As you close your eyes
at the end of the day
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to wash over you
through you
clearing your thoughts
easing your resistance
healing your body.
Before you open your eyes
in the morning
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to fill you
permeating every cell
of your body and mind
to initiate perfect well-being.
Whenever anything
or anyone triggers
your resistance
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to dissolve the discord and
expand your consciousness
to the perfection
of All That Is.
The essence of Life
has never eluded us
the essence of Life
is ever flowing as Divine Love
drink of it
with your breath
your heart and your mind.
Drink freely and live
the infinite fullness of Life.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
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