Become the Peace of the World

Savoring the Peace
that surpasses all understanding
is my way of being in the world

The world moves through
its own transitions
as does each individual person

It is only through my innate Divinity
I am able to experience peace in the world
and that peace resonates from within me

As I savor the the Peace
that surpasses all understanding
I become the Peace of the World.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

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Many Splendored Being

Love is a many splendored thing,
but your mind does not always believe that
for it has been dealing with the fickleness
of human love for so long
it has forgotten Divine Love,
nor does it trust Divine Love.

Your mind is also a many splendored thing
for it has guided you
through many human lifetimes
to bring you safely to this point of transition,
not to leave the body to realize your Divinity
but to fully embody your Divinity.

It’s time to embrace your human mind
to fully Love it
as your sacred partner
to soothe its ruffled feathers
assure it of its sacred presence in your life
and invite it into the sanctuary of your heart.

As a Sovereign being
you are the amalgamation
of the body, mind and spirit,
an enlightened embodiment of the Divine
and an ever expanding consciousness
of All That Is.

Love is a many splendored thing
your mind is a many splendored thing
your Divinity is a many splendored thing
and together. . .
YOU are a many splendored Being.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Wings of the Divine

You reach the point
where your transformation is complete
and you sit upon your self-created throne,
with your gossamer wings poised to fly.

With a brief look around
you realize
the past makes no sense
and the future is unknown.

Where do you go from here?

The air glitters with invitation
and your Soul yearns to fly,
with a soft breath of trust
you spread your wings
and alight into the unknown.

The higher you soar
the more you see,
the deeper you dive
the more you feel,
the more open you are,
the more you hear.

a new world
presents itself
as you
see with new eyes,
hear with new ears,
feel with an open heart
and know that your wings
are the wings of the Divine.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

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Artwork The Official Josephine Wall

I Am a LightBody


The cells in my body
are transforming into
Crystalline Light
receiving and transmitting
multidimensional energies
faster than the speed
of my human mind.

Although I am
fully grounded
in my physical body
‘tis not the same body
I inhabited last week,
yesterday or even
a few moments ago.

I am now a LightBody
of expanded consciousness
enjoying the physicality
of this glorious planet
while continuing to create
through the expression
of my Divine Mind.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~

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Mother Earth is Birthing Anew

Mother Earth is expanding
day by day
her belly is
outgrowing her clothes
her crystalline core
is vibrating outward
sending shivers
of glorious light.

If a woman were in labor
in the process of birthing
how would you
ease her pain?

I would trust
that she knows
just what she’s doing
I would
rub her belly
breath deeply with her heartbeat
and sing sweet lullabies
to soother her.

That’s what I do
with our Mother Earth
as she labors
to provide a new home
for all her inhabitants
who honor her name
as she brings forth
this glorious birth.

We are all
day by day
outgrowing our
tattered old clothes.

Just as I trust Mother Earth
I trust the innate intelligence of my body
rubbing my belly
breathing deeply
and singing sweet lullabies
to soothe.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

The Old bows down to the New

When the world is in chaos
transformation is at its peak
for it is the chaos of destruction
that breaks down the walls
and clears the way
to create anew.

Amidst the chaos,
your heart is calling
go deeper into the silence
see with new eyes,
hear with new ears
and love without bounds.

‘Tis a new world we’re creating
where the old needs bow to the new
with deep reverence and honor
for what has come before
and open hearts
for what lies ahead.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by Helena Nelson-Reed

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The Celebrated Gift

Although you may feel
as if you have been shattered
into a gazillion pieces
that is not the case.

The space~in~between
has simply expanded
all that is no longer you.

Be at peace
and trust the process
for you were the one
who orchestrated it
before you incarnated.

Sit back and relax
with an elegant glass
of aged champagne
allowing the bubbles
to rise to the surface
with Joy in your Heart
for this celebrated gift of
Divine transformation.
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Dive Into the Depths

always stirs
our unconsciousness
with clear intent.

Amidst the stormy waters,
the surface thrashes about
to clear the old debris
while tranquility
is ever present
in the depths.

Dive deeply BeLoveds,
dive into the depths
of your Heartspace
the innate wisdom
of the storm to do its job.

There is no need
to be thrashed about
when your Heartspace
is always available
as your personal
place of solace.

Dive deeply BeLoveds,
for Serenity
is your sacred gift
from the Divine.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Artwork: Playmates by Scott Thom

Sing me into Bliss

A cacophony of words
swirl around me
pulling at me
from a multitude
of directions
my mind dizzy
with their

I take a seat
on the bare earth
inviting them all
into my heart
my arms
around them

As each unique vibration
enlivens itself
coming into
harmonic resonance
they create
a symphony of sound
that sings me
into Bliss.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
Artwork: Song of Angels 2 by Bouguereau, 1879

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Beyond the Bounds of Duality

is a sacred tool
originally Self created
as a reflection
to see the sacredness
of Who We Are.

Humanity has
turned that tool
against ourselves
by deeming it as judgment,
limited by two elements
of extremism
right or wrong
dark or light
black or white.

But in reality
I Am
all the colors of the rainbow
in beautiful
wondrous streams
of dark and light.

Once we go beyond
the bounds of duality
and begin painting life with
all the colors of the rainbow,
we see our Self
as All-That-Is
recognizing the darkness
as the powerful
Sacred Womb of Creation
where all of life gestates.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

artwork by Dorine Costras