new unto your self
in each and every moment
once you spread your wings
in All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Confusion vs Clarity

I love CLARITY!!

And I also appreciate confusion
for confusion means
I’m sitting on the brink
of an expansion of consciousness.

With every new expansion,
my mind initially foibles around
in a temporary state of confusion
trying to make sense of the new.

But once everything is aligned
a new clarity ensues
a new way of being is revealed
and life becomes more exhilarating.

There is no need to hurry
or push through the confusion
because the more we honor it
the more tidbits of clarity we receive.

And what a JOY that is!!!

When I love the confusion
as much as I love clarity
I experience expansion
within expansion
within expansion.

Thus my consciousness
is in constant expansion
in constant bloom.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Gratitude for the Artwork: Forever’s Child by Ekaterina Burmak

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Life’s Unseen Gifts

Speak not what others think
rather know the truth of Self

Think not of events of the past
rather be in the present moment

Worry not of things to come
rather trust that all is well

Not only trust in that which is seen
rather contemplate the mystery

For life holds gifts
beyond your awareness
and you can only receive them
with an open heart and mind.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Exploring New Dimensions

When feeling disjointed
or perhaps a bit “off”
’tis the human self
freeing itself of its mental constraints
simultaneously exploring
a wide array of
multiple dimensions.

This is an invitation to open
to a more expanded way of being
where you will find new footing
as a child in a new playground
filled with gleeful wonderment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Transcending our Thinking

There is no turning back
once we open ourselves
to living in the unknown

Sometimes my mind feels like
it’s courting chaos while attempting
to maintain the linear order of life

But my soul is soaring
because it’s always in the know
with moment to moment revelations

No wonder the mind feels threatened
with new potentials appearing
faster than the mind can keep up

It is in opening to all of life
the known and the unknown
that we transcend our human thinking.

Herein lies our Peace
our childlike wonderment
and our impetus to Thrive.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Art by Dorina Costras

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Compassion of the Soul

The deeper we go
within our selves
the more of our unconsciousness
is brought to the surface
playing out in full view.

As the dross is stirred,
the more raw
the more tender
the more vulnerable
we allow ourselves to be
in the face of what feels threatening,
the more easily it’s dissolved
by the light of day.

What is revealed
is the love and compassion
our soul has for us
with its all-knowing wisdom
ever guiding us
with the most gentle
ease and grace
if we allow.

Breathe deeply, Beloved
invite the revelations
of your soul
to introduce you
to the totality of
the Divine Love that you are
with its gentle ease and grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Nikolaos Gyzis


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Remember . . .

There is a sacred space
that holds the answers
to all the mysteries
that have been eluding us

That space is deep within us
just below our deepest breath
just below the surface of the silence
just below the clouds of confusion

That space is the space
that integrates the purity
of the human and the Divine
as our GodSelf

Breath deeply, Beloved
relax into the silence
of your Inner Being
and ask to remember.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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The Script of the Soul

How much of your life is a distraction
from your Soul’s calling
because the dramas of life
feed your restless mind?

How much of your life is habitual
because it is comfortable
without requiring you to step out of the box
into the unknown?

How much of your life is tied to others
because you are afraid
you will hurt their feelings
or lose their love?

How much of your life is complete
yet you fear letting go
because you have not yet seen
your new life coming into view?

Oh BeLoveds your new life
will never come into sight
until you refocus your vision
and redirect your mind.

Your new life will unfold perfectly
once you trust that your Soul
has unerringly scripted
something far more glorious
than your human mind
can possibly conceive.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
~message from my inner wisdom~
gratitude to the unknown artist

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Stepping into the Unknown

When everything has been jarred loose
and life no longer makes sense
‘tis because the life
to which you have been clinging
no longer serves you

You feel adrift as your mind flounders
going from one piece to the other
trying to put the old pieces together
a new whole new way
but they no longer fit

the mind finally surrenders to the fatigue
allowing the old pieces to drift away
on the current that jarred them loose

When your mind finally stirs
the landscape it once knew
has been transformed
into a barren wasteland

And yet…
your Soul knows something better awaits . . .

In this moment a new doorway appears
the light from within beckons you
a doorway you were unable to see
while obscured by the old landscape

Your Soul gently takes your hand
and begins walking
toward the unknown
one step at a time

Your mind wants to back track
but your Soul gently urges you forward

With a deep breath
of trepidation
you step through the doorway
into the unknown

With your next breath
everything your heart has always known
everything you’ve been yearning for
is instantaneously revealed

Once you step through
the doorway of the Soul
you realize….
there is nothing but Love.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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