Family of Love and Light

You entered the darkness
as the gentle flame of a candle
over time you’ve grown
into a brilliant Light
expanding with every human experience
expanding who you are
expanding your Love
expanding your Light.

And via your Light
humanity is able to “see”
who they truly are
each one coming together
as a new collective consciousness
lighting a bonfire of passion
to transform and transcend duality
as a family of Love and Light.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Dream in a Better World

The world is in chaos
but that does not mean you need to be,
You are the reason it is in chaos
you are the one who has instigated change
it’s what you are here to do.

You are also here to usher in the new
you can not do that if you get caught
in the ensuing battles of duality
where there are no battles to be won
only the heartbreak of separation.

You are here to dream in a better world
dream the new Dream you carry within you
bring it forth from the depth of your being
and charge forward to create it
as the Master Creator you know yourself to be.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Stand Firm

The collective unconscious
is bubbling to the surface
through the murky waters of the past
playing out through archetypical roles
and the bane of karmic characters
the curtain’s pulled back on the global stage
revealing our interconnections
in relationship with others
relationship with self
and relationship with the Divine.

Remain present in the now
with your golden gilded heart
as you observe the antiquated stage
refrain from engaging
in the timeworn past
as the murky bubbles
surface and pop
effortlessly dissolving
returning into the illusion
from once they came.

It is your Love of self
and your Love for humanity
that has stirred these mirky waters
no longer willing to live captive
to a past that continues to recycle
the density of the accumulating silt
from the fear of the unknown.
’Tis time to Love yourself
and to Love humanity
through the chaos and confusion.

You are the Love
You are the Clarity
You are the Divine catalyst
that stands firm in the midst of transition.
Be gentle with yourself
be kind to one another
knowing that . . .
within your heart space
a New Earth is shimmering
in the wake of the still waters that ensue.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Beyond the Human Perspective

It is never up to you to change another person

Consider how you feel
when someone wants to change you

However, we can change the relationship itself
by going beyond our limited human perspective

A sincere conversation
between our Higher Self
and the Higher Self of another
has the potential to expand
the consciousness of both
to create a new enlightened relationship
that bleeds over into all our relationships

BE the change you desire in another
and watch your whole world evolve
in ways you could never have imagined.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Soul’s Innate Knowing

As I awaken on the morn of a new moon
I ask myself….
What is the basis of this new cycle of life?

Instead of feeling excited
about something new
I am coming up blank

My mind
is saddened by this
for it wants a purpose
it wants a new mission in life

Whereas my Soul says. . .
Ah, we are finally free of our persona
no longer needing to define
or present ourself in any particular way

We can finally live
with the natural flow of life
allowing our energy to draw everything to us

We can simply rest in the Knowing that
everything is working out
in ways our mind can not begin to fathom

We can rest in peace
the peace that passeth understanding
the peace that will eventually infiltrate every heart

And thus “we” initiate a new cycle
with the marriage of human and soul

Co-creating a new foundation
from which all things
effortlessly come into being
with our innate Knowing
steering this human vessel
this vessel of the Divine Human.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the artist Carolann Creations

Beyond the Human Mind

The New Earth is not a thinking earth
it does not think its way into creation
it has been here in your midst all along
constantly expanding and creating
with Divine intelligence
inspired by your heart’s desires.

Many speak of being vs doing
however, doing is not the issue
the earth is active with doing
present with all that is
constantly evolving
without the need to think.

The earth is not clouded over
by a mind intent on understanding
for it has an innate knowing,
it is the New Human, the Divine Human
willing to go beyond the mind
that is experiencing what has always been.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Creating Anew

In ancient times,
knowing the planet was descending
as part of our soul’s development
the Wise Ones anchored many a ritual
passed down through generations
mother to daughter
father to son
often taken underground
safeguarded from those
who coveted power

At long last,
we have begun awakening
remembering our ancient wisdom
drawing together in circles
openly reenacting the rituals
in sacred honor of our earth
in sacred honor of our selves
honoring all we’ve gone through
as the Christ Consciousness
being reborn in each of us

And now BeLoveds,
as our consciousness expands
we are shifting into a new reality
where the old rituals
no longer hold precedence
they have done their work
holding us true to who we are
as we evolve beyond our origins
to a new way of being

We offer gratitude
of acknowledgment
as we put these rituals to rest
allowing these energies to return
to the ancient ones
from which it originated
blessing them for bringing
us to this pinnacle of emergence
to remember who we are
as creators of a new reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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The Erupting Heart

Everything is erupting!
Words are flying
energies are exploding
our feelings
our personal lives
and the world stage.

And yet, everything that’s erupting
is all about Love.

At the core of it all
it is the Heart that’s erupting
no longer willing to be ignored
no longer willing to be walled in
no longer willing to be contained.

For some this feels like
long-awaited freedom
for others
it’s like pulling off the scab
of a festering wound.

Healing requires love and compassion

Can you be
the love and compassion
the world needs right now
as all that is not Love
is imploding upon itself

Can you be
the love and compassion
the world needs right now
until it results in free-flowing
unadulterated Love for all.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Gratitude to the artist Valerie Graniou Cook

Trusting the Divine Plan

What a Divine Plan
we put in motion eons ago
as this cycle draws to a close
with new planetary alignments
increasing vibrational frequencies
dissolving veils and
expanding consciousness.

The physical body
is also part of this Divine plan
as we organically transform
into new energy bodies
activating our latent DNA
while spinning off
antiquated genetic templates.

Trust the Divine plan
trust your physical body
resting in the knowing
there is nothing more
for you to do
for Divine wisdom
supersedes the human mind.

This is your sacred gift
from your GodSelf
to your human self
offered with Love
and the honoring
of Who You Are.

Receive with Gratitude.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Celebrate with Wild Abandon

Change is always disruptive
transition is even more so
but at the root of every change
at the root of every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

For our expanding Consciousness
only knows benevolence
therefore every change
every transition
is a reason to celebrate.

Celebrate with wild abandon!
Celebrate that which you are abandoning
no matter how disruptive it may be
Celebrate that which you are welcoming anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.