Safe Haven of your Heart

Once upon a time
there was a young girl
who was afraid
to live in her human body
on this earth plane.

She created
an island in the sky
and delighted in spending
most of her time there
with an enclave of friends.

Then one day,
the island disappeared
and her friends told her
it was time to live
in her physical body full time.

Oh how she hated that!!!
she hated how entrapped she felt,
she missed her friends,
she missed the magic of the island
she missed creating new adventures.

Because she didn’t feel safe
on the earth plane,
she burrowed deep
within herself,
going deeper and deeper.

Then one day, lo and behold,
there was her island
floating in the ocean of her heart
with all her friends
waving her welcome.

Today this girl is blessed
because she has
the best of both worlds,
she knows she’s safe in her body
and all her friends have joined her.

The moral of the story,
go deep within…
for this is the only safe haven
where you will find
everything you’ll ever desire.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Need for Space

As the world explodes
with a cacophony
of mental chatter,
emotional turmoil
and external stimulus,
I need space,

Space between
my thoughts,
Space between
my actions,
Space between
my desires.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
to soothe,
to gentle,
to caress.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
to rejuvenate,
to revitalize,
to enliven.

‘Tis the space
betwixt it all
that allows
the Divine
to breathe into me
bringing me
back to life
as my Soul
knows itself
to be.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I Am Full


Light as a feather,
… drifting on the breeze.
Luminous as the sun,
… in all its splendor.
Beautiful as a flower,
… unfolding its petals.
Graceful as a dancer,
… each step in harmony.
Joyful as a child,
… in mindless wonder.
Playful as the faeries,
… in whimsical magic.
Peaceful as the Buddha,
… with each and every breath.
Bountiful as a tree,
… its branches heavy with fruit.
Grateful from my heart,
… to be so full.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Perfect Well-Being

The time for healing is passe’.
You are not broken.
You do not need to be fixed.
This is a time to celebrate Well~BEing.

And in doing so,
your body will respond
by returning to
the perfection of your Divine Self.

That’s how Yeshua performed miracles.
He didn’t cure anyone.
He recognized their perfect Well~BEing.
Therein lie the Miracles!!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Greg Olsen

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Through the Eyes of Your GodSelf

Your GodSelf does not degrade you.
and yet, you degrade your self
and you degrade others

When you see
through the eyes
of your GodSelf
life presents itself
with the pure perfection
for you are the perfection of the Divine
bursting forth
in the eternal unfoldment of Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude Louise Klein for the photo


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Freedom of a LightBody

The Intelligence of our body
is adept at creating its natural
organic state of Divine perfection.

Our Well~BEing
corresponds to our TRUST
in the perfection of our body,
instead of constantly trying
to correct its “perceived” maladies.

The more you revel in your physicality
and allow its innate expansion,
the more Light emerges from within.

THIS is a LightBody.
THIS is Freedom.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Simplicity of Life

Oh how simple life is
when I trust that everything
is provided in the moment
there is no energy wasted
on the “what ifs” of tomorrow
all the more to enjoy
here and now.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Sovereignty of the LightBody

Our LightBody is sovereign
self-sufficient and self-balancing.

Every time we ply it
with unnecessary supplements
and rigid eating programs
we short circuit its Divine Matrix
and kick it out of alignment.

When we honor its intelligence
to “ask and listen”
especially during times of transition
it will always advise us
how to best support it
with ease and grace.

It will always tell you. . .
the best superfood has always been LOVE!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Self Generating

A Sovereign being is whole and complete
no longer dependent on anyone or anything
outside themselves for their well-being

A Sovereign being generates
their own source energy from within
no longer in need of anything external to feed upon

No longer in need of special diets or supplements
eating becomes a joy, a celebration of living
rather than the necessary sustenance of the physical body.

A Sovereign being reverses the aging process
because there’s no longer any diminishment
only fulfillment as a fully Christed being
with an infinite ever-expanding flow of energy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.